Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 9 Barrier 1

There was only half a bag of pea seeds, and Lawrence took turns holding pea seeds from the bag and spreading them across the fields.

Before sowing, the soil must be loosened and the weeds and soil clods in the field must be broken up. The main physical work is such trivial tasks as weeding and picking.

Sowing seeds is much simpler.

Andrew introduced Lawrence: "Just scatter these beans. We will fetch water later. Everything you plant needs water."

Lawrence looked down at the pea seeds in his hand. Many of these seeds were shriveled particles.

In fact, peas are not suitable for continuous planting. Lawrence did not understand this before, but after observing it for several years on his own farm, he discovered that continuous planting of the same crops will reduce the yield a lot.

Agriculture in this era is very dependent on the weather, and the annual harvest is not fixed. Everyone's daily life is very tiring, and there is no one who specializes in summarizing this agricultural knowledge. It often takes decades and hundreds of years to just rely on the farmers' own summary. It will take a hundred years.

Fortunately, farmers also have their own coping methods. Just like Andrew, if the potato harvest is not good this year, they will not plant it next year.

If it is a matter of life and death for a family, we will never fight to the death, but we will not choose unfamiliar plants either. We usually choose several common crops in rotation.

Although I didn't understand the principle, I vaguely did things that conformed to the rules.

Lawrence has a prophetic thinking that does not belong to the ignorant era, and he does not want the farmland of the Andrew family to be affected.

"Andrew, many of these seeds are bad seeds. Why not choose some good seeds to plant?"

Andrew showed a strange expression, "Just sow them all. The seeds that cannot survive will rot in the ground and there is no need to pick them out."

"Is it possible to select healthy seeds and plant only those good seeds?" Lawrence explains.

Andrew shook his head quickly, "I think many seeds can produce peas. If they are not planted, wouldn't it be wasted?"

Salil was sowing seeds in the field, using a wooden rake to pull the loose soil around to cover the scattered seeds.

She didn't seem to like talking when she was working. She was quietly doing the farm work she had been familiar with for more than ten years. Although she heard the conversation between Lawrence and Andrew, she did not express any opinions.

Lawrence defended: "It's actually very simple. You just need to use a bucket of water and soak these seeds in the water. What will float up will definitely be the shriveled bad seeds, and what will sink will be the plump good seeds."

Andrew didn’t understand Lawrence’s approach, “If it’s a good seed, you’ll know it just by planting it, why bother?”

Even bad seeds are still seeds, and sowing more seeds means more harvest.

Andrew's stubbornness and thinking made Lawrence politely stop the debate. After all, the two parties were not relatives, and they had not known each other for a long time. They should not make rash comments on the way of survival that others have insisted on for decades.

Andrew can rely on his own experience and strength to make a full meal, and he is currently, to put it mildly, relying on others.

"I wanted to give it a try, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to try. It doesn't need much, just two steps wide of land, where I want to plant the seeds I picked out."

Lawrence still wanted to give it a try, not only as a suggestion to Andrew, but also as an attempt and experiment for his own future agricultural development.

The cost of the experiment is not much, just a piece of four square meters of land and a handful of seeds.

Andrew said helplessly: "I still have to work, it's up to you."

As long as the seeds were planted in the field, Andrew had nothing to say.

Lawrence said happily: "Andrew, maybe you will feel that your decision is very wise next summer!"

Andrew had already gone to work in the fields. After hearing this, he was still helpless, "I hope so."

Lawrence quickly went to the river to fetch water. The Andrew family relied on the rivers formed by rainwater and snow on the mountains for drinking water. The water quality here was quite good and crystal clear, but there were no fish or shrimps in sight, and there was no way to fish.

By the time they came back from fetching water, Salil and Andrew had almost finished the work in the fields.

Lawrence found that Salil had gone back to mind her own business, and it seemed that the relationship that had eased slightly had become cold again.

Andrew came over and asked curiously: "If you throw the peas in cold water, won't the seeds get spoiled?"

Lawrence suddenly couldn't answer this realistic question. After thinking for a moment, he said uncertainly: "Pea seeds should not be that fragile."

Andrew asked curiously: "Why is it the habit in the city that seeds in water are good seeds?"

Lawrence thought for a second, "Yeah."

He added: "Perhaps next year, after the peas mature, we can preserve the pea pods and peas intact and cultivate specially grown seeds."

Andrew showed an unexpected look, and after thinking about it, he said, "It sounds very troublesome."

Lawrence was speechless for a while. Although Andrew's planting technology was lagging behind now, he didn't feel that he was lagging behind.

Andrew should be very satisfied with the current harvest and his own agricultural technology. He does not want to take risks and make changes, nor does he want to do more troublesome things.

If you have that free time, it is much better to sit down and rest for a while than to waste food indiscriminately.

Science and technology need to be promoted by external factors. If it is accumulated by luck without motivation, it usually takes a long time.

This external cause is usually war.

Andrew felt bored after watching it for a while, but he still watched.

Lawrence planted all the peas with Sophia's help, and then the three of them went back to eat together.

There was an extra egg in the meal today, one for each of Lawrence and Salil, but none for herself.

Although Lawrence didn't help today, Sophia helped Salil work in the fields for a long time.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Lawrence went out for a walk without anything else to do. As soon as he went out, he saw Andrew sitting at the door playing with wood.

"Andrew, what are you doing?"

Andrew replied: "The hoe I used these days is broken. I am making a new hoe."

Instead of an iron hoe, Andrew made a wooden hoe, which would become chipped under constant knocking after a few days of use.

Lawrence asked, "How long will this new one last?"

"It usually lasts a month." Andrew used an iron knife to sharpen a piece of wood the size of a shoe sole and process it into a suitable size.

Iron tools were very rare in this era, and the most common iron tools besides kitchen knives were farm tools and daggers.

Because the quality of iron tools is very low and the consumption is very high, and things like armor and crossbows can only be purchased by the great nobles.

This place is even more backward than the Middle Ages, and productivity and science and technology are basically in the slave period.

There was nothing interesting about the making of tools, and Lawrence quickly wandered around again to familiarize himself with the environment.

"I'm going to see if there's anyone in the trap."

"Okay." Andrew responded and continued busy with his own affairs.

If you want to have a full stomach in the mountains and forests, you can't be idle most of the time. There are many, many things to do every day.

Lawrence didn't understand this, but Andrew wasn't in a hurry.

"I hope Salil can get along with Lawrence soon, alas..."

Andrew is now only concerned about his daughter's marriage and is very worried.

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