My America

Chapter 43: Artillery Queen Beta

From Sheffield's point of view, the eating appearance of the Junker landlord class is too ugly. Although there are some gaps in national strength, everyone is a member of the imperialist family. How can there be no reason to take advantage and not lose money? Di-Russian agricultural products are exported, but Di-Russian also imports German chemical products. The trade is to supplement its own shortcomings, but the Germans only want to take advantage and do not want to lose money.

When the French waved the gold franc to appear in front of the Emperor Russia, do you expect the Emperor Russia to uphold the coat, and the Chinese thieves are not mutually exclusive? Is Golden Mark money? Gold francs are not money?

As for the self-sufficiency rate of agricultural products in Germany, which is only 70%, patronizing his own profits and pushing the imperial Russia to France, the result was a blockade by Britain, and famine broke out in the second year of war at the end of the year. It was really thanks to the German Imperial Army that he had resisted for four years with a group of pig teammates.

Sheffield had very high expectations for visiting the Krupp family, and it can even be said that enough preparations were made for this. I even plan to take a loss and give each other some sweet taste. Today's loss is for the outbreak of tomorrow. Sheffield is not a short-sighted person. As far as he sorts out the historical context in his heart, he is destined to miss short-sightedness.

The city of Essen is Krupp ’s home base, and Krupp ’s name in China is particularly impressive. Germany, as a rising country, defeated France, the second best player in the world, and gave hope to a lot of backward countries.

Many less advanced countries have used Germany as an example to build up military power, and this includes even island-like countries. The island country is British navy and German army.

As a senior German fan, Sheffield naturally knows many details through the powerful Internet of future generations. For example, the head of the Krupp family of this generation is actually a homosexual.

If he can deal with money, he does not want to use the privacy of the other party to force the other party to follow him. In fact, he has such a little fear in his heart. After all, this is the territory of others. It is very unfavorable for him to tear his face.

Because there is a gun factory in Habsburg, Texas, which is currently one of the top three in the United States, Sheffield feels that he is reluctant to be a peer with the other. Although part of his family's business, it can't be compared with the empire built on military industry.

You ca n’t go directly to the landlord of Junker in East Prussia. Sheffield does n’t think he has more face than DiRussia. People can even occupy the interests of Russo-Russia.

However, there is another group of German Empire pillars on the Ruhr area, that is not untouchable. In the industrial and agricultural fields, there is always less than one pot of urine. Just like in the United States, the South supports the Democratic Party to reduce tariffs. Anyway, the agricultural products in the South can always be exported. Raising the tariffs will be hurt by retaliation. Would the Yankee be better? Just die if you die.

And Yang Jiren hopes to increase tariffs to protect the United States is only an empty scale, high-tech products are still climbing the industry. Anyway, their products are not bought by Europeans. If European countries want to retaliate, they will retaliate against Dixie.

Sheffield believes that the consideration of different industries in eastern and western Germany is also inconsistent. Especially for the military industry, export is particularly important. This can be seen from the efforts of the United States in the later generations to export their brains for the military industry.

There has also been a black humor in Krupp's history for export. Before World War I, the British-made cannonball Vickers leased the Krupp fuze patent rights. After the war, the company paid royalties based on the number of German casualties. This puts Krupp in an awkward position to make a fortune with the German war dead.

Of course, it was this money that allowed the Krupp family to make a comeback quickly after the war. The military talents were recalled in the first year after the war and the plan to re-arm Germany secretly began.

In view of the similar environment in the Ruhr area, Sheffield did not bring Anne this time, successfully regained the ownership of his mask, and brought a group of black gold employees to Essen, the heart of the German military industry. The canal river port of Essen and the east-west transportation hub of the Ruhr area are now the largest industrial cities in the Ruhr area.

Essen has a centuries-old history of military work as its pillar industry. At that time, the world was still dominated by Spain. There are endless factories and chimneys going straight to the sky. Even everyone on the street is in a hurry, almost like an efficient marching ant activity.

"My father has his own business, so I will welcome guests from across the Atlantic." Sheffield did not reach Krupp's headquarters, but was received in a villa, just don't know if this villa became famous. The noisy Hugel villa.

Sheffield looked at the girl who seemed to be two years younger than herself. Her eyes were sparkling and her hair was made into a style that was common in Germany in this era, but it did not increase the softness and the expression was serious. neutral.

Sheffield stepped forward and took the girl's hand. He quickly put it down under the watchful eyes of several servants, and said in an official tone, "I believe you are Miss Beta."

The latter nodded, and Sheffield heard, as expected, this is the next generation head of the Krupp family, Beta Krupp, wife of Gustav Krupp, known as Beta of the Queen of Artillery.

During the First World War, the Krupp company led by Gustav Krupp produced the Beta cannon in the name of his wife, destroyed the very famous Liege fortress in Belgium, and was in the German army at the battle of Verdun. Among the heavy artillery units, the Verdun, the Paris portal, was bombarded indiscriminately.

Decades later, the sons of Gustav Krupp and Beta Krupp produced another artillery named after his father, the famous Gustav heavy rail train gun.

"The heirs of Sheffield came to Europe to investigate. The whole Ruhr area already knows. I do n’t know what purpose this time came to my house?" Beta Krupp brought the guests into the villa. After the two sides sat down, their eyebrows were raised. Interested asked.

"This is naturally about cooperation. I believe that the Krupp family is also willing. After all, military enterprises are most like exporting. The federal government has the purpose of the federal government, and our family has the purpose of our family. Of course, whether it is public or private, both The purpose is the same. This is the best! "Sheffield took off his top hat." As a military enterprise, I believe that Krupp should pay close attention to conflicts in many areas. "

"Naturally, I know the current Venezuelan crisis, but from the time of Master William's itinerary during this time, I believe that the Sheffields are not just coming over to discuss the issue of weapons, I don't know if I am right?" Beta Krupp's eyes flashed After a shining light, he asked with great curiosity, "Of course, military enterprises welcome all guests, but I want to hear something else."

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