My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 75

After acquiring information about Frizia through Rosilica, Heinz diligently worked to subjugate the vampires scattered throughout the capital.

The "Refined Blood Essence" forces the evolution of the vampiric factor within the body from the moment it is injected.

And the moment the vampiric factor, which is the source of a vampire's power and their supernatural abilities, is altered, the "Blood Subjugation" tied to it inevitably had to change its allegiance.

From 'Brokolak' to 'Heinz II'.

Heinz, having subjugated the vampires, spun them a web of lies just as he had with Rosilica, instructing them to act as usual for the time being.

'I only injected a small amount of the "Refined Blood Essence" to minimize the alteration of the blood. They shouldn't notice anything amiss unless they pay close attention.'

A high-ranking vampire sensitive to the scent of blood might feel a slight unease, but who would imagine that the flag they were under just yesterday would suddenly change?

The very premise that the vampiric factor could be altered and change the subjugation relationship was unheard of in this world.

Unless one was completely mad from cannibalizing their own kind, such a situation was unimaginable from the start.

'That's also why Rosilica and the other vampires were more inclined to believe me.'

It could be forcibly accepted if one considered they were a branch from the same root.

Of course, it was still hard to swallow, but it was understood and moved past as the situation had already unfolded.

However, there were certainly those among them with unyielding loyalty, and even with strict control measures, it wouldn't be long before they could no longer be hidden.

And the person most at risk of uncovering this was Frizia Brokolak, the overseer of surveillance within the capital.

Heinz immediately prepared a stage to lure her out, based on the information gathered from various vampires.

'Shall we try to catch a big fish?'

After completing the preparations, the moment for action was soon upon them.


"Lady Bright, you are truly beautiful today as well."

"Would you like to see this new ruby necklace that just arrived? It was made by a craftsman who is currently the talk of the town..."

Frizia Brokolak was leisurely living a life of luxury as usual.

Today was her day to patrol the southern district.

After leisurely shopping at a jewelry store, she enjoyed tea and snacks under the awning of a rooftop garden café at a high-end cafe, watching the bustling humans on the streets below.

"It's always amusing. The way they struggle so hard to live. Huhuhu..."

Her public identity was 'Frizia Bright,' a member of the influential Bright ducal family in the Kingdom of Talia.

As the only ducal family in Talia, they boasted a power within the kingdom that surpassed even the royal family's influence.

'Most of them are merely puppets to us anyway. We can't come forward because of the church, but this is enough.'

The only thing they were concerned about was the recent signs of the Primordial Church of Talia expanding its influence with support from the headquarters.

'The Lord will do as much as he can, but it seems it will become more troublesome in the future.'

Still, if political means were used to show resistance at the kingdom level, the church would hesitate to act rashly.

One of the reasons the church had been respected by all was because they always sought understanding and permission before taking action anywhere.

Their consideration in minimizing internal interference and showing respect for other forces had earned them concessions and respect from those forces.

Even during the Immortal King's crusade, the situation was too grave for any resistance against their forceful actions, but that was no longer the case.


Frizia took another sip of her tea.

Enjoying tea with a pleasant fragrance was also one of her minor hobbies.

As she indulged in her hobbies and spent her leisure time...


Beyond the southern gate of the capital, at the edge of her sensory range, she felt the presence of an unfamiliar vampire approaching the city.

"What's this? The aura seems to be of a pureblood, but something's off?"

Frizia, slightly furrowing her brow, put down her teacup and stood up.

If in doubt, why not check it out herself?

Being highly perceptive, she was the type to need to verify things firsthand if anything uncertain arose.

Given the aura, the vampire didn't seem like a threat to her, a trueblood, and it was unlikely that anyone would be foolish enough to challenge them within the Brokolak territory.


From the rooftop garden, her figure vanished like a gust of wind...

And shortly after, she reappeared on a hill outside the city walls, behind the unidentified vampire who was quietly observing the capital.

With her parasol leisurely spinning in her hand, she opened her mouth.

"Who are you, exactly? It would be best to reveal yourself willingly..."


But at that moment.

A dense scent of blood spread all around, and blood-colored patterns emerged from the ground, encircling the hill they were on.

Unbeknownst to her, it was a barrier created using "Concealment" and "Blood Mystique."

Once activated, the space inside and outside was completely sealed off.

Until the barrier was destroyed, not even a trace of aura could leak out.

"...A trap?"

Yet, Frizia looked around calmly, merely frowning.

Her pride as a trueblood and her confidence in accurately assessing the opponent's strength made her oblivious to any sense of crisis.

"Is this, then, to be considered a challenge to me, Frizia Brokolak?"

Her eyes, camouflaged in blue, gradually turned red.

And her sinister gaze, filled with intent, slowly turned to face the black-haired, black-eyed vampire behind her.

"Kneel down right where you are... Urgh!"

As she attempted to cast her Mystic gaze upon the opponent's eyes, she staggered back a few steps, twisting her expression.

A streak of blood trickled down from her eyes, which hastily avoided the other's gaze.

'My mystic gaze was repelled?! Such backlash is impossible!'

Suddenly, the black eyes of the other also turned blood-red, quietly staring back at her.

And then, Frizia realized that her opponent was not merely at the level of a pureblood.

He was a trueblood with formidable skills, enough to perfectly deceive her senses.

"...What is your purpose? For a trueblood to invade Brokolak territory without any notice. Are you proposing a war?"

She tensed up and slowly folded her parasol.

