Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 386 - 387: Encounter with Danger

Chapter 386: Chapter 387: Encounter with Danger

Xia Yangyang inexplicably felt a sense of heartache.

Yet she also inexplicably became overwhelmed with a sense of compassion.

Xia Yangyang picked up the bodhi bead and said, “If you don’t mind, I can come and talk with you often.”

Xia Yangyang felt that she was really too impulsive.

But saying the word “Godfather” felt so natural.

She was usually introverted and not the type to make herself at home.

But for some reason, when she was with Lao Gao, there was always a special familiarity and warmth.

Perhaps because of the beef noodle soup that tasted so much like her mother’s cooking.

Or maybe the atmosphere that day was just right.

And so, Xia Yangyang suddenly found herself with a godfather.

Lao Gao was extremely pleased to hear Xia Yangyang call him that.

Lao Gao said, “My dear girl, your godfather will protect you from now on and won’t let anybody harm you.”

That night, Xia Yangyang and Lao Gao talked for a long time.

But it was just about ordinary things.

Xia Yangyang did not ask about Lao Gao’s real identity.

To Xia Yangyang, this was just her comforting a lonely old man, and she was willing to call him “Godfather” and spend time with him.

This simple relationship didn’t have to be so complicated.

At ten o’clock, Xia Yangyang left the noodle shop, ready to go back to her hotel.

The alley was deep and there were few people around at this time.

A light rain started falling from the sky.

Xia Yangyang had just felt happy and had shared a glass of rice wine with Lao Gao.

She was feeling slightly drunk and enjoying the feeling as if it could make her forget all her troubles.

As Xia Yangyang was about to leave the alley, a group of people blocked her way.

They were dressed bizarrely, in heavy metal attire.

Their hair was multicolored.

The leader was a skinny punk with another menacing look, who was sizing up

Xia Yangyang from top to bottom with a clearly malicious intent.

Xia Yangyang’s heart tightened.

She attempted to walk past them as nothing was wrong.

However, the punk deliberately blocked Xia Yangyang’s path, “Pretty girl, it’s dangerous to be out alone at this hour, let me walk you home.”

Then he reached out to touch Xia Yangyang’s cheek.

Xia Yangyang stepped back hurriedly and vigorously slapped his hand away, coldly saying, “Get out of my way!”

The punk and the others exchanged a laugh: “This girl has quite a character, I like it.”

Then they swaggered forward again.

Just as one was about to touch Xia Yangyang, she grabbed his hand and with a swift shoulder throw, slammed him to the ground.

Xia Yangyang wasn’t scared.

Her years of Taekwondo training were not in vain.

However, Xia Yangyang was also aware that it was late at night and there was a lot of them. This was not the place to stand her ground.

So, Xia Yangyang ran away at the first opportunity that presented itself.

The punk, with a dislocated arm, was livid with embarrassment: “Catch her!

I’m going to make her pay for this!”

Xia Yangyang ran like crazy.

But because she had drunk some wine, her legs were weak.

She didn’t get far before she was surrounded.

The place was uninhabited because the government had planned for demolition. Next to it was an abandoned park.

Xia Yangyang was beginning to regret. She should have run in opposite direction, maybe she could’ve asked Lao Gao for help in time.

But Lao Gao was all alone in his shop.

Even though Lao Gao looked healthy, he surely wouldn’t be able to fend off a gang of thugs.

Xia Yangyang didn’t want to cause trouble for Lao Gao.

But now,

Xia Yangyang looked at the five thugs surrounding her, all with sly smiles on their faces.

They looked at Xia Yangyang like prey.

The punk, holding his dislocated arm, had caught up.

As he came up to Xia Yangyang, he drew out a dagger, “You better behave tonight, or I’ll make sure you can’t live or die..”

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