Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 247 - Introduction Party 2: The Heiress

Chapter 247 - Introduction Party 2: The Heiress



The gemstones in the dress no doubt shrieked about her wealth with the matching diamond bracelet around her wrists to grace her beauty, the sparkle was heightened and Li Jing wore the attitude as her scythe while clad like a shrewd predator who was there to announce her victory!

A huge flare around her mid-thigh was there to snag everyone’s attention but to keep men at some distance with the extra consumption of cloth, above her butt the dress was hugging enough tightly to expose the shape of her round butt.

Her hair was left to cascade down her back with nice curls at the base and a dashing glimmering silver crown atop her head.

Everything was perfectly worn by her that she cleverly used pink smokey eye shadow which was cleverly matched with her lovely heirloom necklace that apparently had thin chains and a big oval-shaped single blue gem.

With each step she took, and every slight movement of her head, her necklace shone under the party light with her matching silver purse, she was definitely the lady of the day.

It was at this point that the spotlights thinned on her and the beautiful lights in the hall came back on, giving a clear view of everyone present and their happy astonished faces.

For a moment there Li Jing held her breath. This was the first time of her being in such a crowd and being the center of attraction wasn’t something she was used to even with all her dinner party dates with Ye Cheng.

"I present you the heiress of the Lin Group," Mr. Lin announced once again.




"Beautiful beyond compare."


Those were the words that fell out of their mouth as several round of applause resounded in the hall to accompany their praises of the young heiress.

"Thank you." Her cheeks puffed out as her lips curved upwards revealing her dashing charming smile to the people. "Thank you, very much. It is nice to meet you all."

"Now, let the merriment begun!" Mr. Lin announced and walked over to where Li Jing was standing at the center of the hall. "Hey dear. How are you? I hope the party ids to your taste?"

"Yes, grandfather. Thank you very much for everything."

"Nonsense. You are entitled to this and more. Make sure you enjoy yourself and meet up with a lots of people as you would be working with most of them our business partners."

"Sure, grandfather. Thanks."

"Okay. I would leave you to interact with them for now. Later, I would begin introductions soon." A nice smile spread across his cheeks as he gaze adoringly at her.

"Alright. I would have Yin Lifen accompany me." Her gaze swiftly darted to where Fen fen was.

"Very well then," Mr Lin said and walked away to the left to greet some of his business partners.

Immediately Mr Lin left Li Jing, she instantly became swamped up with all the youngsters in the hall and even some elderly men and women rushed in as well to greet the young heiress.

Some of them had done this to have a nice relationship with her and hopefully get to be business partners with the Lin group for those who weren’t partnering with them."

"You look so beautiful," one of the ladies praised her.

"Thank you."

"You’re stunning. I love your dress," a young heiress of one of the rich families complimented her.

"Thanks," Li Jing politely replied.

"You care to join our friendship group for single heiress?" Another young lady, who looked more dashing than the first quickly chipped in.

"Thank you, I would consider."

"You are more dashing than the sunshine itself," one of the handsome males in the crowd added immediately Li Jing finished speaking.

Another took the opportunity while she was distracted and held her left hand, causing Li Jing to face his direction.

"Please do me the honour of having..."

"Excuse me," another masculine voice cut in sharply.

Li Jing felt like her eyes was about to spin in its sockets because of the crowd around her.

’Oh God! Someone save me.’ Li Jing cried out for help in her mind.

Somewhere amidst the crowd, Li Jing caught sight of a guy with black hair and a nice dark blue tuxedo.

It was no doubt who it was. Immediately her eyes landed on him, she strained her neck a bit just to get a better glimpse of who he was.

Her heart began to race in her chest but she did not care. Right now she felt glad that she had seen a familiar face an d that was all that mattered to her.

At first, she had wished that Yin Lifen would come to her rescue as her friend was no respecter of finger lickers but unfortunately for her, Yin Lifen was busy at a corner, entertaining a young aristocrat who seemed to have caught her fancy, leaving Li Jing to fend for herself.

’I am not mistaken. That is Tang Zixin. Hey look here.’ Li Jing thought to herself.

He too seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with a man in his late forties. Apparently from the look of things, they seemed to be better acquainted with each other and probably business partners.

Li Jing let out a soft sigh when Tang Zixin did not look in her direction and returned her focus to the crowd in front of her.

"If you would excuse, please."

’Oh my, so graceful,’ one of the ladies complimented as she gazed upon Li Jing in awe.

Ignoring them, Li Jing wove her way through the crowd while smiling apologetically at them as she made her way towards Tang Zixin.

Just at that same moment, Tang Zixin turned in her direction and caught sight of her. A smile crept up his cheeks as he watched her make her way towards him from the centre of the hall.

"Hey," Tang Zixin muttered to her, so she would know he had seen her.

Watching his lips move was already joyous enough for Li Jing that he noticed her.

"Hey," Li Jing whispered back and her already fallen smile returned.

"Her skin doesn’t look at all that soft. I bet she had a pretty hard life before meeting her grandfather," the first heiress said after touching Li Jing’s hand as she passed.

"That may be true. So why is she forming like she is better than us?" The second asked, folding her hands underneath her bosom.

"Who cares? Just use her to get to the top and that is all," the third young heiress said to her friends.

"It wouldn’t be that easy if she is giving us this attitude and acting like she is already better than us,’ the first heiress added.

’As I said, use her. Be friendly to her and make her feel welcomed. It is not the first time, duhh..."

Unknown to them, a certain person had been listening to their backbiting remarks. He shook his head slightly before clearing his throat and alerting them of his presence.

"Oh my!" All three girls gasped in shock of being heard by someone but when their gaze fell on the person in question, their minds forgot their sins and their heart began to beat rapidly at the most handsome male they had ever seen.

Instead of uttering a word to them, he shot them a cold glance before walking past them and heading towards Li Jing.

Li Jing who had no clue what the three witches were whispering to each other continued along her way while greeting and smiling at the people on her way to where Tang Zixin was.

She saw him turn his head and return his gaze to the man he was speaking with. This had made her sad as she thought he was not interested in seeing her but then she saw him say something to the man before bowing his head down a bit and excusing himself.

The second he turned to face her, her smile returned and she continued towards him as did he.

At the same time, the young man who had ignored the three heiress was already catching up with her and by the time L;I Jing was but a few distance away from Tang Zixin and her hope so high, she felt a hand hold on to her right hand.

Instantly she stopped but her gaze remained fixed on Tang Zixin as she watched him peel his eyes from hers and look over her head to see the person who had the guts to hold her.

When she did not see him move a muscle but let his gaze remained fixed on her captor, Li Jing took the initiative and turned her head.

Still at that moment, she felt her body been tugged around to face the person via her right hand.

It had caused her to miss her step a bit and fall right into the waiting strong arms of the man who held her.

"Ahh!" The crowd around her gasped upon seeing the incident but when they all saw who it was, no one uttered another word.

It was none other than...

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