Movie Witcher

Chapter 12: :agile

Although the attack effect is not ideal, Luo Ning is not surprised. After all, this dark troll is a second-order elite-level extraordinary creature.

According to the division of the system, the first level is equal to tenth level, and the second level is the twenty level. With the addition of style, Luo Ning can reach the magic shooting of LV3, which is a full 17 levels away. The output is weak, then It is also a matter of course.

In fact, the magic shot of LV3 is not enough to hurt the dark troll at all, but the excellent power of the silver eagle maximizes the effect of this skill. The combination of the two plays a role of one plus one greater than two , which can break the outer skin of the dark troll.

But that's all it takes. After Elder Wendigo became a dark troll, his physique and mysterious characteristics were enhanced. Ronin's bullets could only break through its outer skin and damage part of the superficial muscles. Unable to continue.

This damage is not worth mentioning for the dark trolls who focus on strengthening physical and mental strength. Continuous damage, superimposed accumulation is also delusional. Visible speed of healing, and soon formed a scab.

Physique is the general term for the physical quality of life, which affects the strength and toughness of muscles, bones, internal organs and all organ cells. A strong physique can not only make people have strong defense resistance, but also make people have strong recovery ability. Ensure enough battery life to support the battle consumption.

With the physique of the dark troll, it is completely unrealistic for Ronin to rely on the accumulation of damage to kill him. Maybe he has used up all the bullets and mana, and the dark troll is still alive and well.

Attacking, it is hard to see results, and the consumption is useless. The situation is extremely unfavorable for Ronin. Although he still holds the trump card of incendiary bombs, for this powerful dark troll, a few incendiary bombs are still in his hand. , can it really be a fatal blow?

Luo Ning didn't know either, but the current situation could no longer allow him to make other choices. Whether he could or couldn't, he had to give it a shot.


After swallowing the last piece of flesh and blood and comforting the hunger in his stomach, the dark troll finally got up and turned his head, facing the intruder Ronin squarely.

Compared with its back, the face of the dark troll is undoubtedly more terrifying. Under the huge antlers is a pale stag skull, like a mask, covering its real head, but there is a difference between the two. There is a connection of flesh and blood, and the dark red flesh and blood tentacles are entangled and spread on the pale skull, and in its empty eye sockets, a pair of turbid and yellow pupils can be faintly seen.

In addition, this helmet-like stag skull has only the upper jaw, and the lower jaw is missing, exposing a large **** mouth covered by the skull, and there are still a lot of flesh and blood debris left in the staggered fangs. People shudder.

What deserves more attention is its arms. Those thick, long and thin arms fell to the ground. The hands and fingers had long been replaced by sharp claws that were deformed like hooks. With the power of dark trolls, Ronin believed it. Definitely has the terrifying power to tear apart an adult brown bear.

Now, it is staring at Ronin, in the stag's skull, the dim yellow pupils are shining with hunger and longing, making its breathing more and more heavier, in this quiet mine, it gives people the feeling Thriller is not enough to describe.

Seeing this, Luo Ning smiled, took off the coat that was not conducive to action, and threw it aside, then held the silver eagle in one hand and tickled the troll as if provocative.



Although the language did not communicate with each other, the dark troll still understood what Ronin meant, and was immediately provoked. With a roar, his tall body suddenly burst into flames and charged straight towards Ronin at an astonishing speed.

The physique is strong, and the speed of the explosion is naturally not slow. If the Wendigo elites that Zhongli encountered before were charged like wild horses, then when the dark troll charged, it was a heavy truck running out of control. Flesh and blood are impossible to stop.

Although Luo Ning's physique is far superior to ordinary people, he is still unable to resist the charge of this dark troll. Fortunately, he has no idea of ​​​​stoking it. The moment the dark troll charged, he rolled on the spot. On the right side, raise your hand, raise your gun, aim, shoot!


The dark troll charged and galloped, Ronin rolled on the spot, and the bodies of the two sides staggered, but at this moment of staggering, a loud bang shook, the gorgeous gun flames bloomed, and the bullets wrapped in magic burst into the air. At an extremely tricky angle, it shot into the armpit of the dark troll.

If it was Wendigo, who was shot by Ronin, let's not talk about the damage, the body would definitely fly out under the force, but when it was put on the dark troll, it only shifted its body a bit. .

