Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Leon looked troubled.

“God **** swimming trunks!”

Li Xu rolled his eyes.

What kind of brain circuit does this have to be associated with swimming trunks.

“The water pool is obviously Chu Renmei’s home field, only fools will take the initiative to go in.”

Li Xu thought for a while, and took out a large pile of explosives from the storage space.

“We blasted a hole in the low-lying part of the pool, and directly opened the gate to release the water.”

“Good idea.” Leon nodded in agreement.

Just do it.

As an ammunition expert, Li Xu played bombs very skillfully.

It didn’t take long for all the explosives to be placed.

“Stay away.”

Pulling away Leon standing by the pool, Li Xu pressed the detonator.



The violent explosion echoed in the mountains, forming a circle of echoes.

A big hole was blasted directly below the pool, and a large amount of pool water slanted out.

About half an hour.

Only a shallow layer remained in the pool, revealing the mud at the bottom and a pale human bone.

The human bone can be roughly identified as a woman, and there is a bracelet on her right wrist.

“found it.”

Li Xu chuckled lightly.

“let me.”

Leon took out a roll of plastic wrap from his suitcase, and proudly introduced: “This is the result of my years of painstaking research. The plastic wrap contains a kind of nitric acid sulfur oxide, which can wrap the energy molecules of ghosts.”

“as long as you are happy.”

Li Xu couldn’t complain.

Catching ghosts is so simple, Taoist priests don’t have to mess around.

Looking at the energy in Leon’s body like a big light bulb, Li Xu guessed that this man had supernatural powers since he was a child. The specific effect is unknown, but it doesn’t look simple.

“Since you don’t believe it, I’ll prove it to you.”

Leon held the plastic wrap and walked into the bottom of the pool with his head held high.


After not taking a few steps, a dog gnawed at the mud.


“The bottom of this pool is too slippery.”

Leon got up again, wiped the mud on his face, and walked towards the human bone again.


Fall down for the second time.

“Do you still want to say that the bottom of the pool is too slippery?”

Li Xu laughed teasingly.


Lyon was about to defend himself, but his face suddenly changed. Before he could speak, he was dragged into the mud at the bottom of the pool. .

Chapter 52


Li Xu frowned and pulled out his gun, aiming at the human bones at the bottom of the pool and shooting one after another.


The human bones directly turned into a pile of fragments.

“Not in there?”

Seeing that Chu Meiren didn’t respond, Li Xu murmured in surprise.

“Chu Renmei is in my body.”

Leon suddenly stood up from the mud at the bottom of the pool, the expression on his face changed.

For a while, it was ferocious and terrifying, and for a while, it was struggling with pain.

“The ghost is attached to me.”

“Quick, aim at my forehead and shoot me directly.”

“Let me die with her.”

“So sacrificing?” Li Xu pointed his gun between Leon’s eyebrows.

“As the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell.”

“bring it on.”

Leon raised his head and opened his hands.

“I think you’re still saved.”

Li Xu turned his gun and aimed at Leon’s abdomen and pulled the trigger.

bang bang!

“Hiss, it’s so cool.”


Leon’s face was full of expressions, eight pains mixed with two joys, and a lot of black air kept coming out of his body.

“You are satisfied.”

After confirming that there was nothing serious about Leon, Li Xu kept pulling the trigger to empty the silver bullet in the magazine.


“Hey, I want to run now.”

Although his abdomen was beaten to pieces, Leon still acted like a normal person, picking up a carton of milk and drinking tons and tons of it.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Seeing Leon’s belly bulging and spraying milk, Li Xu couldn’t help reminding him.

“It’s just a small problem.”

Leon looked indifferent, bent down to pick up the plastic wrap, and covered his mouth.

“See how you run this time?”

With a hey laugh, Leon suddenly punched himself in the stomach.


The milk was spit out by Leon together with a black ball of light.

Leon quickly tightened the plastic wrap to wrap it tightly.


[Complete the commission to help Boss Huang track down the cause of his son’s death, and successfully arrest the real culprit. 】

【Experience value +300】


Li Xu had nothing to say, he just wanted to restore his broken three views.

“Liangzi, this cooperation is very pleasant. If you have something to do in the future, come to Chongguang Mental Hospital to find me.”

“This is my contact information.”

Leon put away the plastic wrap, and handed Li Xu a business card with a smile.

“No problem, here is my contact information.”

“You can contact me if you encounter supernatural cases in the future.”

Li Xu also handed out a business card.

Leon’s ability really astonished him.

As for whether it is mental illness or not, this is a trivial matter.

“Private detective, Li Xu.”

Leon glanced at the business card, nodded and said, “You saved my life this time, and we will be friends from now on. Call me if you need anything.”

After saying goodbye to Lyon, Li Xu returned to the hospital.

Li Jie’s condition has obviously improved, and it is estimated that he will be able to recover after ten days and half a month of recuperation.

Li Xu did not continue to salt fish, and turned his head into the metal processing factory, preparing to make a batch of new equipment.

“Including Chu Renmei’s 300 points, I now have 831 points.”

In the factory, Li Xu touched his chin, thinking about which design drawings he should buy.

“Go ahead and have a look.”

Closing his eyes, Li Xu’s consciousness sank into the system library.

“Well, I have been coveting the floating bomb for so long, so I must buy it this time.”

Holding the catalog of “Eighty Ways to Make Enchanted Bullets” in his hand, Li Xu looked through it carefully.

“Armor-piercing projectiles can be used as a means of attack by the physics department, and they also need to be bought.”

“In this case, there will only be 200 points left, and it will be spent really fast.”

Sighing with some reluctance, Li Xu took out the catalog of “Magic Modified Equipment Encyclopedia” on the bookshelf.

G-35L shock grenade, worth 100 points, can cause all enemies within a certain range to suffer light attribute magic damage.

Lightning mines, worth 150 points, make enemies who collide with lightning mines stunned and receive non-attribute physical damage.

G-18C Freezing Grenade, worth 100 points, can cause all enemies within a certain range to suffer ice attribute magic damage.

C4 long-range bomb, worth 150 points, installs a powerful bomb directly on the enemy, and when detonated, it will inflict non-attribute physical damage to the enemy.

M-Gatling machine gun, worth 200 points, when attacking the enemy with the M-Gatling machine gun, it can fire 7 bullets at the enemy per second

“Just choose the freezing grenade.”

Frowning and thinking for a while, Li Xu made up his mind.

Seeing his points become zero again, Li Xu felt a little pained, picked up the three design drawings and looked at them intently.

“It’s finally done.”

A week later, Li Xu stretched tiredly.

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