Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 083

Chapter 83: East Asia Line Counteroffensive

“Alright! Then let me show you my perfected technique! Thunder God Unni! Master!”

Baek Sihyeon cheered from the other side, waving her hands energetically.

“How does she always have so much energy?”

It felt like she’d just been beaten by the Divine One these past few weeks!

Yet, looking at her constant smile makes me feel even more scared.

“Jae knows it. To stay by someone’s side takes that much effort.”

The Divine One glanced at me, spouting such strange wisdom.

“I’m a bit jealous. I gave up once. Must be because you’re young.”

I know how to say something during a moment like this, even if it’s a country matter.

“You look quite young yourself, so don’t worry about your age. That’s the only good part of doing this—your youth is extended. So…”

I hesitated to voice something I’d never attempted to utter my entire life.

“What do you want to say? Hmm?”

Did the Divine One notice my clumsiness? She leaned in with a mischievous smile.

…But more than her, I’m curious about Sihyeon, who’s just staring at us.

With her hand extended out, waiting for us to look at her like a sad little student.

“Hey, can I ask one thing? Old you versus now you. Which do you prefer?”

That’s a pretty obvious question.

“Current me. I’m pretty, so don’t get too excited. Don’t ask again.”

Her quick answer shot out the moment she heard the question. No need to think.

There’s no way to compare me when I was just a shrimpy kid and now.

“That was decent for a Haram.”

The Divine One turned her head towards Baek Sihyeon, but her voice was already tinged with embarrassment. Though I couldn’t see it, her face must be flushed red.

After all, spending weeks together made me understand what this girl likes in words and actions.

And her emotions too.

“Well done, Senpai!”

Was Han Abin listening to us? She gently nodded while placing a hand on my shoulder.

“What’s with you?”

Her student seems to be getting careless with touching her master, thinking it’s impressive or something?

“I’m just wishing for my Senpai’s happiness as your student. So you can ignore it.”

I gave up responding to that absurdity and turned my head towards Baek Sihyeon.

Did she catch the audience’s attention? As she finally wore a smile, she began to scatter the sparks.

Zzzzap. Zzzzap. Zzzazaap.

Beautiful electric flowers bloomed from her hands.

They’re undeniably beautiful. But…

“Isn’t that a waste?”

A sphere made of electric power. It’s impressive how neatly she made it, but it clearly lacks power.

Even if she creates an electric field, it won’t mean anything if it’s weak.

As I pondered this nonsensical technique, I glanced over at the Divine One to seek her approval.

“Stay quiet.”

The Divine One said as she covered her mouth with a pale face. Something felt off in the atmosphere.

“Really… it shouldn’t be calculable by a human brain…”

Seems like the Thunder God’s thinking is different from mine. Is it something only professionals can understand?

While I was lost in thought, the Divine One continued her murmuring, and the two of us stared blankly at the electric field for about five seconds.

Then, Baek Sihyeon, who had been holding her breath, suddenly started moving with a shout.

Endlessly bright flashes, with each flicker, she continuously changed her position.


A sharp scream escaped from next to Han Abin.

Was she unable to endure the bright flashes? On the contrary, the Thunder God and I kept our eyes wide open, watching the scene unfold. It was that spectacular.

…Can that really be done?

“I think I understand why they call her a genius. I thought it was just her bragging about her student.”

No, even I don’t understand that. Can it really just be summed up with the term genius?

Within the electric hemisphere, she was truly moving as if she were electricity itself.

That yellow hemisphere, Baek Sihyeon had created her own domain inside there. Moving freely within it.

For a split moment, her speed was slower than the Thunder God’s, but there was no sudden acceleration or abrupt stops. It was a natural movement like flowing water.

If the Thunder God’s a sprinter, then she’s running a marathon with a steady pace.

It’s a dangerous technique. How do I counter that?

It doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t cause me damage.

But if Baek Sihyeon gains the power to pierce through me?

As I quickly tried to formulate a way to counter it in my mind…


The weary voice of the Thunder God broke through my thoughts.

“Who do you think would find it harder to fight? Baek Sihyeon using that technique or me?”

…What answer is she hoping for?

“Your sudden acceleration.”

A straightforward answer. At least, for now.

“What if she improves her skills more?”

…Yeah, she probably knows that technique can still grow.

Even at a glance, it lacks control and isn’t fast enough. But if it becomes more refined and faster…

But I kept my mouth shut. I felt that if I voiced it, something would end.


But that moment of silence still seemed to serve as an answer to the Thunder God. She looked at Baek Sihyeon.

Having lost energy, failed to control it or maybe both, Baek Sihyeon was bouncing out of the electric field and rolling on the ground like a fool.

She looked so sad.

“Let’s go together.”

In that moment of farewell, the words slipped out from my mouth.

“I’ll decline.”

Why? I kept on opening my mouth towards her. Almost embarrassingly so.

“Prohibition said so too. There must be something around here. For now, I have some leeway. Baek Sihyeon, there’s still more you can learn…”


Her gentle fingertip covered my lips, the finger wrapped in a silicone glove.

“I don’t think I can yet. I need just a little more… time.”

She said that, stroked my head, and walked past me. Her target, my student, Baek Sihyeon.

“Until the day I return, you keep her safe by your side.”

What does that mean?


Baek Sihyeon just made a foolish sound, not understanding at all.

“At times like this, you just say ‘Understood,’ Sihyeon.”

