My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 80

"Overlaying the avatar I've raised all this time onto my body...?"

The duration of maintenance would vary depending on the skill's proficiency, which I would have to figure out over time, but this was a more incredible ability than I had thought.

In simple terms, projecting Hans meant that, for that moment, there would be two immortal kings in the world.

"Wow... This is definitely amazing."

I couldn't help but exclaim aloud in admiration.

Without exception, the avatars were stronger than their original selves.

This included Hubert, who managed the trade guild, and even Harris, the elf who hadn't been created long ago.

"With all sorts of growth adjustments and even the flow of time being different, it was only natural."

Even without the creation of additional avatars, I could understand why this skill was significant.

"I should try using it at least once. Who should I project first?"

I fell into a brief contemplation during the selection process for a trial subject.

Hans was the strongest, but... given his exceptionally strong personality, I hesitated to choose him as the first target.

I doubted there would be any issues, but still, I felt that some mental preparation was necessary.

Elf Harris was not acclimated to the air on Earth, and merchant Hubert was not much different from the original.

That left me to choose from the remaining individuals...

"Ah! Right. Let's project Heinrich first."

As an avatar that hadn't been summoned to Earth even once since returning to the Church, this seemed like a good opportunity.


I immediately closed my eyes and concentrated.

Using "Entity Projection," I set Heinrich as the target and applied it to my body.


There was no sound of explosion or flash of light.

In an instant, I could directly realize through my body.

I had become Heinrich.

The violent power felt in my swollen muscles, and the sharpened senses naturally collected information from all around.

The majestic divine power flowing through me brought vitality to my body.

"This feels quite miraculous."

While the real one still existed in the Church, there was no doubt that Heinrich was also present here.

The very existence was overlaid, and the equipment worn was exactly the same as if copied.

"If an awakened being using divine power returns to Earth, is this what it feels like...?"

I murmured quietly, gathering divine power in one hand to emit a soft glow.

Although it was a well-known fact through widespread information, there was no hindrance in using the power.

"Of course, the recovery is much slower than when in Outerica."

About half, perhaps?

Still, the pathway connected to the deity stretched and thinned like elastic, but divine power was supplied as smoothly as usual.

"Indeed, a deity is a deity after all."

This was why the current Earth was fraught with numerous religions from various dimensions.

One could easily find websites like "XXX Dimension XX Religion Korean Branch" on the Internet.

"Thanks to people seeking the power of returned clergy, it's quite popular."

However, such places had a limit to how much they could grow.

Given the already small number of clergy, there weren't many believers they could accommodate.

Only returnees could use divine power due to their uniqueness, leaving Earth still a barren land for supernatural abilities.

They couldn't baptize others, nor could their divine power grow any further.

As faith diminished, so inevitably did divine power, forcing returned clergy to devote themselves to religious activities just to maintain the status quo.

There was also an organization called "Pantheon," which encompassed the religions of different worlds, but due to the vastly different doctrines of each, its cohesiveness wasn't particularly strong.

'It's quite a disadvantage compared to other awakened beings, but it's an unavoidable aspect given the mechanism of power.'

I'm not sure if the gods have made some sort of agreement, but we should be grateful that the connection isn't immediately severed.

I turned my head to look at Hans, who had already cast a barrier around him to conceal his presence. The inherent energy within us felt distinctly antagonistic, causing a tingling sensation.

"I've definitely confirmed the performance of 'Entity Projection.' 'Mind Hub' is also properly applied. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when I project Hans."

What remained to be seen was how long the skill could be maintained.

And, unfortunately, that limit was quickly reached.


My senses changed in an instant, as if swapping out a filter.

Hans, who had been watching from the side, saw my appearance change so quickly it seemed like video editing, in just a moment.

10 minutes.

I couldn't hide my disappointment when I checked the time.

Still, considering this was the first use, the duration should gradually increase as my proficiency grows. Perhaps I might discover more functions.

"Things will be easier from now on."

This skill allowed me more freedom.

Without considering the local circumstances of the avatar, I could borrow the necessary abilities for any situation.

"So, first things first..."

Many possibilities of what I could do with "Entity Projection" came to mind, but the first task was clear.


The next day, in the deep of night, two figures suddenly sprang up from the ground in a deserted alleyway.

Me, dressed suspiciously with a hat pressed down and a mask on... And Hans, whose mere presence seemed to freeze the air around him.

Hans, who had brought me here, soon slipped back into the ground.

'Having Hans around definitely makes things easier. He's so versatile.'

With his level of ability, it would be harder to find something he couldn't do.

Left alone, I quietly waited for Hans to finish his work.


After a brief moment and all preparations complete, I used "Entity Projection" again.

The target of projection was once again the paladin, Heinrich.

My senses changed in an instant. I felt full of strength, and divine power filled my body.

"Let's go, then."

I lowered the visor of my helmet and immediately used "Blessing: Leap" to move to the spot Hans was looking at.


Divine power burst out at the point of arrival, illuminating the surroundings.

Despite the antagonistic energy, the barrier that enveloped the area perfectly blocked any disturbance.

"Done. So far, so smooth."

This place was the hospital room where Tae-san's grandmother was admitted.

I had come here in person to implement a plan I had thought of, now that I had acquired a new ability.

