Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 057

Chapter 57: What’s the Use of Fancy Clothes?

“Hey? Make some money for me, will ya?” (2)

Am I really working, though?

Calm music plays, and bright light spills from every direction.

A bustling and bright shopping mall.

Proof that society has been rebuilt. Abundant goods flow through the building.

Maybe it’s because it’s a weekday morning, but the shopping mall is somewhat quiet. Sure, a few people are wandering around, but most are just housewives shopping or people taking their free day to shop.

The area I’m in feels less like a store for women and more like one of those big shopping malls that exist in every region. There are indeed various clothing stores, but I don’t really know if they have pretty clothes that women like.

I’ve probably earned a good amount of money as a hero; shouldn’t I be shopping at a more expensive place?

I don’t know where the women’s clothing section is, but if it’s Han Abin, she’ll definitely know where it is. Or am I actually glad that I’m not being dragged around such places?

I can hardly handle the atmosphere in this public shopping mall, sprawled out on this sofa, so if I was dragged around some fancy boutique, I might die of embarrassment.

I’m fine with a local supermarket or a small mart…

As I think this, my body sinks even further into the sofa. Why are the sofas in places like this so stiff?

Lost in thought, I looked down, and the light reflecting on the glass walls of the store poked at my eyes.

Avoiding it, I turned my head towards my students.

Two women hold up a pink dress that looks like it’s going to squeeze them, chattering loudly, trying it on together.

“How about this one?”

“It seems like the waist will be uncomfortable.”

“Isn’t the magical girl outfit you usually wear more uncomfortable?”

Dressed in military-like gray uniforms, navy coats, and ochre capes, their overall appearance looks like they threw on a tuxedo-style outfit with a cape.

I guess that might be better than Baek Sihyeon’s odd fashion sense.

The outfit I’m wearing now is also in a terrible state. A loose shirt that drops down to my elbows and baggy black pants that look like they’re inflated. Is that why I have a belt wrapped around my shirt?

Of course, I didn’t engage in the “normal” behavior of tucking the torn end of my T-shirt into my pants. As a result, the end flutters around like a skirt, drawing my attention.

Isn’t that just an odd person wearing a ragged fabric?

Am I really on the same level as that? No matter how carefree my country is, I can’t accept being compared to Sihyeon; I looked down at my outfit.

A tailor-made white shirt and slacks, with a thin gray coat over it.

Part of a magical girl’s outfit: brown leather boots.

Nothing hugely out of the ordinary.

Tch tch

Those are clothes that Hyunseok had tailored properly for me, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

It’s gotten so worn that my coat has pilled, and the color has faded from black to gray, but…

…I can just insist it’s vintage, right?

I guess washing it in water might have been the issue.

While I was lost in thought, Sihyeon was dragged away by Abin.

With an overwhelming amount of clothes in both arms, Abin had restrained Sihyeon so she couldn’t escape and was dragging her toward the changing room.

Honestly, it was an impressive sight to see.

Sihyeon wriggled her arms and legs, clearly not pleased that she was being treated like a dress-up doll, but right now, she was just an ordinary woman, not transformed into a magical girl.

Since she didn’t transform, I wondered if Abin was stronger; she disappeared from my sight, flailing.

What if the clothes get ruined?

Even as my two students caused such a commotion, my body began integrating with the stiff sofa.

With gravity pulling me down to Earth, avoiding the flashing lights, I desperately searched for a place to sink into just a bit.

I want to go home.

“Didn’t your older sisters leave you behind, and now you’re bored?”

A store owner, dressed normally, came up to me.

“You’d understand better when you’re older. It may look boring choosing clothes, but it’s pretty enjoyable.”

I guess I still don’t understand even at this age. Isn’t it about sturdy clothes fitting well?

“We’re not sisters.”

“Then what? Are you their mom or something?”

Do I look like their age?

That’s a bold thing for a lady to say.

“I’m their guardian. Believe it or not, I’m quite a bit older.”

The store owner grimaced, her smile crumbling.

Was it that she didn’t expect that answer?

“Kids these days are so mature; you can’t mess with them.”

After barely recovering her sales smile, she gave me a forced grin.

The distorted wrinkles and slightly squished eyes were glaringly obvious.

“You know, I’m older than the combined age of those two, so don’t overreact and just do your job.”

Once I closed my eyes after saying that, her expression returned to something closer to disbelief as she backed away.

Such interactions are just uncomfortable.

People treating me kindly based solely on my appearance.

The gazes of those around me.

All in this brightly lit, bustling place.

At least if I didn’t have to face anyone, it wouldn’t matter.

I wonder when they’ll come back?

How long has it been since I shut my eyes waiting for the two girls?

“Senpai, you’ve been waiting a long time, right?”

“Not really.”

I lifted my head at Abin’s voice.

Then, an unexpected sight appeared before my eyes: my students’ transformed selves.

I had a feeling I understood what Abin had wanted to say.

“Abin, I can’t breathe…”

“Shut up. It’s not that tight. Your laces are just tightened a bit.”


Abin slapped Sihyeon’s back, and that’s when she opened her mouth.

“Senpai, how do I look in this outfit?”

“Not bad.”

A concise answer.

With my limited words, that’s all I could express.

Sihyeon totally looked like a different person.

The girly clothes she first took weren’t like this.

How should I put it? It was slightly androgynous.

The top half was a white blouse that reached up to her neck with some gold accessories, while the bottom was a wide, pleated black skirt that reached her waist.

“Sihyeon’s base isn’t bad. Plus, plain colors suit her well. A slightly androgynous style looks good too. It gives a unique feel with her long hair.”

“Wouldn’t pants be better? This is too fluttery.”

“You wear lots of poufy stuff as a magical girl, right? For daily wear, this would probably be better.”

