Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 067

Chapter 67. The Old Saying: A Student Should Neither Kill Nor Save

Don’t even mention it (2)

Endure. You must endure.

Rather than calling the oxymoron, do it yourself.

You have to make a decision.

Knowing that the oxymoron is a pervert who records other people’s body sizes…

What could be worse than this?

Somehow, the way they looked at me felt strange.

How could I possibly remember someone else’s distinguishing features with common sense?

There’s definitely some strange obsession here.

Forgetting the grace of being picked up from the battlefield?

Could there be my custom clothes or 1:1 mannequins back home?

Too many thoughts went into overdrive.

…For now, let’s calm down.

As much as I try, it can’t be that bad.

The old heroes were all fine except for me, they couldn’t have broken down that much.

The nurses summoned in the surgery room, which is an S-Rank skill of the oxymoron, somehow looked similar to me. That must be my delusion.

Stay calm, Haram Lee. If I let my emotions explode now, it’d be a disaster.

I keep trying to calm myself, but I can’t settle my mind because of what I’m holding.

The harmony of black and red contrasting with silver hair and pale skin.

If it were a boy who liked a darker aura, they’d definitely have their eyes glued to how dashing I look.

One problem: the fact that I’m the one wearing those clothes. That issue is what’s making it so difficult for me.

If Yumil were holding this outfit, she’d wear it and use it for promotional purposes.

Lifting the clothes off the body, I surveyed the overall design again.

Do I… wear this?

Is this a medieval-inspired outfit with decorative ribbons at the waist?

Let’s think it through.

What are the odds that calling the oxymoron would lead to weirder things than this outfit?

Or would it be more beneficial to wear this outfit and ignore the oxymoron entirely?

No need for that kind of contemplation.

If I can’t trust my comrades, who can I trust?

Thinking that, I tossed the outfit onto the bed.

I moved to the living room.

With the intention to unleash a furious reprimand on my student to not repeat such acts.

As I enveloped myself in that pressure, what welcomed me back to the living room was…

“It looks great on you, senior!”

“Master! Can I take a picture? Just for me!”

My students rushed up to me with excitement upon seeing me.

“There are so many belts and strings everywhere and it fits you perfectly.”

“Can I take a picture?”

Shame surged up, and I couldn’t show my face.

The reprimand I’d prepared in my mouth vanished into the back of my throat.

I ended up wearing the outfit.

Once more…

The deep fear of calling the oxymoron weighed heavy in my heart.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust the oxymoron. I was just afraid that such a trivial action might ruin our friendship.

In any case, that’s how it is.

For some reason, an irritating sensation tickled my lower legs.

The texture was different from the thick white tights that come with magical girl outfits.

The semi-transparent black stockings caused an oddly strange sensation as part of the outfit.

The subtle texture of the stockings tickled the skin of my legs.

Realizing that, my mental state began to degrade even more.

What am I doing wearing women’s clothing?

It feels so wrong that it’s like I’m…

Infiltrating, disguising, assassinating. There have been times I had to wear clothes suited for my appearance to carry out those actions.

But at that time, I had a mental support knowing it was for the greater good.

The clothes I wore weren’t this extravagant, but just a regular women’s outfit.

Someone, kill me.

After enduring that mental torture for 4 or 5 minutes, I’ll probably never forget this moment.

“Are you satisfied?”

“I’m satisfied.”

Back away from me, Holy Han Abin.

Bae Sihyeon stared at her phone with a stiff expression, having just taken my picture.

The two students appeared in the scene.

With that sight in my view, I glanced at the clock hanging in the living room.

9 AM.

Perfect timing.

Originally, I was going to prepare to visit the deity today.

But it’s fine if I’m a little late today.

“You both head to the training ground.”

“It’s training time.”

“Then shouldn’t you change your clothes first?”

No need for that.

Isn’t it the outfit my student gave me?

I can wear it for today.

It wouldn’t be so bad to train my student while wearing the outfit they gifted me.

“This outfit is fine.”

No, it’s not just fine.

It must be this outfit only. That way, I’ll remember that outfit.

“You haven’t eaten breakfast yet…”

“It’s better not to eat.”

It’d be easier to bear on an empty stomach.

The elevator doors to the training ground opened, and I slowly pushed my body inside.

My students, sensing the changed aura around me, hesitantly stepped into the elevator.

“Are you angry?”


The students in the elevator quietly exchanged glances, cautiously watching me.

I wasn’t angry.

It’s not my fault. If I hadn’t run away from the shopping mall, I wouldn’t have bought such clothes.


The elevator doors opened, arriving at the training ground.

I just want to vent some of this resentment.

“Did the training continue even when I was gone?”

“Yes! I trained under the oxymoron teacher!”

“I also chased the Black Marauder, and in the remaining time, I learned techniques from the Cheonha Ilgyeom!”

Did the atmosphere in the training ground feel ominous?

The two students were tensed up, speaking in rigid voices.

Han Abin with the oxymoron, Bae Sihyeon with the Cheonha Ilgyeom.

Not bad.

Only the Cheonha Ilgyeom would turn it into a pure close-combat fight.

Neither Misha nor Misa use weapons anyway.

If they learned from him while I was gone, their postures must have improved for sure.

“Today, I’m planning to keep things simple and finish quickly. It’ll probably end within 10 minutes.”

Confusion arose in the expressions of my students.

‘You’re acting all serious, yet saying it’ll be a simple training?’

That’s roughly what they’re thinking.

“What I’ve taught you are just minor skills and how to build a foundation.”

Han Abin, who needs to enhance her physique like me, should focus on pure mana usage.

Bae Sihyeon, who should use various techniques, needs several techniques too.

“So today, we’ll battle to see how much you’ve grown through that.”

