Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 92 Wounded Crow

In the cold winter, Lawrence’s family had endless wolf meat hot pot and even more moose meat than they wanted to eat.


Fatty moose meat cut into pieces with a knife sizzled in the hot pan, and Sofia looked on happily with a cleaned clay pot.

Sariel stirred the pot with a wooden spoon to melt the fat in the pot and turn it into fat.

The fat gave off the aroma of meat, which gave young Sophia a strong appetite.

Outside the house, Lawrence was drying two snow wolf skins.

Although the temperature has been very low these days, there is not a lot of sunshine on the mountain.

Two Dom sheep and one ordinary sheep were tied up near the forest to graze. If they were extremely hungry, they would look for edible root plants in fallen leaves and soil.

Lawrence looked at the two wolf skins, which were held up by branches and had frozen into slabs. The main reason was that the meat and fat on the fur had frozen. The wolf fur was very warm to the touch.

Lawrence smelled the aroma coming from the house, and then walked around the house with a wooden stick, inspecting the nearby situation to prevent any wild beasts from being attracted by the scent.

"I'm tired of eating meat lately."

When Lawrence was bored and thinking about how to get some vegetables to improve the taste, there was a strange noise on the roof.

Lawrence quickly walked to the front and looked at the roof, and found two crows on this side looking for something in the wolf skin, and trying to take one of the wolf skins away.


When Lawrence appeared, the two crows quickly screamed and flew away.

Lawrence looked at the two crows and carefully identified them, "It doesn't seem to be the same crow from before."

The crows all looked similar, and Lawrence couldn't tell which one it was.

Lawrence had no intention of driving them away, but he also did not come into contact with the crows.

After a minute or two, Lawrence, who was basking in the sun outside the house and watching over the sheep in the distance, noticed that the crows were coming again.

This time there were two more crows, and a total of four crows flew to the roof above.

The four crows didn't seem to be afraid of humans on the ground. After landing, they pecked at the exposed wolf skin a few times, trying to eat the meat from it.

However, the wolf meat that had already been frozen hard was not so delicious, and these crows were not interested in the soft wolf fur.

Lawrence's tolerance for these crows also had a limit. When he saw four crows trying to pick up the wolf skin and fly away, Lawrence summoned a sniper.

"Sariel, your wolf pelt is going to be stolen by the crows."

Lawrence, who was sitting in the snow basking in the sun, quickly shouted into the house.

Salil's voice soon came from the room.


Not two seconds after Salil's voice sounded, the person had already appeared at the door, quickly looking for the location of his wolf skin.

After walking to Lawrence's position and turning around to look around, Sariel discovered the four crows on the roof who were preparing to commit the crime.

Sariel did not carry an axe, and there were no stones or other objects around her. She quickly bent down, grabbed two clumps of snow nearby with her hands, and squeezed them together.

Crunch~ The snow made a squeezing sound.

The crows on the roof did not need reminding and quickly flew up. They seemed to be aware of certain types of postures and hand movements.

Just like wild animals see humans carrying sticks, birds have an almost instinctive reaction when they see humans raising their hands.

Two of the four crows flew up quickly, and the remaining two just opened their wings and were about to fly away.

Suddenly a white snow ball flew quickly!

Before the two crows could dodge, the compressed snowball hit one crow.

The crow, which had a few feathers knocked out, screamed in agony, and its body with outstretched wings was blown away by the snowball and fell to the roof, unable to move.

The other crow fled quickly, panicking.

"Papa!" Salil patted the snow dregs on her hands and said bitterly: "These bad birds! They only know how to steal things!"

Salil raised her head and looked at the immobile crow on the roof again, feeling much better.

"We're going to eat roasted bird today!" Salil remembered that there was something else going on in the house, so she walked into the house, "Lawrence, take down the bird and I'll cook it later."

Lawrence is not usually responsible for cooking, but because he also helps with cooking and takes the initiative to cook, he is not the type of traditional barbarian who would not be responsible for such things.

Andrew is also responsible for cooking when he is at home, so Saryl does not regard cooking as a woman's business like Emma does.

The lazy Lawrence quickly got up from the wooden chair and walked under the roof to look at the crow lying motionless but not dead yet.

The good news is that this crow is not the one he encountered before, but the bad news is that these crows have the habit of stealing, and he must always be wary of them when drying meat in the future.

As for the crow's revenge, there is no need to consider it. How could Sariel care about the revenge of these little birds.

If these little birds dare to retaliate, Salil will shoot down crows when they see them in the future to see who can exterminate the clan first.

It is difficult for these crows to find food on their own and survive, and there is no time to take revenge.

"You're lucky. I would have eaten you before. But I don't have enough meat to feed you these days."

Lawrence brought the chair and box, went up and took down the quivering crow.

The crow had no obvious injuries and was just hit by the snowball.

If you don't care, you will probably die.

Lawrence quickly brought the crow into the house and placed it at the window.

When I came out again, I had three pieces of moose meat the size of French fries in my hand.

I've been eating it for the past few days and I feel so sick that I can't eat it anymore, so I just feed it to the crows.

Wolf meat is fresher than moose meat. Now there is a serious backlog of moose meat. If you don’t eat it, wolf meat will also lose its freshness.

There is already a lot of bacon in the reserved meat, and a lot of it has been processed now, and there is no surplus salt for processing.

The temperature inside the house is high, and it is easy to be stolen if left outside. It is now difficult to preserve ingredients.

If you raise a dog, you can digest some of the food. It's a pity that you can't borrow the three sled dogs, otherwise they can be of great use.

While thinking about the dog, Lawrence placed the piece of meat on the stone in the distance, then turned around and walked to the chair to continue sitting down and basking in the sun.

The Dom sheep in the distance are still looking for food near the pine trees. The mountains and forests in the distance are gray and white.

Not long after, two crows stood on the stone, looking here curiously.

Lawrence showed plenty of patience as he basked in the sun.

Not long after, the meat strips on the stone were picked up by two crows.

Lawrence didn't want to move until he felt like he was done, and then he went to bring the three sheep back to prepare for dinner.


As soon as I entered the house, the crow at the window began to crow.

Sariel asked: "Lawrence, that crow kept croaking after it came in. Let's eat it."

Lawrence said: "Keep it first, just by the window."

The window is more than a meter thick, just enough for an injured crow in the middle.

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