I might have to admit it.

As Abin said, clothing style is quite an important element.

Even if Sihyeon complains verbally, watching her tidy up her skirt in front of the mirror suggests she might not find it so bad.

If only Sihyeon developed a bit more of an interest in fashion.

At least enough to avoid wearing a dinosaur costume or a ragged fabric around.

“Abin, what about your outfit? You’re wearing the same thing as last time.”

“I’ll go buy my clothes now.”

…Wait, are you really going to choose again?

How many hours have I been stuck here?

Abin ignored my panicking state as she handed her card to the cashier.

“Time to check out.”

“Wow, you bought a lot.”

“It’s worked out well. Just look, it’s completely transformed, right?”

The store owner smiled brightly as she chatted with Abin, perhaps because she made quite a sale.

Would accessories look good with those clothes? How about a simple brooch?

A back-and-forth of compliments on how beautifully it was styled.

Is it something that takes time to check out too?

What does that even mean?

“Master, how’s this outfit? It seems like it would be inconvenient when fighting.”

Sihyeon, unable to join the conversation, sat next to me and opened her mouth.

“Anyway, the outfit changes automatically when you transform.”

“Yeah, but there are times when you don’t transform, right? If you wear this daily, won’t it be inconvenient…?”

Surely, you were just wearing those terribly baggy pants.

Could you really run in those?

I would want to tell her that, but I shouldn’t be the one to say that.

“You want to be a friendly hero, right? So that outfit isn’t a bad choice.”

“I never said I wanted to be a friendly hero.”

Either way, it’s still similar.

“It’s actually not a bad idea to manage your appearance while fighting, it’s essential. If you’re exposed to media, having a decent appearance will count for something.”

“Is there really that much of a difference between this outfit and what I wore before?”

“Absolutely huge.”

The first impression makes a significant difference.

Comparing a hero in ragged fabric and one dressed neatly, that’s pretty clear.

By the way, first impressions and friendliness…

Something crossed my mind.

A vast stone that could shake the world.

“Checkout’s done! Let’s go!”

That thought was abruptly interrupted by Abin’s arrival.

It’s fine. If I keep roaming this shopping mall, I’ll have plenty of chances to think.

Having asked Abin to carry my bags, I held a small paper bag in my hand.

Am I really being treated like someone who can’t carry everything? Abin and Sihyeon each held their paper bags.

What are we going to do with all this stuff when we get home?

Slowly following Abin, I continued thinking.

The Black Marauder alone cannot shake society.

Even if they wield immense power, they mustn’t allow damage to civilians.

How about assembling a group instead?

Using the monster organization to attack society as a whole.

That would be rejected.

Even if they used an organization to attack society, it wouldn’t shake society.

Instead, the heroes would band together against a strong independent group.

It wouldn’t be beneficial to act while putting the organization in danger.

In that case, what about the cracks?

Causing a rift in the Association using the Black Marauder?

The point is to shake society.

To rattle the Association and let the fallout unfold.

Gather those who possess grievances against current society to face the tremendous organization that is the Association.

Create a large organization, consisting of nations and heroes dissatisfied with the Association.

An organization born of disdain from within humanity, not against it.

An organization that the Association cannot stifle under the pretense of preserving humanity, nor can it easily restrain.

A new definition that collides with the Association’s definition of justice, not evil.

However, with the current Black Marauder, that can’t be achieved.

Its present evaluation is merely that of a madman.

Not one carrying another definition and hardship, but a rampaging beast. Inadequate to be a symbol.

It’s the outcome of what I’ve done.

I don’t regret it. I could only do that.

Then let’s use Yumil.

Let her captivate the hearts of others.

Use her looks and words to persuade others.

She only needs to carry out those brighter tasks.

I’ll continue down my path of darkness. Racing through the dark night, just like hiding behind black particles.

I’ll threaten someone, eliminate obstacles, and grow the size of the organization.

That’s fine.

The clash of justice and justice.

It doesn’t matter which justice wins.

What’s essential is the chaos it brings to society.

If there’s a collision with a new definition, the Association will have to pay attention.

Then, the heroes won’t be able to lean solely on the Association’s support anymore.

If a somewhat strong adversary arises, they won’t be able to call for help.

If it’s been established, let’s discuss with Yumil and formulate a detailed strategy.

Once I organized my thoughts to some extent, I lifted my head.

I felt it was a good idea to come here to choose clothes today.

A different stimulus will awaken new thoughts within me.

As I filled myself with satisfaction and looked around, an ominous premonition rose.

Before I knew it, the surrounding stores had transformed from women’s clothing shops to student clothing shops.

Clothes for small-framed kids.

That feels ominous.

“Abin, didn’t you say you were going to pick your clothes?”

“Thinking it over, I figured your outfit is more important than mine.”

…Wait a second?

“I already have clothes, look. I wore this pretty well, didn’t I?”

“How can that be? It’s all worn off and absolutely unwearable. How do you even take care of your clothes?”

Wouldn’t I get into trouble?

Isn’t it just about tossing them in the washing machine?

Didn’t Unho say that was enough?

“I’m not too worried about it. It’s more about you, Abin…”

“No way. Today, it’s all about Sihyeon and you, so no clothes for me. We need to sort your outfits.”

You want to match my outfit?

An ominous thought made me turn to Sihyeon.

While it’s gender-neutral, it does lean a bit feminine.

Turning my head toward the nearby stores, filled with student clothing, the vibe is overwhelmingly feminine.

Pink, red, white. Skirts.

“W-women’s… outfits?”

“I’ll try my best to pick something that looks good on you.”

That’s not really an answer to my question, is it?

The paper bag slipped from my hands.

Quickly turning my body, I slammed into the ground.



Time to bail!

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