'It's best to handle things quietly. Thanks to Hans, the proper preparations were completed.'

The light flashed in the middle of the hospital's four-person room, but all around remained as silent as if a mouse had died.

Hans's efforts, including the preparation of sleep magic and protective barriers, had been diligently carried out beforehand.

'Though he himself couldn't even enter the hospital room...'

He was still, at this moment, maintaining the magic remotely from a distance away from the hospital.

With the help of various skills such as "The Path of Magic" and "Control over Magical Power," it wasn't too difficult, but it was inevitably a less efficient method.

However, there was no other choice.

'Being near the patients is dangerous in itself, so it can't be helped.'

Even if he could hide his presence, the slight emanation of his energy could still potentially have harmful effects, so utmost caution was necessary.

To the frail, Hans was the embodiment of death itself.

I turned my head and quietly looked at the grandmother, still sleeping without any movement.

"She has aged a lot."

She was someone who naturally formed a bond with me and always thanked me for playing with her grandchild, providing various things with a smiling face.

Despite having been cooped up at home, it had only been two years since I last saw her, yet she had noticeably become more frail in that time.

Of course, her close relationship with my parents meant that my troubles likely had a mental impact on her as well.

I carefully took the grandmother's thin hand and invoked divine power.

Soon, a gentle light began to transmit through her hand, continuously pouring out divine power processed through "Outerica's Holy Method" to rejuvenate vitality, enhance physical strength, and remove toxins.

"I'm not sure how effective this will be..."

Divine power wasn't a cure-all. While it was true that it was more effective for recovery than other energies, it was impossible to do anything about illnesses caused by old age.

Even the Pope of the Holy Church was bedridden due to old age.

'But healing minor illnesses and boosting the body's recovery should still be of help.'

Despite being weakened due to the limitations of the Earth dimension, the bishop-level divine power was by no means weak.

Holding the grandmother's hand, I maintained the holy method, lost in thought.

I had become friends with Tae-san and naturally grew close to his grandmother as well.

The children's friendship extended to their guardians, and we often gathered together with my parents.

Even when the grandmother was hospitalized, I visited her... But that connection shattered along with the accident that day.

I closed my eyes, maintaining the skill until just before its duration ended, then slowly released her hand and stepped back.

"I've done as much as I could."

Receiving healing with bishop-level divine power on Earth was a luxury not everyone could afford.

There were few capable of such feats, and even fewer who would easily agree to such requests.

"Next time, I'll come with Tae-san. Hopefully, I'll see you healthier then."

Whispering softly to the now more relaxed grandmother, I used "Blessing: Leap" again.

In an instant, I returned to the alley under Hans's control, and soon Heinrich's armor disappeared, returning me to my original form.


Although it wasn't particularly difficult, a sigh escaped me for some unknown reason.

Memories of the past suddenly flooded my mind, unsettling my heart.

Today, memories of my deceased parents kept coming back to me.

Just as I was gathering my scattered thoughts, Hans, having finished his work, silently appeared beside me, always emanating a chilling atmosphere that could freeze the soul.


Suddenly, I was jolted back to reality by his presence.


It was my first avatar created using "Persona" to contain negative emotions.

Anger, sorrow, loneliness, resentment... emotions that were stagnant and rotting, my avatar, my alter ego.

I quietly observed the blue light within the hahoe mask.

Even just facing my avatar caused my "Clear Mirror, Still Water" state to be mercilessly shaken, making my mind reel.

I could feel the silent screams contained within it.

Indeed, it was the embodiment of death, the incarnation of fear. It was a collection of my negative emotions and a testament to my weakness... Simply, it was 'me.'

"Ha! So... I've been continuing to feel anger, resentment, and sorrow like this. Now is not the time to indulge in sentimentality."

What I needed to do was not to look back at the past and shed tears over memories. It was to prepare for the future, to tear apart those enemies.

I closed my eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, then looked to the side.

"Then, shall we return?" I said, half-smiling, striking up a pointless conversation with Hans. From the ground, shadows writhed and slowly began to engulf us.

[Ah— The grand saga has only just begun. Indulging in sentimentality is something that can wait until the story's end, over their dead bodies. Kuhuhuh... I'm looking forward to that!]

...I suppose I should add one more thing. This creature was my embarrassing abyss.


Upon arriving in the Elven Kingdom of the Enamel Continent, Harris started his journey towards the World Tree over several days.

Along the way, encountering other elves and their villages became a new spectacle, and the songs that seemed to communicate with spirits were a delight to his ears.

After many travels, he finally arrived at the heart of the kingdom where the World Tree was located.

Even as they approached, the scale of it, defying perspective, made it hard to gauge the distance, but now it felt like facing a massive cliff.


At that moment, Cecilie, walking beside him, suddenly exclaimed and stared blankly into space.

The focus in her orange eyes gradually faded.

"...It has begun."

High Elf Laphori quietly said, stepping back with the group. Harris followed them, quietly observing Cecilie.

'So, Cecilie is becoming a true High Elf now.'

As he was about to be swept away by a subtle sentimentality, 'Ah! That's it...' Harris caught sight of something slowly falling from the sky.

A leafy branch was swirling in the wind, descending with a flutter.

'The fruit of the World Tree.'

And at the end of it, there was a fist-sized red fruit attached.

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