My America

Chapter 38: Chemical Power

"How busy I am!" Busy building his happiness on the suffering of others, Sheffield spread his hands, "At present, there are countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Going to the chemical industry , Firearms, and other projects. "

"Let me talk to Susan and let Anne go with you. I'm all for you." Harry Sheffield snapped his fingers and seemed to find a perfect opportunity. There is no interest, he will not go anyway.

"I thank you!" Sheffield smiled, and nodded as the old man said, "I didn't expect the patent licensing to go smoothly, and my grandmother was right."

"It was mainly my father's layout. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out, my father was seriously ill, but through personal access to agricultural products, he stabilized the situation of the French people at that time, so that the relationship was established, and it had nothing to do with me." Harry Sheffield shrugged , Did not invite merit in front of his son.

learned! Sheffield is suddenly bright, is agriculture great? Industrial issues are good questions of whether you live or not. The question of agriculture is a question of whether you can survive. Kissinger said: If you control oil, you control all countries; if you control food, you control all people.

Agricultural hegemony is also the most stable hegemony of the United States in later generations. Through low-tariff free trade, the agricultural products of the United States have affected the food markets of most countries in a bumpy manner.

Haiti, one of the two dog licking dogs in the United States, was treated like this in later generations. After the tariff threshold was lowered, American rice, which enjoys federal government subsidies, quickly occupied Haiti ’s grain by virtue of its price advantage of being half cheaper than Haitian rice. The market eventually reached more than 80% of the market share, a large number of farmers lost their jobs, and the agricultural industry was destroyed.

It must be understood that Haiti ’s pre-sufficiency rate of grain was 95%, and it is by no means a country with insufficient agricultural foundation. To clean up Japan and South Korea has a large population, even Egypt, Saudi Arabia, which is a desert environment in itself. The United States doesn't need soldiers to suppress the situation at all, as long as you move your finger through the international food supplier in your hand, you can cause a spread of famine.

In the field of agriculture alone, let alone a general country, even the Republic is not an opponent. The same kind of crop is planted, and the price in the United States is definitely lower. This is already good, and it can maintain domestic food stability. The average country of the United States raises its agricultural stick, which is enough to cause opponents to be in turmoil.

But thinking of the issue of agricultural products, Sheffield frowned slightly and said to the old man, "Now the prices of domestic agricultural products are rising. If low-cost exports, what if they spread?"

"Take those Yankees to death! That's it!" Harry Sheffield looked scornful. "I heard Rich Martin say that now the domestic economy is sluggish and panic is spreading. It is their own snapping that caused the price to rise. What do we do? "

"It makes sense!" Sheffield put her hands in her pockets and seemed to have been persuaded.

"So you should take Anne, there is no one around her, it is not that you just take it casually." The old man clenched his fists and said shamelessly, "When I came to Paris, what a Marquise, Countess, What councillors, banks, financiers, it is so invincible, meeting up to three times, it surrendered to my personal charm. "

"It's the money ability!" Sheffield endured the tumbling of the stars, and added a cold and quiet back to the tactics. "I heard that this kind of disease is spreading in Paris. As a son, I still remind you to be careful a little."

I really do n’t want to endure the old man who regained his old posture. Sheffield directly pointed to the ceiling and said, “I ’m running out of time. I ’m going to Belgium soon to discuss patent licensing. Then I went to the German Empire to investigate the chemical industry and finally to London London is where my grandmother made me have to go. "

This year, the United States is capable of exporting very few fist products, and even the quality of ancestral skills is not as good as that of a Belgian. However, the quality of firearms does not require any quality. It is enough to kill people without bombing.

Sheffield also doesn't appreciate things that are too good. If the product quality is too good, isn't that breaking market rules? Therefore, it is best to have a suitable point for quality issues, to ensure that the scale of sales and quality are considered, the former is more important than the latter.

In the case of standard oil, the reason why it successfully rushed out of the Americas to the world was inseparable from the discovery of the Pennsylvania oil field. This was the largest oil field discovered in the world at that time.

As for later generations in the Middle East, which is famous all over the world, it is widely circulated at this time that there can be no oil under the Great Desert of the Middle East. Rockefeller ’s standard oil now looks so powerful, because at that time only Pennsylvania ’s oil fields had large Large-scale production, this allows Standard Oil to successfully rush out of the Americas to the world.

But no one actually said how powerful Saudi Arabia has a similar role in later generations, just as the Republic cannot blow the rare earth industry. You have occupied the source for so many years, and it should be better.

It was only in the 20th century that large-scale commercialization began that it became industrial blood, but this does not mean that the value of oil was not shown in the 19th century. The kerosene separated from petroleum makes it an important resource for the first time. But it must be said that heavier than coal or not.

DuPont just seems to be very powerful in the United States, but in the chemical industry, Sheffield still thinks that he should trust the Germans. After all, as a senior German powder, he can remember that a series of sarin, mustard gas, are all done by Faben Chemical Co.

Harry Sheffield sent his son to the train station, took out a card and handed it over, "This is the contact information of the original president of the Deutsche Bank Paris branch, Grigo Seaton. If there are any difficulties in Germany , He might be able to help. "

"Since you have a relationship in this regard, why not go with me." Sheffield just wanted to raise her hand, and was dragged back by Annie, who was holding her arm.

"How busy I am!" Harry Sheffield refused with seriousness. The German woman was not within his appetite. "I even considered life for you, and even convinced Earl Susan to let Anne take care of you. What should I do if I lose my trip to Europe this time, and my family is such an heir. "

Sheffield boarded the train without looking back, and the old man started chatting down the third road. It is better to think about this time and how to spend less to obtain a patent authorization.

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