Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 243 - Bank Scandal 2

Chapter 243 - Bank Scandal 2



"Are you mad? Who do you think you are talking to?"

The cashier lady heaved an exasperated sigh first with her eyes closed as she tried her best to swallow all that Ding Jiaying was saying before reopening them to look at the crazed lady in front of her.

’She is a customer. She is a customer, just smile it off, Bei Quang." The cashier lady chanted in her mind.

"Hey, you!"

"Yes, ma."

"Stop with all these smiles and give me my money."

"I am afraid there is nothing more I can do. Please do refrain from causing a scene or I would be forced to call security."

"How dare you. I can get you arrested you know."

"Heaven knows I tried," Bei Qang muttered to herself before picking the telephone to call security. "Yes, please we have a situation inside the bank. Kindly come in."

’What are you doing? What kind of situation is this? Answer me, young lady, before I call your manager down here."

’Ma, please if you would kindly step aside so I can attend to other customers.’

"Step aside where? You would not attend to anyone else unless I can get my money."

"And as I have said, that is dependent on you. You need to meet the person that issued you this check."

Just then two security men walked into the bank and headed towards the cashier. It did not take them time to figure out where needed attention as Ding Jiaying did a great job in alerting them with her nose.

She was not interested in leaving as she knew she could not go and meet Mr. Lin to get his signature on the check. It was a dead-end obviously. The man had played her. He knew what he was doing.

Based on how she had treated Li Jing, she knew going back would mean he would have to ask Li Jing if she was well taken care of all through her stay with them and since her answer was going to be a no, Ding Jiaying knew there was no way to collect the money.

"Yes, what is going on here?" one of the security men asked as soon as they got there.

"This customer came here with a cheque that wasn’t signed and I told her that the cheque wouldn’t be honored due to that and she is here causing a scene."

"All I want is my money," Ding Jiaying quickly chipped in.

"Of which you would get if you return to the person that gave you the cheque in the first place."

"And if I can’t get the person?"

"Then I am afraid that there is nothing myself or the bank can do to help," Bei Qang replied politely. She was speaking the truth but did not know why Ding Jiaying would not listen.

"I refuse to accept that," Ding Jiaying slammed her palm on the slab as she spoke.

Bei Quang only arched her brow at her behavior. She could not begin to comprehend why Ding Jiaying was so bent on causing so much trouble there.

It was either she was stupid or it was that she did not simply understand English.

"That’s it. We are taking you out." The second security man said and both of them advanced towards her.

"Do not come closer. Hands off me!"

Both men ignored her squabbles, grabbed her by the hands, and threw her out.


The day to Li Jing’s departure drew nigh and with it came an unusual sadness and grumpy CEO. Ye Cheng went back to his old self. He barely smiled, barely talked and even when he did, it was to shout when something was not properly done.

Li Jing noticed his behavior but she kept to herself and tried to finalize everything that needed finalizing.

In her office, she sat at her chair and typed away on her laptop when the telephone rang.



"Please come to my office."

Li Jing pulled the telephone from her ear first and looked at it before placing back on her ear.

"Li Jing, are you there?" She heard Ye Cheng’s voice call out again.

"Yes. Yes, I am here."

"Good. Come to the office, please."

"Okay. I would be there in five minutes."


She was a bit surprised not to have gotten the usual, be in my office in the next two minutes kind of call.

It was obvious something was going on. She did not know how to feel about it either but then she braced herself up and took in a deep breath before saving the work she was doing and closing her laptop.

At exactly five minutes later, Li Jing was already standing outside Ye Cheng’s door, ready to walk in when she heard the familiar voice of a certain troublemaker.

"If it isn’t the beautiful and stunning Li Jing."

A charming smile appeared on her lips as she turned around to greet the handsome trouble.

"Yi Wang Lei, hi."

"Oh please, do call me by my English name, Jack. Do not be like that grumpy boss of yours."

’You better not let him hear you, Jack or he would become more grumpy."

"Hahaha..." He stopped laughing when he got to where she was by the door. "Shall we?’

"Right after you." Li Jing giggled a bit and turned the doorknob.

They entered and greeted Ye Cheng before having their seats.

"I am here," Li Jing mentioned but Ye Cheng did not say anything as regards that.

"Yes, I know." His handsome face held nothing more than boredom with his charming brown cold eyes that seemed to swallow all that was and is.

"So... You called?"

"Yes, I did."



Yi Wang Lei did not understand the two of them. Was it that the cat had caught his friend’s tongue or what? Ye Cheng sat down with his back leaned fully into the chair and his hands relaxing on the handle on the chair as his gaze remained fixed on Li Jing.

"Until when would you two speak properly?" Yi Wang Lei asked, his eyes darting between the two of them.

"We are speaking well,’ Ye Cheng replied.

"Tah, tell that to someone else. What is your deal, Ye Cheng? She is leaving tomorrow, is this how you want to spend this day with her?"

"Wang Lei."

"Do not Wang Lei me nothing. If you do not have something to say, release her let her go, and do something useful with her herself other than sitting and letting you watch her."

"Wang Lei!" Ye Cheng’s voice held with a secret warning to his tone. Says who he had wanted to just stare at her and say nothing more? He actually planned on spending some time with her as his brain seemed not to be functioning well with the work piled up for him.

He knew it was as a result of her leaving. He was angry with himself for not doing a proper job in making her stay behind and that was why he had been grumpy and angry.

But when he realized that the next day was the day she would be traveling, Ye Che3ng quickly put a call through to her.

Never had he expected that Liu Jing would visit his office with his nosy friend. It was not like he could not send him out and stuff, but the last thing he wanted was to get her all embarrassed and weary of him.

"Wang Lei, return to your office. I need to speak with Li Jing privately."

Rather than obeying as he was told, Yi Wang Lei pretended to not have heard clearly and still sat down.

Seeing that his friend was bent on frustrating him, Ye Cheng hollered at him. "Yi Wang Lei!"


"Kindly excuse me first. I would speak with you later. I need to speak privately with Li Jing."


"Yeah, oh..."

"Okay." A mischievous knowing smile appeared on his face before he stood up and made his way to the door.

"Li Jing, please be sure to see me as well before you travel."

"Wang Lei!"

"Yeah, I am going. I’m leaving." He winked at his friend before opening the door and taking his leave.

A few minutes after he left, Ye Cheng cleared his throat and made his way to where Li Jing was, and took a seat where Yi Wang Lei previously sat down.

She did not bother saying anything but waited for him to speak. It was also hard for her as well, regardless, her mind was crossed against staying.

This town did not really yield anything for her but bitterness and pain.

Rather than remain, she was going to take her chances and explore the world somewhere else.

"Li Jing." Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva before he continued. "Honestly speaking, I do not have what to say other than for you to reconsider and not leave."

"Ye Cheng."

"Wait, before you speak further, hear me out."


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