My America

Chapter 134: Unprecedented explosion

"I'm not trying to do anything with hatred. It's always the Republicans who pull the hatred. Of course, they have stopped a lot in the past few years!" Sheffield pondered for a while, but still the people who talked are more talkative or explain that the white generation is better.

Because of the gap between the Yankee people and the Dixie people in the north and south, these people are likely to choose to stand on the side of the overall situation under such unseen public blessings, but after so many years, the general environment is completely different from that of that year. If there is too much hatred, who knows if they go out and talk nonsense.

No amount of hatred is comparable to personal interests, so as long as she cooperates in the face, Sheffield will be satisfied. If we want to promote everything with family power, there are actually only two places, Texas and Louisiana, and the remaining southern states need these partners to help.

Of course, Sheffield immediately handed out new bait, saying that he now has a way to make everyone's farms go further. In the final analysis, they still have to lure them with benefits and ask for help when they are giving benefits. Rather than under the so-called justice and unity, the prestige of the thirteen provincial green forest associations is here.

"There is a new type of agricultural machinery improved by United Machinery Company, which has been tested by the Germans, and its efficiency is far higher than that of livestock. Recently, it has been tested by the family farm to ensure that there will be no problems before it will be available. I dare to guarantee that the new agricultural machinery will It will make our farm better. "Sheffield disclosed the recent progress to these small farmers who are not large in size. In fact, they are not small. They are naturally incomparable with the Sheffield family, but everyone has Tens of thousands of acres of land.

At present, Sheffield is certainly choosing the industry most related to the family industry. The manufacture of agricultural machinery is for farm services, and the internal combustion engine needs fuel. Therefore, it was agreed to cooperate with the Rockefeller family and take a ride. Promote agricultural mechanization to make production better, and have a greater say in the field of agricultural and animal husbandry products. This circle is still consolidating the foundation of the Sheffield family, agricultural and animal husbandry products.

This is also what must be done at present, and promoting electrification is the first step in truly cross-industry. Of course, these two problems are inseparable. The latter problem he needs to help now, the front field can be shared with these farmers and planters.

"It is undeniable that our Dixie people are far more pioneering than those Yankees. The territory of the United States is all beaten down by us. We shed blood for the United States. This is clear to everyone. But if we do not intervene in other The field will fall into the situation before the civil war, the wealth accumulated over the years and looted by a civil war. The land is the foundation of the survival of us, so the first step is to make our farm more powerful and the formation of mechanized farms. Big agriculture is our right path. At this point, you and our family share common interests. "

Sheffield does not deny that he is bundling these farmers again, but this is actually the case, he pointed out that it is also a good idea to name a clear road, and to name the farm economy's further trend.

This remark made many people approve, but before they saw the real thing, this kind of approval was only shown in their hearts.

The extensive use of machinery can free up manpower to the greatest extent. For large farm plantations, it is to manage larger land with less manpower, which can produce more and cost less, plus the southern states are far superior to the northern states Agricultural conditions. You can make agriculture more promising.

The bigger advantage is that it can cover a wider range of land. Although the agricultural population is not the majority in the United States, the land where it lives is very wide. If the general election is based on the number of people, the post-republican Party is actually no longer an opponent of the Democratic Party. The number of voters in multiple elections is less than that of the Democratic Party, and even the real estate businessmen are not as many as the Xipo voters. If the principle of winners and take-all is upheld, the Republican Party has long been the treatment of the opposition party for thousands of years.

If you consider that during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the positions of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party were exchanged, and after that, the Republican Party was regarded as the Democratic Party at the end of the nineteenth century. It will take longer than the candidates in the industrial zone in the northeast of the United States.

The number of people is not large but the political energy is not at all small. Thinking of this problem, Sheffield gave these frontline partners a preventive shot and said, "Mr. William Bryan is a respectable person, but some of his The claim is not very acceptable. I do n’t know your inner thoughts, but before I remind you, it is not a big chance to expect him to win a national election on behalf of the Democratic Party. Maybe you may not all agree with me, but When it comes to this person ’s position, it ’s still prudent to wait and see.

Sheffield received partners from various states in Houston, and made full use of the network. Introducing his views on the promotion of large agriculture, as well as the idea of ​​electrified propulsion. In the next few days, he took guests to the United Machinery Company to watch the new crawler tractor. This tractor left a deep impression on the farmer. impression.

These farmers who have come here have been dealing with the land all their lives. No one knows better than them how much manpower a farm needs to manage and how many crops they can produce. They can see at a glance that if these new crawler tractors can be promoted and applied, although it may cause some waste, but the benefits are far greater than the disadvantages, they can break through the bottleneck of the farm and occupy a larger land area.

Sheffield is also very clear about this point. Large mechanical agriculture is certainly not as good as intensive cultivation in terms of average acre yield. This is inevitable, but the United States has its own national conditions here, and eventually formed a situation of two million family farms supporting large agriculture.

Sheffield understood this, and other farmers naturally understood that, almost immediately, someone expressed their willingness to use the land of their own home to help finalize tractor production. This was naturally rejected, and Sheffield said that defective machinery cannot be allowed to enter the market, and reliable products must be put into mass production.

Now this batch of products is not enough for home use! At this time, other talents understood that this accident caused Mrs. Anna ’s heir to pretend to be a force, but it did n’t matter. People dare to use it on such a large farm, indicating that they have strong confidence in the new crawler tractor, so they are even less Worried about something.

They even started to place orders directly, which made the farm machinery that has not yet officially entered the field have the treatment of not getting out of fire. Orders are spread across farms in various states.

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