Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 256 - Settled

Chapter 256 - Settled



"As you can see, it is a highly classified case. Hu Qi, read out the test result please.

She nodded her head and tore the seal on the envelop before opening it and reading its content. Her face was ashen with shock. She had least expected for any of this to happen and what was worst was the fact that she knew her second brother wasn’t lying and the results were true.

"I meant read it out loud."

"It is true. She is older brother’s granddaughter. They have a seventy percent similarity." No smile was on her face but just confusion and even though she saw it all, she just didn’t believe.

"Thank you. Now please, hand over the result. You can also choose to pass it round for all to see in case we have some doubting Thomas amongst us."

Just as he had instructed the DNA test result was passed from one person tot the pother until it came back to him and he kept it back in the envelope.

"I think now no one can argue with this fact and behave like the loving family we are and welcome Li Jing to the family."

"Noted. I never once doubted the claim to her being the heir," Lin Jie chipped in after his brother finished speaking.

"This has been one heck of a family get-together."

"Hasn’t it?" Lin Liqin asked. His face lit up with a smile at how everyone’s doubt was cleared and even though there may still be those who did not believe completely, no one would dare speak so long as he brought the next evidence.

"Now that we have all accepted her, I would like for you all to apologize to Li Jing for wrongly insulting her and you two, Hu Qi and my wife, you must apologize and seek her forgiveness else I would implore brother to kick you out of the Lin Family for three years."


"You heard me clearly Hu Qi and you know what that means if brother does that? It simply means that any of the Lin family’s activity would exclude you as well as our businesses and gatherings. You would be sidelined totally for that three years and at the end of the three years you would still tender your apology to the full house before you and your status are reinstated."


"Do not brother me. And if you think you prefer being sidelined, you know me, I can choose to make your life frustrating during those three years. Father always ensured maximum respect was giving to everyone, both big and small and the wrong doers must be punished. I do not need to remind you, now do I?"

"Older brother."

"It is as Lin Liqin said. I have been too lenient and thatr was because I did not want you all thinking I am being biased. Insulting my granddaughter or any of my offspring is as good as insulting me and what was worse was that you both did in front of me. I think brother is right."

"But, brother-0in-law..."

Lin Zian raised his hand in front of him to silent Lin Xuilan. "Not another word. It is final, tender your apology or I worsen your punishment this moment. I still remain the patriarch of the Lin family. There shouldn’t even be mercy for you two."

All these while, Li Jing was careful not to speak and just watched as everything played out. She knew the ladies valued their pride more than the punishment but upon closer look, she noticed that they dreaded the unknown punishment more than their pride.

It simply meant her grandfather could be very strict.

Even though she was looking straight forward, from the corners of her eyes she could see Hu Qi grit her teeth and clenched her fist a bit. In a matter of seconds, she regained her composure, while wearing her smile and looked over at Li Jing.

"As you wish brothers, Li Jing, I sincerely apologize for not trusting you and insulting you a while back. Kindly accept my apology and please forgive me."

Seeing that her partner in crime had already done the needful, Lin Xuilan followed after her and apologized.

"My apologies Li Jing." Unlike Hu Qi, her annoyance was still written on her face. Like the latter who did her best and covering her emotions, Lin Xuilan did a very poor job.

"Please forgive me for insulting you. I now know better."

"And now to you older brother, my apologies for insulting you and to everyone here. We did and said what we said having your best interest at heart. Please forgive Xuilan and I."

"Fine. You two have done well. Father ensured peace to reign in the family and I intend on keeping it same way. I have heard and have forgiven you."

"As do I," Li Jing quickly chipped it in.

Honestly speaking, she knew that these women did not mean a thing about what they said but she was beginning to get used to them and if she had survived her sister and mother, then she could survive these wench.

It was a game where everyone had to look out for themselves in such a wealthy family and often time, people tend to shift to the most influential and ruling side to support in the family.

She knew right now she couldn’t easily trust anyone and that she had only herself to trust. That was how she was going to play this game. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none.

That was supposed to be the watch word but fore Li Jing, it was Love all, trust none, do wrong to none and pay those who wrong you.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. With that thought set in mind, Li Jing smiled brightly, throwing all form of annoyance into the dustbin and nodded at them.

"I forgive you all. I understand you did this to protect grandfather. I must say a big thank you. I am glad grandfather has people like you by his side."

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