Multiverse Gacha

[269] Cursed Blade

A dark ominous energy began to surface as August transformed into his demonization. A black pattern appeared on his forehead, and the darkness around him started to boil.

Even in her Juggernaut Drive state, Vali couldn't help but feel a subconscious fear as she faced August, who now resembled a true demon god. The previous battles had left an indelible mark on her memory, unforgettable and deeply ingrained.

There's an old saying that goes, "When you fear someone, you have already lost."

This fear would forever linger in her heart. Once you fear someone for the first time, every time you see them thereafter, your initial reaction is fear.

"What's the matter? Not coming forward? Then I'll make the first move."


After all, this was a battle between the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. Not using his Boosted Gear would be overly arrogant.

As the Boosted Gear materialized, the doubled power immediately surged through August. His already immense strength, amplified by his demonization, increased yet again, doubling in power.

August extended a finger, gathering the dark energy until it condensed into a single point.


"Black Cero!"


With two boosts, the Black Cero transformed into a black torrent, rushing toward Vali.

[Half Dimension!]

Without hesitation, Vali activated her domain. The White Dragon Emperor's domain could halve the volume of any target within its range, reflecting energy attacks back at the enemy.

As the Black Cero entered this domain, it was immediately affected by its power. In an instant, the crystalline blue wings behind Vali were tinged with red. Just absorbing a single attack pushed her to her limits.

The power of the Black Cero was halved repeatedly and ultimately reversed by the domain.

August smiled at the sight. As the reflected attack came back at him, he effortlessly caught it, and with a slight exertion of force, crushed it into nothingness.

Watching Vali's domain unfold, August smiled even wider. With a casual gesture, Murasame appeared in his hand.


With a swift movement, August threw Murasame, and it embedded itself firmly in front of Vali. Vali stared at the blade, puzzled by August's intention.

However, Albion quickly understood.

[Vali, deactivate the domain immediately.]

"What's wrong, Albion?"

[The host of Ddraig is siphoning my power.]


Vali looked over in confusion, and then she noticed that the poison she had released was being absorbed by the sword.

This poison was Albion's ability, much like Ddraig's flame. Albion's poison could annihilate any living being, breaking down blood, bones, organs, and even souls. Only Great Red, Ophis, and Ddraig could withstand it.

The White Dragon Emperor's domain relied on this 'poison' to function. However, it was more like a curse or a potent negative buff.

Vali quickly deactivated the domain, but August had already obtained what he wanted.

[Murasame: One-hit kill, cursed blade. Characteristics: The curse of the sea, Halving Poison (those injured will be gradually weakened until they completely perish).]

August looked at the newly empowered Murasame and smiled. He had successfully acquired the White Dragon's poison. The next step was to obtain the dragon-slaying curse from Samael. With that curse, Murasame would become a terrifying weapon.

"What kind of weapon can absorb Albion's power?"

"Murasame, a cursed blade. Thanks to you, I've gained the White Dragon's poison."

"You bastard."

Vali felt utterly manipulated, like a puppet in August's hands.

"White Dragon's Breath!"

In her anger, she unleashed a powerful breath attack.

"Full Counter!"

August grasped Murasame, and with a swift slash, he countered the breath attack. The reversed magical energy amplified the breath's power and sent it hurtling back towards Vali.

Both Vali and Albion were startled, quickly dodging the amplified attack. When the breath hit the ground, it created a massive mushroom cloud, turning the ruined battlefield into a crater.




"Incinerate - Grand Cross!"

At this moment, just as Vali narrowly dodged the previous attack and was about to catch her breath, August's voice echoed through the air.

She looked up to see a cross formed by ten planets, each burning with crimson flames, descending upon her.


In an instant, the back hills of Kuoh Academy were obliterated in a deafening explosion.




Albion's voice repeatedly echoed as the explosion's power rapidly diminished.

"Incinerate - Great Spiralling Ringl!"

August wasn't finished yet. A colossal, flaming spiral wheel fell from the sky.


Another explosion followed, amplifying the previous one. A second mushroom cloud formed atop the first.


Azazel was alarmed, his concern for Vali evident despite her betrayal. Like a father, he couldn't abandon his child.

August hovered silently in the air. A few minutes later, a gust of wind swept through, revealing Vali lying in a massive crater.

She was severely injured, her body covered in wounds. If not for the armor of her Juggernaut Drive, she would have been reduced to pieces by the immense force of the spiral wheel.

"I... lost... again..."

Vali lay in the deep pit, barely conscious, one eye shut tight while the other stared unwaveringly at August.

In that moment, she wondered what might have happened if she had chosen to submit to August back then. But as soon as this thought surfaced, she crushed it entirely. Submission was not an option, not in this lifetime. She would rather die than submit.

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