Fortunately, this deviation is usually insignificant, but now it has a miraculous effect. It directly deflects the direction of the dark troll's charge, and it can't help but hit the rock wall next to it.


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and the dark troll slammed heavily on the rock wall. The terrifying force and the hard head directly smashed the rock wall, and a large amount of gravel and dust fell, covering its body. above, but then it was shaken off by it shaking its head.

This collision did not cause any substantial damage to it!

Even Ronin's shot was useless. There was only a slight wound under the armpit of the dark troll. With the strength of the armpit muscles, a severely deformed warhead was squeezed with blood and pus. It came out and fell to the ground, making a crisp echo.


Seeing this, the dark troll roared like a chuckle, as if mocking Ronin's weakness and powerlessness.

In response to this, Ronin simply raised his hand and shot directly at the head of the dark troll.


With a loud bang, sparks splashed everywhere, facing Ronin's muzzle, the dark troll deflected his head slightly, so that the bullet that shot into its eye socket finally landed on the stag's skull outside its head, and then, Sparks splashed, bullets bounced, and the pale stag's skull remained intact.


Although he didn't suffer any damage, Ronin's move angered the dark troll again, and the terrifying troll roared and charged again, hitting Ronin unstoppably.

Youdao is a fresh move, eating all over the sky, facing the second-degree offensive of the dark trolls, Luo Ning's response is still the same as before. Pulling the trigger one after another, three bullets were fired one after another with the roar of the silver eagle, penetrating the troll's leg muscles, hoping to pierce the tibia and restrict its movement.

Unfortunately, it was still unsuccessful. The legs are not the weakness of the dark troll. On the contrary, the defense is particularly strong. Luo Ning fired three shots in a row, only one bullet was lucky enough to break into the flesh, and the other two bullets were blocked by its outer skin. , without causing any damage.

Fortunately, the damage was not done, and the kinetic energy effect still existed. The dark troll who was shot by Ronin in the tibia of the leg lost his balance in an instant and fell heavily forward.


Just as Luo Ning got up, he heard a loud noise, and when he looked back, he saw the huge body of the dark troll slammed to the ground, his back hips raised, and the empty door opened wide.

There was a great opportunity in front of him. Naturally, there was no reason to let it go. Luo Ning's muzzle instantly locked on the center of the troll's back buttocks. Then, he pulled the trigger and delivered a blast!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The silver eagle roared with a loud roar, and three bullets flew out under the envelope of magic power, penetrating heavily into the dark troll's back buttocks and flesh. Immediately, the blood splattered and the thick juice flowed, which was truly terrible.

It is a pity that Wendigo, a supernatural creature mutated from human beings, retains a roughly human shape on the outside, but their body structure is already inhuman, so it does not have the traditional sense of reproduction and reproduction. The excretory organ has no corresponding weakness.

Therefore, the huge damage effect caused by Luo Ning's three shots is not because he has found any weakness of the dark troll, but because this part has more flesh and is fuller, so it explodes a little more. Blood and juice came out. In fact, the effects of these three shots were not much different from before.

This can also be seen from the reaction of the dark troll. The trauma on the rear hip did not cause much impact. It quickly recovered, turned its head and rushed towards Ronin more violently.

It's not that it remembers what to eat or not to fight. As an extraordinary creature of the second-order elite level, the dark troll's attack methods should not be so simple, but it is a dark troll who has just completed the advanced level, and many abilities are I haven't had time to master it, and I can't even control the power of this body, so I can only rely on the physical advantage to attack savagely.

Relying on physical advantages to attack, this is nothing, but this dark troll has too low agility attributes, too weak coordination, and too slow reaction speed to control such a powerful body.

Physique is the sum of physical qualities, affecting life, strength, speed, and defense.

If the human body is compared to a car, then the physical attributes are the body, fuel tank, power supply, tires, and engines, which directly affect the strength and performance of the car. The driver's control of the vehicle.

Just imagine, if a car is running at high speed and there is a problem with the internal wiring, the brakes, steering wheel and clutch all fail, what will be the result?

Now, although the dark troll is not yet at this level, its situation is also very embarrassing. Its strength is strong enough, its speed is fast enough, but it is not sensitive enough, so that Ronin can easily avoid its attacks, but it has nothing to do with Ronin. .

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