Han Abin provided backup, but…

The flowing mood didn’t change at all.

With Baek Sihyeon not getting it and the Divine One’s grave atmosphere.

“It’s strange. When I first saw you, I thought, ‘Someone like you…’ just for a brief hesitation.

“Not anymore. So until then, I’ll yield.”

Honestly, I still don’t get it.

What does it really mean? After these few weeks, I thought I understood the Thunder God, but it seems like I’m still lacking.

After returning home by inflatable boat, the students immediately disappeared into their rooms, seemingly exhausted from the harsh sea voyage.



The ticking of the clock filled the living room.


As the clock pointed to midnight, I shifted the once-stroked Woonho from my lap to the sofa and stood up.

“Are you really going?”

How many times have I asked this?


…A bit politely. Please take care.

I didn’t answer her and opened the house door.

“I’m here to escort you.”

One by one, the tentacles held the magic wand.

“What’s the situation?”

After closing the door, I threw a question at him.

“Preparations are complete. I’ve told Yumil to come here and disguise herself as Haram, and I’ve also fed the hero Chung Solim the info about the refugees.”

“What about Yumil’s condition? Can she disguise herself as me?”

That’s the most important point. I don’t know how long this operation will take, but if they realize I’m not here…

“The results of the test with the executives were inconclusive. Only Linshua had a hunch about it.”

That’s not a problem then.

“Let’s go.”

Al’sel’s magic wand waved, and the magic circle underneath briefly shone.

A moment’s vertigo felt during the teleportation.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, gray walls greeted me.

The Great Barrier. It appeared before my eyes.

“No rest, straight to the operation?”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

The skin of the octopus in front of me gradually began to redden. The emotion of excitement. It’s been a while since I felt that.


Taking my last step closer.

Though the Great Barrier was about a meter ahead, I needed to get closer to swing the hammer.

“Last question, what will you do if the Association doesn’t retreat?”

His body reddened. The true nature of this octopus. I can’t fathom why such a creature wants to protect humanity.

“What do you mean?”

“We’ll try not to kill them, but there are still the Defense Force, the remaining heroes. Especially, the Divine One is there.”

Was that last mention of the Thunder God intentional? Still, hearing that didn’t rock my emotions at all. I felt strangely calm.

It doesn’t matter.

The moment I thought that…


A sound like squishy ink splattering filled the air.

The tremendous power of the Otherworld, stacked in the contaminated zone, climbed into my clothes, and the power that crossed the limit spread from my back, forming massive wings.

A strangely rippling, sticky liquid wing. As it began to flap violently, I started to float into the air.

That’s one bizarre function. Its appearance could only be described in tales of strange creatures.

But personally, I liked it. It would be a sufficient feature to make my small body appear colossal.

With my wings flapping, I held the red hammer in my hand.

A weapon, tainted with blood, suitable for unfurling the shield of humanity, a tool of destruction.

Gathering my power, I sensed the clothing reading my intent, gathering black particles to create a platform. I bent my waist and stretched out my right arm.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

As the limiters gradually released, shockwaves flowed outwards.

The more power I gathered, the more every sensation amplified.


Beyond the distance, a siren echoed from the gray tower, the Association.

My vision warped.

I saw things that shouldn’t be visible.

A world filled with gray.

A world devoid of emotions.

A world where humanity was nothing more than meat.

A world with nothing at all.

Countless worlds flowed by.

And I found what I was searching for.

The amassed power. It was launched.

Thud. Gagagagagaga.

Something adhered to the tip of the hammer. Not a physical barrier but a location overlapping with another reality.

The Great Barrier, which remained intrepid for nearly 15 years, rendered by the otherworldly ideals.

To destroy that immortal record with my own hands.

The hammer infused with all my strength. My finely honed senses captured it.

A barrier unimpressive enough for its name.

An ancient barrier that someone long ago built to safeguard this place. A proof of territory, risking their lives to build it for their own.

That’s none of my concern.

In an instant, the time it took for the red hammer to destroy it was.

And the wall’s immortality vanished.

At that moment, an attack ensued against the wall. The magic unleashed by monsters. The charge of beasts. The incomprehensibly revolting tentacle writhing of the monsters. All combined for a spectacular result.

It became a rather beautiful sight.

A harmonized assault.

…How did you do that?

Those words brought me back to reality as I watched intently.

“What do you mean?”

I turned my head to look at Al’sel, who was floating in the air with his arms crossed.

“How did you break the wall?”

“Train hard.”

“Is that the answer?”

“Did you expect some special ability? Train your power so it can break through space, and sharpen your senses enough to recognize that. That’s all.”

If that were possible, wouldn’t we be struggling this much?

Ignoring the octopus’s inner monologue, I answered his question.

“And about that earlier question…”

I guess this is how I become the villain.

“You’re welcome to kill them.”

“Does that include the Association?”

“Those bastards have hazardous pay included in their benefits, you know. The Defense Force. The heroes. All those here are preparing to die. I’ll even give them a chance to flee, but if they stay, it’s on them.”

The octopus’s now crimson skin blushed deeper, and his mouth twisted harshly.

His bad nature could no longer be hidden, exposing itself.

“Lee Haram. I also asked about the Divine One.”

“That’s irrelevant.”

Yeah. It doesn’t matter.

She’s made up her mind too.

The moment those words left my lips.


The barrier crumbled.

The invasion had commenced.

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