My Adopted Family

63. Contract With Calista

"Mr. Ryker."

After a while, Cali came out of the room.

She removed her makeup and changed into comfortable clothes.

I guess this is what she usually looks like at home.

"Ah, Cali, have you finished eating?"

"Yes. Thank you, and I'm sorry for earlier. You were very surprised, right? Suddenly, I started thinking about old times, and I can't control it."

It's an old time; there must be a story behind it.

It will probably be a sad story to talk about it. Be careful not to touch it.

I also have to go back soon.

"No, that happens sometimes. You have nothing to apologize for."

Perhaps because she removed her makeup, Calista's typical cold-hearted image disappeared, and she felt much gentler.


Embarrassment spreads across Cali's expression as she looks around the living room. 

If I think about it, I organized the house without saying anything. Was it too much?

"Ah, I organized the piled up luggage."

"Did you do that all by yourself? Overnight?"

"Yeah, well… For some reason, I feel like I shouldn't leave it alone. Sorry If I touched something without even saying a word."

"No, it's something I have to do… Rather, I feel sorry."

Cali blushed, and I scratched the back of my head and apologized to each other.

"I'm not this lazy to begin with, but once I neglected it, it wasn't easy to organize it. Even when I come back from work, I often just take a short nap and then go out again, and sometimes, even on my days off, I'm so exhausted that it's hard to move... And then it ended up like this."

Cali made an excuse that wasn't an excuse. She was embarrassed.

"I mean, you were so busy working that you couldn't even look around. I actually feel respect for it. Being able to focus so intently on one's work."

"…Thank you, Mr.Ryker. I'm so embarrassed because I feel like, I show you things I shouldn't really let anyone look it."

"Ha ha, Don't worry too much. Well, even if I say this, If it bothers you, think of it as a vegetables, not a person."

"If it's a vegetables then my favourite is carrot."

"Oh, that's nice. I like carrot too, and what i like the most is sweet my mother make with carrot, it's absolute delicious and sweet."

"Oh really? I would love to taste someday."

Cali said that and smiled slightly.

I sighed inwardly. This is because Cali, who cried while eating and had a depressed expression throughout the conversation, smiled for the first time.

"Absolute, I will invite you when my mom makes, so I'll just go. I also have to go home soon. I will throw away the trash on my way out."

If possible, I wanted to go back while my mother was sleeping. If I am caught staying out, she might misunderstand, or I might get scolded.

It would be better to go back when there is even the slightest possibility of going back secretly.

"Oh, Mr. Ryker, wait a minute!"


As I was about to leave the house, Cali called me and stopped me.

"Hey, it's about the lesson we talked about yesterday."

Lesson… Oh, she means that thing she and my mother talked about?

"Ah. That's it, I don't think I'm good, Because I'm not a professional, and I'm not that great enough for you to spent money,"

"That's not true!"

Wow. It's a surprise.

Cali suddenly screamed. Perhaps because the house was almost empty, she raised her voice loudly, and it echoed throughout the house. In fact, Cali herself seemed embarrassed because she raised her voice so loudly.

"Oh, no. I mean I want to try it even if work or not, and money is obviously is nesccery, and since teacher Eva said, I feel I should try it."

Yesterday you said my mom, a mother, but now you are back as a teacher. Was it because she was drunk yesterday, too?

"Well, I can do that but money? I can just read script, and just for that I don't think there much of work here, so there is no need to spent money."

"No. Then it will be difficult for me to call you because I feel sorry, that I'm not doing anything in return for your help."

Is it? Umm. Well, if I do it for free, she is in the position of asking for help. It might be more convenient for Cali to take the concept of paying to hire someone. 

"Then, considering it's a part-time job, about 1,000 credit per hour?"

"Mr. Ryker, are you planning to turn me into an evil businesswoman?"

"Oh, no, I don't think so."

"Once a week, 200k credit for 6 hours. If it exceeds the time, I will give you an allowance equal to the excess time."

"Cali, As I said yesterday, the amount is too big. It doesn't make sense."

"How about, you make a promise to me to make me your top priority. Even if you have other commitments."


If there is that much money at stake, I will treat it as a top priority, even if she doesn't say anything.

But about going as far as canceling other appointments? Would I be able to prioritize Cali over my mother or older sister?

I hate canceling my appointment with my mom, and I might get murdered if I cancel my appointment with my older sister.

"Of course, there will be no sudden summons. The schedule comes out in advance, so I'll make an appointment at least the day before, if possible a week in advance."

As I was thinking about it, Cali added.

"If that's the case, that's fine. Ah, but that amount is a bit… … ."

"Mr. Ryker. Please think of this as a courtesy to teacher Evadne. If I don't give you this much, I won't have the courage to see you. And in this world, this amount is basically the standard."

"Umm… … . I understand for now."

I can't help but say this. I'll have to give it back to my mom later.

"Then let's write a contract!"

"A contract?"

I wondered if there was paper and pen in this desolate house, but instead of paper and pen, Cali started writing the contract with a touch pen on her smartphone.

"It's all done. Please read and sign here."

"Oh, yes."

I take Cali's phone and read the contents. 

I read it carefully because I thought there might be some unfavorable clauses, but it was an honest contract that was just a written transcription of what was said here.

"Here you go."

After signing the contract, I returned the smartphone to Cali.

We exchanged numbers and I also received a copy of the contract.

When I re-read the contract I received, there didn't seem to be any problems.

"Then Mr. Ryker, thank you for today. I'll make an appointment for next week as soon as my schedule is sorted out."

"Yes. I'm at right next door, so if anything happens, feel free to contact me."

I said before heading back.

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