Multiverse Gacha

[273] The Dimensional Train!

Early the next morning, August was awakened by Sona; after all, they were heading home.

Everything was ready, and the group arrived at Dimensional Train Station, the same station they had used when they arrived. Interestingly, just as they had hitched a ride with the House of Sitri on the way here, they were doing the same on the way back.

Originally, Rias had wanted to arrange for the House of Gremory private train, but Sona had already taken care of everything, rendering Rias's efforts unnecessary.

"Wow, so this is the Dimensional Train of the Underworld? It's amazing." Xenovia exclaimed as she boarded, marveling at her surroundings. Growing up in the church, she hadn't been exposed to much modern technology, let alone something like this.

Traveling through dimensional gaps on this train was far more fascinating than a regular train ride.

"Lady Sona, you're here."

"Thank you for your trouble."

"There's no need for thanks. This is my duty." The elderly servant opens the door to the House of Sitri's private car. The group stepped inside.

The car was lavishly prepared with snacks, fruits, beverages, and various other amenities.

This was clearly the treatment of a wealthy family. While the others were accustomed to such displays, Xenovia and Asia were wide-eyed with wonder, having never experienced such luxury.

"By the way, August, did you know there's a banquet coming up soon?" 

"A banquet? What banquet?"

"Well, it's a debut banquet for the new generation."

"And what kind of banquet is that?"

"It's a gathering to encourage the new generation. All the heirs of the major families will be present."

"I see, a meeting of the second generation."

Despite Sona's serious tone, August couldn't muster much interest in a gathering of young nobles.

Technically, August could be considered part of this new generation, as he and Sona were contemporaries. However, unlike them, August had already inherited the position of Lord of the House of Demon and was a Satan-class being. In this regard, he had surpassed this category.

"Hey, this banquet is quite important to the higher-ups. According to my sister, they've even invited Azazel and the Norse Chief God."

"The Norse Chief God? That old man Odin?"

"Hey, that's the Norse Chief God you're talking about."

"That guy's no different from Azazel; both are notorious perverts who love to 'rescue' fallen women."

With that remark, August shattered everyone's lofty image of the Norse chief god.

Just like with Azazel, who would have thought that a leader of such a significant faction would frequent the red-light district, ignoring the women within his own ranks to visit such places?

Even Sona was taken aback by August's comment, though she held onto a sliver of doubt.

August narrowed his eyes slightly. Could this banquet be the same one from the original storyline? The timing seemed off. The three-way peace talks had just concluded a few days ago, barely a week had passed, and now there was a banquet? It seemed too rushed.

If it was the same banquet, things could get interesting. August had an interest in Fenrir, the God-Devouring Wolf. While Samael was known as the nemesis of dragons, Fenrir was the bane of gods.

Even Odin, the Norse Chief God, feared Fenrir greatly, which was why he had allowed Loki to roam free for so many years.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world...

"Finally recovered." Vali exhaled a sigh of relief, having taken so long to heal.

This demonstrated how severe the injuries inflicted by August had been. If not for Azazel providing her with an unknown healing potion, her recovery time would have been much longer.


At that moment, a graceful figure pushed the door open and, upon seeing the recovered Vali, broke into a smile.

"Vali, you've finally recovered. Honestly, I never thought that the person I repeatedly pursued would turn out to be a woman."

Dressed in a black kimono with a pair of black cat ears and a black cat tail, Kuroka looked at Vali and spoke slowly.

Over the years, she had confessed her feelings to Vali more than once, hoping to have a child with a dragon. However, she had been rejected time and time again. She had initially thought that Vali wasn't interested in women, only to discover that Vali was actually a woman.

"What's wrong, Kuroka, are you regretting it now?"

"What good would regret do? I've already betrayed one master; if I betray another, my reputation will be completely ruined."

"Alright, enough nonsense. You came to see me for a reason, right?"

"Indeed, someone came looking for you just now."

"Someone came looking for me? Who?"

"Loki, the Norse trickster god."

"Loki? I don't think we have any connection with him, do we?"

"He wants to collaborate with us."

Kuroka smirked mysteriously, her red lips outlining a tempting curve, but there was no one to appreciate it.

Vali was a woman herself, and a combat-oriented one at that; she had no interest in such things.

"If the Norse trickster god wants to collaborate with us, he must need our help."

"Exactly. He wants to cause trouble in the devil territories, but he needs us to go to the Underworld."

"The Underworld?"

"For King Arthur's Excalibur."

"I see. He wants to harness the power of the Excalibur."

"So, what do you say? Will you agree?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I? If he's going to the Underworld, there must be something going on."

"It seems that the Underworld is looking to establish diplomatic relations with Norse, but I'm not sure of the details."

"Tell him we agree."

A glint of cunning flashed in Vali's eyes. She didn't care what Loki was planning, but she had long coveted Fenrir, a wolf feared by the gods, in Loki's possession.

When Loki caused trouble in the Underworld this time, he would definitely release Fenrir. Vali would seize the opportunity to capture Fenrir and turn him into her own servant. This would significantly strengthen her team's power.

"This is great. We can take Shirone with us while we're at it."

"Shirone? Your sister?"

"That's right. She's currently with Gremory girl, but her fiancé is said to be a lecher. It's not safe for Shirone to stay with him."

"A lecher? You mean August?"

"Yes, the guy who defeated you twice."

"He's strong, far surpassing me. But yes, he is quite lecherous."

Then, Vali's face flushed slightly as she seemed to think of something.

Although her blush was faint, Kuroka looked at her in surprise. Was this the same Vali who only cared about fighting and getting stronger?

Vali blushing? Is it because of her archenemy, whom she failed against twice? Is she developing feelings?

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