Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 274 - Accepted

Chapter 274 - Accepted



Yin Lifen pulled back and stared into her friend’s charming eyes.

"How about an invitation to a vacation?"

Li Jing raised her brows at her friend playfully in hopes of getting a smile from her.

"A vacation?"

"Yeah, a vacation. That is what you need right now in your life Yin Lifen."

"I do not know. I just want to..."

"Well, I was not exactly asking for your help with it or your opinion. It is settled, you are coming with me."

"Wait a minute. Why do I not feel too good about this" Yin Lifen asked crossing her arms on her chest.


"Well?" She was not buying her friend’s behaviour. It was obvious something was up and she was going to get a bit out of Li Jing one way or the other.

"You see, I am being handed over a project at the company and grandfather wants me to head it. He stepped down from everything pertaining to the work for me to handle. "

"And what is this business deal like? What is the goal behind the whole thing, Li Jing?"

"Simple, there is a new business Lin Corporations wants to venture into which is... building of a hotel with a resort setting."



"Yeah, I know. I felt so too."

"Are you kidding me? Li Jing that is a big business to handle."

"I know."

"And to think that your grandfather just readily agreed to step down so that you could handle it... Wow, just wow. I am speechless. He really does have so much faith in you."

"I guess he does."e job, I know you can." Of her was already feeling sceptical about the whole issue.

"Pff, your IQ is great that you do not need to. I trust your reasoning and brainpower and I know that Yer Cheng trusted it as well and so is your grandfather now. He is setting you up in the right direction."

"Thank you. Not forgetting the main topic at hand, Yin Lifen would you g

"You think so? I did not read business management you know," Li Jing chipped in.

"He sure proved to be a man of intellect and wisdom. If there is anyone who can handle it, I know you are the perfect fit for it. Believe in yourself Li Jing and show them who’s boss."

"Thank you. I know just the best way to do so. The vacation we would be going for is to survey a hotel with something similar and come back with more ideas to use for the business."

"So, it is more of a work vacation?"

"Yeah, something like a relaxing work."

"I see. And honestly speaking, I like the sound of that and I prefer it though," Yin Lifen confessed.

"Great then, so what is your answer/"

"Huh, do you need me to answer that after what I said?" Yin Lifen asked with a smile.

"Yup. I need to know you are doing this out of your own will and volition. So what’s it gonna be?"

"It is a definite yes girl. Hell yeah, let us show them who is boss so no one mess with my girl. This is the perfect break I need from my emotions. I’m all fired up right now!"

"Hahaha..." Li Jing laughed heartily at her friend’s immediate cheerful attitude. That was the Yin Lifen she knew and not the puff eyed crying one. "Now that’s what I am talking about. Glad to have my old friend back."

"I’m sorry, I cannot say the same for you though."

"Li Jing’s smile dropped and she frowned at her friend. She did not understand whatr Yin Lifen meant by that.

"Don’t get me wrong Li Jing. What I meant was that I am not glad to have my old friend, the old you back. In fact, I do not even want her back."

"You are still doing more damage than good, Yin Lifen."

"Let me explain better. The old you was this naïve, calm, gentle, good, easily preyed upon kind of girl. Do not get me wrong, it was cute and nice though. It was one of the reasons why I loved you and decided to befriend you. Nevertheless, this bossy, no-nonsense, hardened, payback new girl is the one I love."

A small blush crept up Li Jing’s cheeks at the compliment even though she knew that she wasn’t particularly all that Yin Lifen said she was. She was still on her way there.

"I know you are still yet to showcase your bossy nature and all that but from the little you displayed to me on the phone, I can say that you, my friend, you sure have changed a lot."

"Well, life didn’t give me much of a choice. If people want to be bitchy about things and my privacy, then I would give them a taste of their own medicine."

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. That is my motto. If you are good to me, I would repay you but if you bite me, then be prepared for a crazy Yin Lifen."

"Happy to hear that. This is why I am happy to have you back. Although I know it would take time to have the old Yin Lifen completely back, I want you to know that I would be the mother hen you have always been to me."

"Awwn, thanks, girlfriend. I appreciate it."?

"Me too. Come here." Both ladies moved closer together and hugged each other, comforting themselves.

Seconds later, they pulled back and smiled brightly at each other. It had been a day Yin Lifen had been looking forward to. The day Li Jing would no longer be afraid or meek about some certain things and fight back when you need to change the status quo.

Here was that day. She had to experience it herself first hand. What better way than this? Yes, it was a painful mental experience, but she was glad to have experienced it.

"Now, for a start, time to get you out of this place and somewhere more refreshing."

"Like where? Do you have any other hotel in mind?"

"No silly." Li Jing giggled and playfully spanked Yin Lifen on the arm. "I meant my grandfather’s house. My new home."


"Yeah, oh... What were you thinking? That I would leave you out in the streets or what? You are my bestie and you are entitled to live with me. It is my turn to pamper you silly."

Yin Lifen who could barely take it all again could not help but blink at Li Jing while trying her best to not let her tears fall.

"Li Jing!! Ohh boo hoo..." Eventually she couldn’t hold it in again and burst into a peal of tears.

"Fen Fen... Come on. Stop it. Why are you behaving like this, Yin Lifen? Please stop crying already. You are getting too old for this."

"Ahhh booooo hooo meeeeiiiee..." Rather than stopping as she was told, Yin Lifen’s tears flowed out more and her shouting increased.

Not knowing how else to calm her friend down Li Jing shook her head then moved her hands up to massage her temples then she relaxed against a pillow as she watched her friend cry.

She was already too tired and did not have the energy to pet her again. At least she wasn’t a kid, so when she was done, she would wipe her tears away and they would leave.

"Li Jing!"

"When you are done, let me know so that I can inform the driver to get ready."

"Sigh!" Yin Lifen sniffed and wipe her tears dry. "You are no fun at all. I am hurting, you are supposed to pet me."

"I am guessing you do not want any of my sarcastic comments right now, right?"

Hearing this, Yin Lifen composed herself and turned her face away. "Killjoy."

"I would rather be a killjoy for you and get you to do the next right thing. Up, up, up, time to prepare, let us go."

"Okay. Let me just shower first then we would leave."

"No time for that. You would shower at my place. By the time you see the things prepared for you at my place, you would dislike any hotel. Come one. Just rinse your face and I would help you pack up."


Without wasting any more time, Yin Lifen got up and did as Li Jing had instructed.

Just before she dashed inside the bathroom, she turned back to look at her caring friend.

"Hey." Li Jing looked upon only to see a half-smiling Yin Lifen. "Thank you. You are the best."

"Welcome bestie. Always and forever."

"Always and forever, bestie." With that, she dashed into the bathroom to wash up.

By the time she was done, Yin Lifen was shocked to see that Li Jing had finished arranging things and was standing by the door with her back in her hand, ready to hit the road.

"Always fast in tidying up," Yin Lifen complimented.

"When you have an adoptive mother like Ding Jiaying, you would learn to do a lot of things fast. Shall we?"

"You betcha."

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