Unable to use her mystic eye, she stared intently at him without blinking, not wanting to miss any movement.

In that moment of extreme tension.

"My purpose?"

The black-haired vampire slowly smiled and began to speak.

"Everything that is Brokolak's."


Immediately after, an explosive shockwave erupted as...Frizia Brokolak and Heinz II collided head-on.

With each explosion of energy, the barrier surrounding them shook repeatedly.


A noblewoman in her early twenties with brilliant blonde hair.

Despite her delicate appearance, her battle style was anything but easy, true to her nature as a trueblood.


The parasol, covered in blood magic, traced erratic paths, predicting Heinz's movements.

From Heinrich's perspective, it was admirable swordsmanship, honed and learned over many years.

'I naturally thought she would use magic since she uses the mystic gaze, but I was quite surprised to hear she was a warrior.'

Even knowing this and starting the fight, the synergy between a vampire's physique and years of refined swordsmanship was beyond imagination.

The moment Heinz deflected the sharp tip of the parasol attacking his torso, she used the recoil to instantly slice at his legs.

He braced his knees to deflect it...


There was no weight felt in the attack.


At the same time, her sharp high heel, deceiving Heinz's senses, pierced his ankle.

The moment Heinz wavered, the parasol thrusted towards his heart again.


Using "Acceleration" to hastily raise his guard, Heinz barely blocked the parasol but lost his balance and was sent flying backwards.

However, Frizia, having landed an effective hit, merely looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression as the distance between them grew.

"Hmm, indeed... impressive."

Heinz, lightly stretching his shoulders, had only a faint admiration on his face.

Though the attack was imbued with dense blood magic, strong enough to pierce steel like tofu, to him, the damage was minor and quickly recoverable.

"You...! What kind of body is that! And your blood magic too!"

Frizia clenched her parasol again, grinding her teeth.

While Heinz might have been outmatched in terms of combat experience and technique, in every other aspect, the gap was significantly wider.

The overwhelming difference in specs due to "Hybrid Evolution."

In terms of strength, speed, durability, the amount of blood magic, control, and versatility, they were on different levels.

The concentrated blood magic at the point of impact deflected attacks, and the shock was absorbed and dispersed throughout his body.

Even the damage taken was quickly healed with "Rapid Regeneration," making it frustrating for Frizia.

'What's this about... I'm already fighting with a considerable handicap.'

Originally, Heinz's combat style was more akin to an assassin, dealing stealthy and deadly blows.

He was engaging in a head-on fight only to prevent her from destroying the barrier.

No matter how well-prepared the barrier, it wouldn't last long against a determined attack from a trueblood.

Also, continuously leaking blood magic to protect the barrier from the aftermath of their clashes was a minor handicap.

'But being a vampire who has lived for over a hundred years, her mastery is no joke. With such a gap in specs, I stand no chance in close combat.'

Of course, he wouldn't lose either, so the fight would drag on indefinitely.

Frizia's blood magic might be considered level 7 by Earth's standards, but her combat prowess was in a different league compared to the hardliners' Betas.

The difference between an awakened being who has rapidly grown through various growth modifiers and unique skills, and an isekai individual who has honed themselves over many years.

"Indeed impressive, but a bit disappointing. Have you no interest in joining me? I can make you much stronger than you are now."

He made an offer to recruit her, just in case, but all he got back was a look as if she was seeing a madman.

Regrettably, it seemed a bit of coercion might be necessary for her as well.

'Now that the analysis on Frizia is somewhat complete.'

There's always a difference between information heard from others and information experienced firsthand.

To subjugate a trueblood, not merely a lesser or pureblood, proper understanding of the opponent was necessary.

"It can't be helped. But if we keep clashing, maybe her thoughts will change."

"Ha... Your bravado is something. With your skills, you don't stand a chance. And no matter how tough your body may be, if I keep pounding and pounding, eventually... Huh?!"

Her words were cut off as blood-red blades shot out from the barrier behind her.

The blades that grazed her as she spun around dissolved naturally into the opposite side of the barrier.


"I'm not sure what you've misunderstood, but I'm not a melee fighter like you. I was just playing along until now."

From the beginning, this interior had been Heinz's domain.

As he began to use "Blood Mystique" more aggressively, parts of the barrier bristled with his will.

Blades, arrows, spears, chains – all sorts of attacks were launched at Frizia.

The blood magic initiated by Heinz and ejected from the barrier synergized, throwing her off balance.

And then...



Using "Concealment" and "Invisibility" momentarily, then pinpointing a gap with "Insight" and diving in with "Acceleration," Heinz landed a punch loaded with blood magic into her side.

Blood-red chains that wrapped around her body as she was flung aside, followed by a barrage of blood magic attacks.

However, Heinz slightly frowned and looked at his shoulder.

'She's not easy to deal with.'

The moment his attack landed, Frizia's instantaneous counterattack pierced his shoulder.

He had focused too much on the offensive, leaving his defense lacking.

Of course, "Rapid Regeneration" healed it instantly, but he realized he needed to be more cautious.

As Heinz tightened his grip more thoroughly, the situation became increasingly one-sided.

Despite her struggles to escape, Frizia's momentum weakened, as if sinking deeper into a quagmire.

And finally.

"You lasted longer than I thought."

"Cough... You...!"

Frizia, beaten and battered, was sprawled in front of Heinz, bound by chains.

One of the truebloods of the Brokolak Clan had finally fallen into Heinz's hands.

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