
Chapter 730 Citizenship!

After Von and his bodyguards had left, David began to walk about in the extremely huge city, basking in it's magnificence.

The surrounding constructs, had their own unique styles.

Several constructs were so beautiful they made people's heart race.

"It's too interesting."

"Three eyes, oh, this person's mouth and teeth are too interesting." David was walking along the district, the many people travelling back and forth. At the same time, about a 100 meters above in the air, there was a large number of people flying and rushing. Saying 'people', but each and everyone of their appearances were strange. Within a short 5 minutes, David had witnessed among the 'people' the tallest going close to 10m, and the shortest close to that of an infant from Earth.

Their skin colors were also strange.

Even to the point where there were some with their heads long and weird looking.

However, most of them still had two eyes, a nose and mouth. Only their faces, be it more facial hair or had strange stripes etc.

"That man, is oddly similar to the ancient stories of Zeuz, his entire body is filled with thunder, his hair is even more interesting."

David felt like a grandmother entering a scenic garden, he couldn't get enough of the sights.

According to the old man's plan which directed me here, the first thing I should do here is…join the Aeon Star Cluster Empire, acquiring the citizenship.

"Let's go."

David immediately floated up, up to about a 100m away from the ground. The flying people were all flying at this height.


"Peak Galaxia state, Mid-Galaxia state and even one half-step Celestial! I've seen a bunch. How come I haven't seen one Celestial level?" David asked the assistant AI. 

"Galaxias are already considered people with status. On smaller planets, they are hardly seen. However on Aeon Star, this sort of bustling planet, the Galaxias are more commonly spotted. As for the Celestials they are always cultivating diligently within their castle."

David spotted an enormous black star engraving construct occupying a large Patheon!

This, was the Aeon Star Empire's station of affairs on Aeon Star.

At the entrance of the huge building, there were two bronze skinned strong sturdy guards with heights up to 6m.

"Oh? Star Mercury guards!"

"They're really Star Mercury guards."

The two huge guards immediately stood at attention, wide smiles on their faces, as David walked to the entrance, they even enthusiastically opened the door for him:

 "Sir, please enter."

 David smiled as he walked in to the large hall, behind him were the two Star Mercury guards, completely silver. He glanced at the layout of the hall and its several levels, before quickly finding the level that he needed to head to.

"Level 529?" David immediately stepped into the round sofa beside, sitting down, the Star Mercury guards stood by his side. At that time, David said: "529!"


The tray below the round sofa began to emit a white light.


It immediately rushed upwards, Without a trace of swaying, it came to a stop, it had already reached the 529th level.

"Sir, how do you do?" A lady with serpent eyes, slitted like a python gently saluted and smiled, "How can I help you today?"

"I would like to apply to become Aeon Star Empire national." David smiled.

Having a citizenship was necessary for doing many things in the universe.

Luckily he had the old man's instructions David could very easily and smoothly accomplish many things. 

"Nationality?" The lady seemed shocked.

At this age, who didn't have a nationality?

"Sir, please head towards your left, the second innermost room." Said the receptionist lady.


David smiled as he turned to walk with the two Star Mercury guards following behind him. The eyes of the lady lit up, she thought: "He actually said thanks to a receptionist such as myself, wow, now this is really the upbringing of a big family with proper manners. Even though he has two Star Mercury guards, he isn't prideful at all!"


David surveyed the room door, on it were some words.

"Knock, knock, knock." David knocked on the door.

"Please enter." From within, a strong voice resounded.

David pushed open the door and entered, it was a spacious room within. There were two workers, black skinned and very thin, their pupils blood red. One of the two casually lifted his head to take a glance. However, after spotting the two Star Mercury guards behind David, an enthusiastic smile immediately appeared on his face: "Sir, what can we do to help you?"

"I would like to join the Black Aeon Star Empire." David smiled.

The low leveled civilizations of the universe had the weakest nationality.

And the middle leveled civilizations like the Black Aeon Star Empire weren't too bad. At least when he was still weak, David had no intentions of leaving the Black Aeon Star Empire's star field boundaries. Once he becomes a Universe level fighter or even greater, it doesn't really matter what his nationality is.

"Oh, what nationality did you have before? Is there any reason for dropping the previous one?" One of the black man with blue slanted eyes smiled.

"I didn't have any." David said.

"No nationality?"

The back man with blue slanted eyes seemed slightly shocked, carefully examining David with both eyes, looking once again at the two Star Mercury guards behind him.

Ordinary folk from any other planet, are unable to acquire a citizenship until they reach the Galaxia State. To acquire one, the conditions are…one has to reach the Galaxia state. 

Without a citizenship, there won't be certain benefits to enjoy from the empire. And also, one won't be able to stay in the empire as one wished and be able to do as they liked in certain area. 

Moreover, the empire won't protect you when you enter certain planets since some planets are dangerous beyond ones imagination. Since there are good planets, why won't there be bad ones? 

For normal people who reach the Galaxia state, with the power of a galaxy cure within their bodies, the first thing they do is register for a nationality!

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