Their eyes gleamed with excitement upon hearing that.

“Let’s do it like this. I will only use gauntlets, slightly faster than your physical enhancement.”

Clank. Clank.

Silver gauntlets appeared over the black dress.

“You may use your weapons. Just hit me once, and that will end the training.”

The expressions on both students grew even weirder.

‘Once? Without a hammer?’

I could tell that was clearly the thought bouncing around in their heads.

“If you understand, draw your weapons.”

The two magical girls still looked confused, but they obediently drew their weapons.

Bae Sihyeon only reacted after I approached Han Abin.

At that moment, I grabbed Han Abin’s right hand.

“Wait. That’s a bit….”

“A sneak attack is, by nature, a cowardly act.”

Without hesitation, I flung Han Abin’s body over my shoulder and raised my left hand.


The sound of Bae Sihyeon’s silver hammer clashing with my gauntlet.

And I was pushed back by sheer force.

My left hand bounced back uncontrollably.

So it’s Bae Sihyeon. If she doesn’t remove her limiter, her raw specs must be similar to mine.

Then the shock from the impact must be stronger with the rotation from the hammer.

In that split second when my guard opened, I caught sight of Bae Sihyeon’s determined eyes.

Eyes filled with passion that solely focused on me.

She wasn’t looking at the thrown Han Abin, but her gaze was fixated on my left hand and right hand.

Simultaneously, weapons began to be summoned in mid-air.

Was it influenced by the Cheonha Ilgyeom? Numerous crescent-shaped blades revealed themselves.

Is she thinking of finishing it just like that?

Bae Sihyeon twisted her waist.

Must be to maintain the rotation of the remaining hammer.

I stabilized my rebounding hands.

First, my right hand, which used a throwing movement.

Soon after, my left hand followed suit, bouncing back.

Creating a guard with both arms.

Bae Sihyeon’s eyes followed the gauntlets.

The hammer. The crescent blades surged toward me.

Breaking my guard with the hammer and aiming to pierce me with the crescents.

“Sihyeon, widen your field of vision.”

Since then, future predictions become useless.

If she’s just staring at the gauntlets now…


My left foot impacted.

It smashed into Bae Sihyeon’s abdomen.

The trajectory of the hammer twisted.

Deflecting the hammer that lost its rotational speed, it dug deep into Bae Sihyeon’s body.

Doesn’t matter if I hear the sound of the crescents embedding into the floor behind me.

No need to worry about that. After all, this is a safe zone.

I’d wrapped my arms around Bae Sihyeon, who hadn’t yet recovered.

“Be careful with your neck.”

While holding her, I lifted Bae Sihyeon’s body up.

Suspended in the air, Bae Sihyeon kicked her legs to regain her balance, but it was already too late.

Maintaining that lower body position, I executed a German suplex.


Bae Sihyeon crashed into the mat without being able to react to my actions.

Was she startled?

Without using telekinesis, her head smashed into the mat.

Adding another weakness to her roster.

Right there…

She’s weak against unexpected situations.

True. It’s not like I’m a striking type; using grappling feels a bit odd.

With her arms in a bridged position, I grasped her arms.

Putting strength into my knees, I raised my body and simultaneously tossed Bae Sihyeon.

A sound rang out.

Suspended in mid-air, Han Abin finally crashed onto the mat.

I lowered my stance and charged toward Han Abin.

It seemed she wasn’t going to just take it either, as she executed a roll and got back up.

What she held in both hands was a bow with an arrow drawn, aimed directly at me.



She must not have anticipated I’d be right in front of her.

Startled, she lost the timing to attack me.

Grabbing Han Abin’s legs, I lifted her body.

With my back straightening, Han Abin’s body came along.

Alright. One more suplex.

But this time, there won’t be any floating time.


Han Abin was slammed into the mat.

Was the sudden rotation causing blood to rush to her head?

She fainted, showing just the whites of her eyes.

No. I can’t let her go.

I held onto her, slamming her down once again.


“Are you awake? You should wrap your magic around your head to prevent fainting.”

“This time, it’s in the air.”

Grabbing her left leg, I started spinning her.

After a 1080-degree rotation, I released her.

Taking advantage of inertia, the pink magical girl spiraled through the air.


Oh. She didn’t faint this time.

As I confirmed that, I dashed towards Bae Sihyeon, who was still suspended in mid-air.

A series of exchanges transpired in an instant.

In less than 10 seconds, the two students had been thrown several times.

The coordination between the two lost meaning in the face of sequential wrestling techniques.

Normally, this would be the end.

If I had struck them directly, would’ve ended up in the hospital with ruptured organs or fractures.

But I didn’t plan to let that happen today.

Given that the time was long, hitting on a soft mat wouldn’t hurt that much.

If I don’t want to keep this going for 8 hours straight, they should hit me once in return.

Bae Sihyeon appeared before me.

Seeming to regain her senses, she used telekinesis to stabilize her position in the air.

“Sihyeon, stay sharp. Let’s do this again.”


Once more, her head banged against the mat.

Did she freeze up in nervousness due to the unexpected situation?

Even after being thrown, she stood rigidly.

“You should’ve rolled.”

I grasped her leg that seemed to be asking for help and tossed her back into the air once again.

At that point, Han Abin would be falling now.

Kicking the ground, I moved towards the anticipated landing spot.

“Why are you there…”

Grabbing her while she was falling, I tossed her again.


The sound of bodies colliding with the mat echoed throughout the training ground.

There’s still 7 hours and 59 minutes left.

Hey kid, if you want to live, just hit me somehow.

Lucky it’s just this level; if it were Misha or Misa, your joints would’ve already been out of place by now.

Be grateful it’s only this much.

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