Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

New Friends


(1st Person POV)

I went back to the other who were waiting for me. Though Ben, Alex and Gerard were still looking at me in surprise.

I smirked at them and said," What are you gaping at? I told you that I can take all of them on my own."

Ben laughed nervously and said," Haha, Looks like this job finished alright due to you. But are you sure that you will be fine? You just threatened Jimmy Bae."

"Uh, Who is Jimmy Bae?"

He looked at me incredulously and said, "What? You don't even know Jimmy Bae? Are you living under a rock or something? He is the No. 1 of the school you threatened. You beat his No. 2 to pulp too."

"What? That 'Jack' was the No. 2? He is pretty weak... Then Jimmy must not be that strong, huh?"

"Don't underestimate him. You do that and you may lose. Don't be overconfident." He said with a serious look on his face.

'Hmmm... If a goofy person like him is warning me, then he must be a good opponent for me to fight.'

I smiled giddily with excitement due to another fight.

However, I still had another question...

"Why did you guys help me? I don't have anything to do with you. Surely there must be a reason why you guys decided to help me." I asked them with a bit of curiosity.

Ben replied in a carefree voice," I learnt about you from the rumours and was interested in your fighting ability too. Also, I can't let an Eunjang student be beaten by Yoosun High Students."

Gerard replied for the same reason.

"Anyway, still thank you for trying to help me. You guys are good people." I said while smiling pleasantly.

"Anyway, what do you say to have some ramen with us or maybe have a game at the poolroom?", Ben asked with a delightful face.

I looked at Gray and Stephen who were still dumbfounded at seeing a real and proper fight happening in front of them.

"What do you two say? We can play PX4 tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow."

Both Stephen and Gray nodded with an unfocused look on their face.

'I can understand Gray's mind to be in the clouds but even Stephen? Weird....'

I turned back to the trio and said happily," Yeah! Why not?"


(In the Pool Room)

"Felix! How are you so good at pool?"

Ben asked in a frustrated voice to me.

"Haha, I knew you guys were amateurs in this game. Gray is also playing today for the first time. Though he is not as good as me, he is still leagues ahead of you guys."

I bragged about being better than them shamefully.

'Haha, Passive first ability is such a cheat! I just have to activate it when I am going to hit the ball. And with my improved hand-eye coordination and enhanced flexibility. This is just a piece of cake.'

"And Stephen? How are you so bad at this? You just have to hit straight. How does the ball fly to the other end of the room ?", as I asked him in a confused manner. 

Stephen replied in a sheepish voice," I hit it straight. I don't know how it went there, I swear."

Then I tried to reach him with the proper posture and movement. He did get a bit better at it...

Ben then asked with interest," Hey Felix. How were you able to dodge Jack's punches? I saw you dodge all of them easily. Not a single one of those punches even managed to graze you."

"I don't know. I got this talent from someone.", I shrugged at him.

Ben stared at me after listening to my cryptic reply and then said, " Don't tell me if you don't want to. You can just deny my question."

"If you don't wanna believe it, then don't."

We had a really good time at the pool room and all six of us seem to be a little closer.

'Also why is that part-timer girl looking at me at really close intervals? Is there something on my face?'


"Bye, you three. Take Care! "

Saying this, Ben and Alex depart to their home. Gerard also waved his hand and went back to his own home.

The three of us also go back to our route.

*Tap* *Tap*

Only the sound of our walking is heard in our ears. There is pin-drop silence.

I broke this quietude and said," What happened to the both of you today? I saw you guys unfocused and not at all your usual self after the fight at the bridge underpass. Any problems?"

Stephen said hurriedly, too quickly," W-What are you saying, Felix? We had a lot of fun today. Maybe those three would be our new friends soon too. I was just delighted at the thought of making new friends."

"Don't try to fool me with your bluffs, Stephen. Say the truth to me and you, Gray? Why aren't you saying anything? I saw you two talking between yourself sometimes in the poolroom. What was that about?"

Gray flinched a bit as I started confronting him.

Stephen then sighed and had a bitter smile on his face," Of Course, You would know that I am lying to you. Both I and Gray just wanted to do this thing on our own and not rely on you all the time."

"What, how can you even say that? Friends are meant to be relied on, you idiot."

"We know that you are a great friend, Felix. We couldn't have asked for a better friend. And as you already know about this, let us rely on you for just this time..."

I raised my eyebrow at their rather cryptic manner of speaking.

"Can you train the both of us?"






(3rd Person POV)

In front of No. 1 of Yoosun High School, Jimmy Bae is the group standing which earlier went to drag Ben Park.

Jimmy looked at the three people in front of him. He saw the injuries and bruises on Jack Kang and Harper Ha.

"So, you failed to drag Ben here? Jack, I expected more from you than this and Helmet, you fucking dimwit, you sure are proud of your injuries, huh?"

"So, who did this to you, Jack? Ben Park or Alex Go?"

Jack struggled to reply. He gulped and said the truth to Jimmy. He recounted the whole situation back there to Jimmy.

"What? Did he defeat you so easily? I can understand why Helmet got wrecked but you too?"

Jack replied in a low voice," Yeah, he is really strong. At least stronger than Alex Go. I couldn't even graze him. He just bent his body at insane angles to dodge my attacks."

"So another insane person is in that school? Goddamn, these Eunjang fuckers are so annoying.."


"Also what?"

"Also he kind of threatened you. He said that to tell you that if he sees any Yoosun High Students bully Eunjang Students. Then, he will make them regret their decision."

Jimmy's face turns red with rage on hearing that," So, that fucker has the balls to even threaten me? Jimmy Bae? What was his name again?"

" Uh, we don't know...."

"Why do you guys not even know his name? What did he look like then?"

"Uh, he had brown hair, a deep tan skin tone and was around 6'2."

After hearing his description, Jimmy smoked his cigarette, deep in thought and no one around him could know what he was thinking.


(End of the chapter)

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