Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 6 Hotel Night Talk

"You mean, you're not coming back at night, and you're going to spend the night in a shabby hotel that only has signal three meters away?"

"Damn it Falk! I'm so busy here and you're telling me, only a few blocks away from the SHIELD building, that you're going to take half a day off?"

"Listen, no matter what you are going to do or what case you are investigating! When you report back to the office, I need a piece of information that can be worth the value of your vacation!"

After spitting on the phone, a one-eyed black man with a shiny head put down the phone without hesitation, and spread his hands to the beautiful red-haired female agent "Black Widow" Natasha Romanoff, "You Guess what Phil told me? He actually accepted an invitation from a hotel owner and planned to eat chicken with him!"

This is Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., with a black eyepatch covering one blind eye and a black leather windbreaker that has not been replaced since birth. He is tall and strong and always maintains strong work energy.

"If it's a Vladivostok secret-flavored roast chicken, I don't think it's unacceptable!" Natasha, who was petite and exquisite, smiled empathetically, reached out and picked up the information on the table, "If there's nothing else I’ll go out first!”

"Go, go!" Nick Fury waved his hand helplessly, "Speed ​​up the progress, Natasha, we are short of manpower now!"

Seeing the Black Widow twisting her slender waist and leaving the office in a charming manner, Fury sat down feebly, thought for a moment, and then picked up the phone, "Get General Ross!"

Compared with the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is dizzy with the heavy workload, Coulson and rookie Simmons are falling into the biggest crisis of collapse of their three perspectives in their lives.

"As you can see, I am not one of those voodoo priests with colorful face paint, or a religious priest like the Inuit, but a profession that guides souls, communicates with elements, and perceives the universe."

The barbecue on the stove was very fragrant, but Coulson and Simmons sitting in front of the stove had no appetite at all.

"We can use the power of fire, wind or lightning!"

On Kausu's fingertips, a bright electric light kept swimming like a spiritual snake.

"You can also use the essence energy of water to treat certain wounds that are difficult to heal..."

A blue light flashed, and an old scar on the back of Colson's hand immediately disappeared without a trace.

"And use the power of faith to bring insignificant restrictions to the enemies!"

A small stake, only a few inches high, fell to the ground. Coulson and Simmons felt their whole bodies sink, as if they were carrying a thousand kilograms of weight, and every movement became extremely laborious.

"Alright!" Kausi released the [Earth-bound Totem] and pointed at the barbecue that was about to drip grease into the fire, "You can try a little first, this is a delicacy that you can never eat in any restaurant. "

Roasted land chicken, one of the classic Azerothian cooking products.

After a long silence, Colson mechanically stretched out his hand and took the bird meat that Kausi cut off with a knife.

Simmons took a few bites and suddenly asked in a dull voice: "Mutants?"

"Don't compare me with those gifted races. They are born with abilities that are different from others." Cauvus said seriously, "And my abilities are achieved through hard study, constant exploration and attempts. Although I I don’t remember how much time it took, but since I have the memory of this world, I have never stopped studying for a single day!”

"Study?" Colson's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you saying that these abilities are not innate, but that through continuous learning, one can have such power?"


Simmons also reacted at this time, staring in shock at Kausu's finger that was still flashing with lightning just now, "Then can we also learn this knowledge?"

"Of course!" Kaus smiled unscrupulously, "Of course, generally when we choose a priest, he must at least meet some corresponding conditions. For example, he must have noble qualities, a broad mind, and be extraordinary. With his wisdom and spiritual strength, he is the leader of the crowd and the soul of the entire clan or tribe..."

Simmons glanced at Kausu suspiciously, but was quickly suppressed by Coulson's reproachful look.

"So!" Colson asked tentatively, "How did your teacher choose the priest's inheritance? I think you were still very young at the time..."

"The purity of the soul has nothing to do with age!" Kausu replied seriously without any sign of blushing. "A devil is born with original sin, but a great sage can still possess noble qualities at the age of eighty."

"Of course, I have never met my teacher! He had already left this world before I got his inheritance!"

Coulson and Simmons looked at each other and quickly thought of the former owner of the Mulgore Inn.

"No, he's not dead!"

Looking at the expressions of the two, Kausi knew that they must be wrong, and explained with a smile, "Although it does not rule out that he is dead, from my point of view, he may have just left this planet... Or rather, another dimension!”

The more he said it, the more outrageous it became. Even the most calm Coulson couldn't help but frown.

"Come on!" Kausu, who knew they didn't believe it, didn't defend himself. He just stood up and said, "I have a small test here. As long as any one of you shows that you are worthy of this inheritance, I will not hesitate to let you Also gain similar power!”

The two immediately became very energetic, and Simmons, who was extremely nervous, even touched the handle of the gun again.

It's not like they haven't heard of various religious traditions, such as the first embrace of vampires, the burning of bodies by Sun Temple believers, and even members of the "Evisceration Group" who need to read the Bible while eating sixteen-year-olds. The girl’s fresh flesh and blood.

They watched as the leader, who was probably some kind of cult organization, walked into the cubicle and took out an ancient and thick book.

"This book records how to establish contact with the elemental spirits!" The innkeeper, who was suspected of being the leader of the cult, sat down again and handed the book to Colson. "Whether it is earth, fire, water, or air, it can condense a trace of Even if you pass!"

"Sorry, I can't understand..." A blush suddenly appeared on Colson's cheeks.

As a senior agent who is proficient in multiple languages ​​and is good at various firearms and fighting skills, he actually knows nothing about this kind of artistic and beautiful text, which makes him really embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'll translate!"

Kausu didn't pay attention, took the book, and began to interpret sentence by sentence.

He wasn't lying. The candidates for the high priests of the past generations all have great qualities and noble personalities. Thrall, the Oracle Mogor, Munn Earthfury, and even Ner'zhul who became the first Lich King, in the young He was also a brave and respectable leader.

And the book Kaus took out was indeed a genuine elemental book "A Preliminary Exploration of the Elements", one of the introductory books for shamans.


There are no native orc tribes of Draenor, the corrupted Draenei Exodar (Broken Ones), the Wildhammer dwarves of Azeroth, the tauren of Kalimdor, the pandaren of Pandaria, and the scattered The corresponding lineage of the troll tribe; without worship and belief in the elements, ancestors, nature, animal gods, etc., who can truly understand the essence of shamanism?

Including Kaus, if he hadn't brought his own profession when he traveled through time, with his mercenary, selfish, hedonistic, lazy and fishing temperament, even if he died, he wouldn't be able to meet the conditions for becoming a priest.

So when a ball of hot red gas suddenly appeared on Phil Colson's fingertips, Kaus was so surprised that he almost dropped the ancient book in his hand.

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