Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 276 - Back In Line

Chapter 276 - Back In Line



"What do I do? Nature why are you playing your trick on me? Why can’t I just be okay and love whom I want to? Why did you take her away from me? Why aren’t you fair?"

His voice broke a bit and he lowered his head. He was tired honestly. All he ever wanted was to stay faithful to one woman and make her happy for the rest days of his life,

He never wanted to be like his father who enjoyed his life and let the woman he loved to suffer. He wanted to be better and shower her with love that she would and cannot ever get tired of him but now, he wasn’t even sure which direction to take.

"Help me, please."

His head tilted back as he looked at the ceiling like he was looking at life itself and after some minutes of staring, his breathing calmed down and he resumed his previous posture.

"I would hold on to what I see and if Li Jing and I are meant to be, I know nothing would break us apart but if not, then I would take life as it is and stick to my missing love. I would be back in line with my old self."

With that, he walked out of her office and went to his.

Just when he came out from the elevator, the first he saw was definitely not one he wanted to see.

"Ye Cheng! I have been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"Fang Qiuyue."

Ye Cheng’s eyes dulled and looked so uninterested but his expression remained unreadable. Without uttering a word more than her name, he took the first step close to her.

Her breathing hitched as she saw the man of her dreams move in close to her. Ever since she knew him when they were young, she always saw him put on this cold exterior like nothing mattered to him and took that as normal.

But when she kept on seeing photos of himself and Li Jing, especially with him smiling she felt that she had just been cheated her whole life.

This was a man she had silently been crushing on and he was being happy with another girl, whereas whenever he saw her, it was the same pleasant and unpleasant look that she got.

She did not say anything but strained her neck so she could look at his face against all her shyness. A small smirk appeared on Ye Cheng’s face as he leaned down close to her ear level, allowing his warm breath to tickle her skin.

"This is not the place for a visit, Qiuyue. Go back home."

Ye Cheng straightened himself and did not bother looking at her sad and weakened expression as he took a step past her and walked away.

Regardless of the hurtful word she just heard, Fang Qiuyue swallowed her pride and decided to fight hard for him.

The next thing Ye Cheng knew, he felt a hand pull at his sleeve.

"No, I’m not going. I came to see you."

"Tsk, little girls should be obedient when they are being told to. Go back home. I do not have time." Not wasting another second, he pulled his hand away from her and walked away with great strides, leaving her standing there.

’Ye Cheng!!’


By the time Yin Lifen arrived at Li Jing’s family house, she was wowed by what she saw on the inside.

She had to admit that even though she had been here before, her mind wasn’t settled down then as she was all about her best friend.

But now that the whole event was over, she was glad she got an easy view or tour of the place and also take in everything she saw.

More importantly, the thing that caught her sight the most and left her tongue-tied without any word of describing what she saw was the lovely portrait of Li Jing’s biological mother.

Yin Lifen was left spellbound and speechless. It was like she was seeing a goddess and wondered within her where in the world such beauty was hiding without the masses going crazy over her.

In no doubt, Yin Lifen knew that all the males in the city and beyond would fight just to have her talk to them.

It was no wonder why Li Jing was a downright enchanting divine beauty, she took after her mother in so many ways.

She could not also help but wonder who the lucky man, Li Jing’s father was for having to capture the heart of the damsel that she would leave her wealth and fortunes just to be with him.

By the time Yin Lifen was done with her tour and freshening up, Li Jing brought her to her grandfather, the patriarch of the Lin family.

Just as Li Jing had predicted, Lin Zian was most welcoming to Yin Lifen that he even asked her to call him grandfather as well. He was grateful to her for standing by Li Jing’s side all these years and being a true friend to his granddaughter.

In the same vein, Li Jing and Kim Fan met on a regular basis to plan for their business. By and by the two of them got to know themselves better and slowly, she began to lower her guard against him.

He wasn’t bad per se. He was in fact a good person and not the womanizer Li Jing had pictured him to be.

He had a great sense of humour and was easy to talk to, although anything about her person and problems remained kept under lock and key when she was with him.

It was obvious that with their conversations on business dates and all, he was trying to know her better but that was Li Jing, she had always been one step ahead of him. Kim Fan managed to stay on a low key and admire her in his heart as he worked with her.

Regardless of what she thought he chose to avoid voicing out his admiration as the last thing that he wanted was for her getting angry like she did the first time.

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