Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“It turned out to be this world.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Xu’s mouth.

The comprehensive world composed of many Hong Kong movies sounds very interesting.

“Do some preliminary preparations first.”

Glancing at the time, Li Xu took a quick shower and checked some information on the computer in the bedroom.

Time flies.

When Li Xu went to the front desk to check out, it was already dark outside, and it even started to rain mistyly.

“Mr. Lucis, the High Table has taken action, and Mr. Winston wishes you to stay safe.”

The black brother Charon at the front desk pointedly reminded him.

“I appreciate Winston’s kindness, but it is not I who should be careful.”

Li Xu smiled slightly, wearing a long black windbreaker, and walking into the rain with a black umbrella in his hand.

Chapter 14

Under the dark night, the rain is getting heavier.

There were few pedestrians on the empty street, only the dim street lamps stood there dimly.

With one hand in his pocket and the other holding an umbrella, Li Xu strolled leisurely in the rain alone.


The leather boots stepped on the wet ground, making a slightly dull and hollow sound.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear many small footsteps, as if a group of people are following closely behind Li Xu.

“You can’t hold your breath so soon?”

Li Xu smiled softly, holding an umbrella in his hand, turned around and turned into an empty alley.

“Tick tock.”

Water droplets slide off the black umbrella surface.

Li Xu stopped in the middle of the alley, looking at the killer in black clothes who suddenly appeared at both ends of the alley.

“Ms. Cynthia is very fast.”

Li Xu closed the black umbrella and held it in his hand.

“Anyone fighting the high table has to pay a price.”

Cynthia stood at the front full of aura, her tone was cold and unquestionable.

“Oh, is it?”

Li Xu raised his eyebrows, with an expression of indifference.

Without any nonsense, Cynthia took off the glove of her right hand and threw it on the ground.

This seemed to be a signal to attack.

The killers who were waiting all around rushed towards Li Xu quickly, holding sharp short knives.

“Ninja-inspired killer, weird mash-up.”

Li Xu wasn’t panicking at all, and even made fun of it.

With his physical fitness more than ten times the limit of ordinary people, the movements of the killers seemed to slow down in his eyes.

Easily dodging a short knife that was coming at him, Li Xu grabbed the tip of the black umbrella, hooked the curved umbrella handle around a killer’s neck, and pulled it closer, with a knee on his knee.

There was a piercing bone cracking sound.

The captured killer’s face was covered with blood, his facial features were sunken inwards, and he fell limply.

And Li Xu took the dagger in his hand, looked sideways at the rushing killer, and greeted him with a bloodthirsty smile.

The beautiful and deadly knife lights lit up in the alley.

Before Cynthia could react, she saw Li Xu walking in front of her with a smile on his face, and behind him lay the killer with his throat cut.

“Your Excellency the Adjudicator.”

“Stand back.”

The middle-aged bald-headed man with a big boss air who hadn’t done anything before stepped forward with his eyes slightly squinted.

“My code name is Zero.”

“It’s an honor to fight with Your Excellency.”

“I seem to have seen you before. The puffer fish slices in your Japanese grocery store are pretty good.” Li Xu raised his eyebrows.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Zero smiled, and walked forward cautiously and excitedly with a knife in both hands.

“Why rush to die.” Li Xu shook his head slightly, holding the knife with one hand, with the point of the knife facing the ground diagonally.


The sound of knives colliding sounded.

The figures of the two passed by each other.


Zero showed an excited smile, a line of blood appeared on his neck, and he fell directly to the ground.


“Ms. Cynthia, what are you going to do?”

Li Xu held the knife, with a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the lady adjudicator who clenched her fists and barely pretended to be calm.


A flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

Gradually dense rainwater slapped on the blood-red knife, mixed with blood and slipped from the knife tip.



The sound of blood and water falling on the ground seemed to be the bell of death.

“The High Table will not let you go.” Cynthia’s gray-brown eyes fixed on Li Xu.

“Unfortunately, the answer was wrong.”

Li Xu shook his head and raised the knife in his hand.


Another bolt of lightning streaked across the dark night sky.

“Why haven’t you come back yet?”

Matilda hugged the quilt and curled up on the sofa, staring at the door with her big beautiful eyes.


Li Xu opened the door and entered the room.

Looking at Matilda who was curled up into a ball, he stepped forward and pinched her nose.

“It’s raining today, it’s so cold, I don’t know how to go back to my room and wait.”

“I want to see you sooner.” Matilda pressed against Li Xu, with indescribable attachment in her eyes.

“Then you can go to bed now.”

Li Xu rolled his eyes and picked up the girl by the waist.

After arriving at Matilda’s room, Li Xu put her down.

“It’s thundering outside today, let’s sleep together.”

Matilda lay on the quilt, holding Li Xu’s hand tightly.

“It’s like this again.”

Li Xu shook his head, and said helplessly, “I’ll take a shower first, wait.”


Matilda nodded obediently, and quietly made a victory gesture with her hands behind her back.

the next day.

Li Xu opened his eyes, and lifted Matilda who had crawled onto him at some point and was tightly wrapped around him.

“Lucis, I’m so sleepy.”

“I don’t have to go to school today, let me sleep more.”

Matilda rubbed her eyes and gave a hutch.

“Ten minutes for you.”

“Otherwise, the plan to go to the amusement park will be cancelled.”

Li Xu stood up and stretched his body, and opened the curtains by the way.

After a night of heavy rain last night, the sky was exceptionally clear and pure.

But there are a few white clouds floating near the sun, making the sun warm and not dazzling.


Matilda replied listlessly, and it took a while to react, and sat up abruptly.

“Really, are we going to the amusement park today?”

“You won’t go if you don’t get up.” Seeing Matilda’s dazed and cute appearance, Li Xu leaned over and pinched her smooth white face.

“I’ll take a shower right away.”

Matilda screamed in surprise and ran barefoot towards the bathroom.

Li Xu smiled and shook his head.

Taking Matilda to the amusement park was also an impromptu idea of his.

After all, he is going to the next world soon.

Although there is a space-time node, he can spend experience points to come back, and the time to come back is the moment he left.

But he himself may not see this lovely girl for a long time.

“I’m ready.”

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Matilda ran out in a hurry, for fear that Li Xu would regret it.

But even so, it seems that there is still a youthful and beautiful feeling of clear water entering hibiscus.

“Then you go and change, and I’ll brush my teeth and wash my face.”

Seeing the girl who wished to drag him away immediately, Li Xu walked into the bathroom speechlessly.

“Then hurry up.”

Matilda yelled.

Hurry up, it would be nice if you can change in an hour.

Li Xu couldn’t complain.

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