Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 203 - Bickering CEOs

Chapter 203 - Bickering CEOs



"Okay, I have heard you two. I would not be sad anymore. Thank you so very much for this Tang Zixin."

"My pleasure dear, my pleasure."

"And Ye Cheng, I really appreciate your being here today. It means a lot to me."

"Anytime." Ye Cheng moved in close and hugged her to himself, completely ignoring the fact that they had company.

Right then he wanted to kiss her, to help her calm down but they just made up and also spoke of letting things be, he did not want to seem too forward.

"Now can you please pack up and come back home?" Ye Cheng asked her immediately he pulled her from his embrace to look at her face.

"I don’t know. I just paid for this place and..."

"Forget it, I would send the money to your account. Just be where I can better protect you."

"Okay, but I would have to fix up the broken windows first before moving in, so I think staying here one more day wouldn’t hurt."

"Who said anything about you staying here or there?"

"But I..."

"What do you mean by that Ye Cheng? Where else would she stay?" Tang Zixin intervened.

"At my place of course."

"Don’t you know it is inappropriate for her to leave in your place? Isn’t she going through enough already because of you?"

"Wasn’t because of me that her grandfather saw her?" Ye Cheng countered. "You cannot deny the fact that being with me has its own advantages as well."

He was right, they could not deny the fact one bit.

"I have a better suggestion. Let her stay in one of my apartments."

"It is not safe for her there."

"Says who?" Tang Zixin argued.

"Says I. She is under my protection Tang Zixin.’

"She was under my protection, first." Li Jing could not believe two grown men were arguing like kids because of her.

"Yet she chose to stay with me."

"Because you made them blow off her house at the harbour!"


Both Li Jing and Ye Cheng looked at Tang Zixin with puzzled eyes. How in God’s name did he know about the harbour incident? Ye Cheng was so sure he wasn’t the one, so who told him?

It was either Li Jing or Duan Tian but Duan Tian does not interact with Tang Zixin, leaving Li Jing as the only other person that could have informed him.

Instinctively, Ye Cheng looked at Li Jing, giving her the questioning look before returning his gaze back to Tang Zixin after Li Jing had shot him a ’don’t you dare’ gaze.

"How did you know about that?"

"Don’t think I am stupid Ye Cheng. First, Li Jing did not tell me. I found out myself. It wasn’t hard to figure out that Li Jing would definitely not look for trouble and get her house blown off like that. So, it had to be someone else and after I did some investigations, I found out that you were been searched for at the base of the hill where the house stood."


Both Li Jing and Tang Zixin looked at Ye Cheng as though something was wrong with him. "Bravo! Brava!"

"What are you applauding me for?" Tang Zixin’s cool voice suddenly rang out, pulling Ye Cheng from whatever fun time he was having.

"So you have so much time to be checking out her daily life and thing that happened to her. It seems to be that you are not busy at Tang Zixin."

"And you are one to speak. Who left an important meeting to chasing after a lady, huh? If there is anything, I have all the right to do that."

"As her what? Are you now her guardian angel?"

"You did not let me finish the first time. I had all the right to do that since that was once my grandmother’s house before she willed it off to Li Jing after her passing. She also entrusted taking care of Li Jing to me. So forgive me for doing my job and ensuring Li Jing is not involved with conniving evil men."

"Tsk, you think too much for your own good Tang Zixin. She can take care of herself."

"Says the guy who has turned a mother hen over her."

With the way they were going, it seemed as though there was not going to be an end to their bickering and Li Jing was tired of having to babysit two children who did not know how to keep their mouth shut.

"ENOUGH! Can you two hear yourselves? Jeez. In fact, I would not be staying over at anybody’s house. I would go and stay with Yin Lifen. I hope you two can just stop arguing over me like I am some kind of property you own."

She was furious no doubt at the two young men and definitely did not want to hear what either of them had to say again.

"I am sorry, Li Jing. I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Anyways, I know you would be in capable hands with Yin Lifen. I would first inform Mr Lin about the DNA test results and then I would arrange for you two to meet. Right now he is in another city."

"Thank you so very much. I would love that very much." Even though she had said those words, in her mind she did not feel that way. Rather it weighed down heavily on her heart.

It wasn’t so easy for her as with this new change came and one she wasn’t sure if she was ready for.

"No worries dear. I would take my leave now. And Ye Cheng," he called out Ye Cheng’s name in a very authoritative tone but Ye Cheng paid him no heed. "Be good to her."

Ye Cheng had wanted to say something but he rather muttered it to himself instead. It was not because the indifferent CEO was scared of Tang Zixin, no.

He was worried about pissing Li Jing off.

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