Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“Hey, you should run away.”

Zhou Xingxing chased up on a small motorcycle that was not as tall as his legs, and after seeing clearly that the person who came down was Li Xu, he even exclaimed: “It’s you!”

“A group of terrorists are attacking Edinburgh Secondary School. Let me borrow your car.”

Li Xu’s eyes lit up, he squeezed Zhou Xingxing down, and rode away on his motorcycle.

“You took me with you!”

Zhou Xingxing cursed angrily, and ran forward, preparing to find a vehicle to drive there.

“Trash, don’t be an eyesore here, go out and install the bomb.”

In the room just now, James looked at Mike, who couldn’t even deal with a few students, and scratched himself with blood all over his face, and yelled angrily.

Mike lowered his head and clenched his fists, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

“Search for me.”

“Find Guan Zu, the son of the Deputy Commissioner of Police.”

James snorted coldly, turned around and ordered loudly.


The terrorists spread out in twos and carefully searched every nearby room.

“They searched here right away.”

“Teacher He, what should we do?”

Huang Xiaogui’s face turned pale, and he looked at He Min, the only teacher here, asking for help.


He Min pursed her lips nervously, not knowing what to say.

She is also an ordinary person who doesn’t know what to do in the face of terrorists.

“Just fight them.”

Zhuang Ni took the submachine gun he picked up just now and said angrily.

“They are here to arrest me, I will go out to lure them away.” Guan Zu was silent for a while and spoke.

“No, it should be the teacher who wants to go.” He Min subconsciously refused. Everyone here is her student, and she can’t let her students take risks.

“They came to catch me, so they shouldn’t kill me.”

Guan Zu shook his head, and without waiting for He Min to refuse, he rushed out of the room where they were hiding and shouted: “I am Guan Zu, if you have the ability, come and arrest me.”

“There, grab him.”

The terrorists chased after them one after another.

“bring it on.”

Excitement flashed in Guan Zu’s eyes, he half-bent and ran into the room on the left, and hooked a grenade ring on the door with a thread.

“Chasing, he ran into here.”

Two terrorists opened the door first and walked in.


As the door opened, the pull tab was also hooked off, the grenade exploded, and the two terrorists were left dead.

“That’s it.”

The look of excitement in Guan Zu’s eyes became more and more intense.

“Stop chasing.”

James heard the explosion, his eyes were gloomy, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Maybe we should use a more efficient method to bring people up.”

He Min, Zhuang Ni, Huang Xiaogui and others were suppressed by terrorists.

James pointed a gun at one of the students, and said coldly through the loudspeaker: “Guan Zu, your classmate is in my hands. Come out now, or I will kill one person every minute.”


Guan Zu clenched his fists tightly.

He is still young now, and he doesn’t know how to deal with this threat.

“Thirty seconds left.”

“Ten seconds left.”

“What should I do?” Guan Zu gritted his teeth tightly.

“Three seconds.”

James’ finger gradually approached the trigger.

“Don’t shoot, let them go.”

Guan Zu walked out with his hands raised.

“very good.”

James laughed and ordered his men to tie Guan Zu up.

“The auditorium is not conducive to defense, and people are pledged to the fifth floor of the teaching building.”

“Contact the Hong Kong Island police at the same time, negotiate with them, and ask them to release them.”

“No one can stop us this time.”.

Chapter 33

“Oh, wait for me.”

Outside Edinburgh Middle School, Zhou Xingxing was riding a requisitioned motorcycle and finally caught up with Li Xu.

“What kind of broken car are you?”

Li Xu got off the motorcycle and kicked the engine in disgust.

This broken car couldn’t pick up the speed along the way.

“What’s wrong with my car, I haven’t settled with you for the attack on the police officer just now.”

Zhou Xingxing jumped out of the car and pointed at Li Xu.

“Call the officer.”

Li Xu took out the special consultant certificate that his uncle had given him earlier.


Zhou Xingxing opened his mouth, big enough to stuff a goose egg in, with a look of grief and indignation.

This is definitely a shady police force, the back door that the unscrupulous boss gave his nephew.

He is going to complain!

“I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you.”

Li Xu turned over the wall and pulled Zhou Xingxing up by the way.

“I’ll save people later, you go search for bombs.”

“According to the previous modus operandi of these terrorists, they will definitely plant a large number of bombs in the school.”

“Can you do it?” Zhou Xingxing looked at Li Xu suspiciously.

“Better than you.”

Li Xumin glanced at Zhou Xingxing, and sneaked into the teaching building quietly.

“Better than me?”

“I’ll let you know who is the number one killer of the Flying Tigers.”

Zhou Xingxing snorted and sneaked into the teaching building in another direction.

In the teaching building.

Li Xu covered the mouth of a ghost and dragged him to a corner.


The ghost kicked his legs hard.

“Which floor is the hostage?”

Li Xu let go of Gui Lao’s mouth, and gradually tightened his arms around his neck.

“fu-ck you!”

Gui Lao stared at Li Xu viciously.

“There is a kind.”

Li Xu twisted his neck expressionlessly, and took off the walkie-talkie from the corpse.


After eavesdropping on their conversation for a while, Li Xu showed a cold smile: “So it’s on the fifth floor.”

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, Li Xu frowned and changed his clothes.

“Boss, three more brothers have lost contact.”

On the fifth floor, James’ face turned livid as he listened to the bad news coming from the walkie-talkie.

Originally, except for the small accident of Azu, the plan went smoothly.

But a group of people seemed to appear suddenly in the school, and accidents happened one after another to his subordinates.

Could it be the Hong Kong Island police, how could they react so quickly?

James was in doubt, feeling that the situation was gradually out of his control, and couldn’t help feeling irritable.

“Be patient for a while, someone is coming to save us.”

He Min lowered his head and comforted the nearby students in a low voice.

The woman’s intuition told her that Li Xu must be here.


Huang Xiaogui nodded like a chick pecking rice.

He was beaten up by terrorists before, and he wished he could get out of the misery immediately.

“To shut up.”

Seeing that the hostages were becoming agitated, James’ eyes turned cold, and he shot Huang Xiaogui in the thigh.

“it’s me again.”

Huang Xiaogui clutched his legs and wailed on the ground.

The sudden sound of gunfire and wailing silenced everyone.

“Think someone will come to save you?”

James sneered disdainfully, asked someone to connect to the school’s public address system, and then picked up the microphone: “Listen to me, no matter who you are, surrender immediately, or I will kill the hostages.”

“Anyway, there are many people here. I will kill one person every minute until I kill them all.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone changed color, and some young girls suddenly cried out of fear.

James smiled ferociously, and pointed a gun at Huang Xiaogui who was still howling: “I’ll give you a minute, if you don’t come out and surrender, I’ll kill him first.”

In the crowd, He Min and the female students cuddled together, and there was a look of struggle in their eyes when they heard this sentence.

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