My America

Chapter 61: Benefits of standardization

"In fact, I don't care about greater profits. I prefer to recruit large-scale workers, let more people participate in production, and let more people afford food. This was the grandfather's original intention." Xie Field put his hands in his trousers pockets. In fact, from this factory, it can be seen that the old Sheffield is completely aspiring and died first. Otherwise, he will not understand the application of standardized production lines. There may be related plans in his mind, which are ready to be implemented later, but there is no Wait until that day.

The standardization of production lines is notorious, and it has to wait for Ford to use it. Now the United States factory is not without the prototype of this production line, but it has not yet produced such a blockbuster effect. Pipelining divides a repeated process into several sub-processes, and each sub-process can operate in parallel with other sub-processes. Ford's assembly line not only puts cars on the assembly line, but also spends a lot of energy to study and improve labor productivity.

Ford applies this production line to cars, and Sheffield plans to use it on agricultural machinery. Once this production line came out, it produced hundreds of thousands of cars in a year. The resulting cost reduction will inevitably destroy some companies with insufficient capital, which can also have the effect of clearing the market.

Squeezing out companies with insufficient capital is only one of the benefits, and in Sheffield's view, the standardized production line has a greater advantage, that is, after the division of labor is more detailed, the scope of recruiting workers can be expanded. Any qualified worker, as long as he is not too stupid, is qualified for the work of this standardized production line.

In the previous small workshop factory, once a mature technician took full control of the production process, there was a danger of establishing a portal. Like many factories in the United States, once the technicians learn everything, they can produce the same products as long as they operate the machine. With the capital outlet, even the pigs can take off.

This is a potential competitor for the companies they used to serve. Sheffield favors standardized production lines, because it allows workers to only care about what they are facing, but know nothing about other production processes.

It seems that the production efficiency is greatly improved, and the wages of workers will rise, but this increase is controllable. The danger is controlled within a certain range, and once these workers are no longer needed, Sheffield can mercilessly let them get out, and not worry about their use by competitors, because such ordinary workers are everywhere.

Only a few skilled workers can produce cars, and the history is completely overturned. When the hands of a black coal miner can also make a good machine, it means that the work efficiency of a most ordinary manual worker is raised above the level of a skilled worker. At that time, the skilled worker does not If it is valuable, the enterprise will also get rid of the constraints caused by skilled workers.

Therefore, Sheffield is not painting cakes now. The beautiful tomorrow of this factory is indeed in sight. After a long time, the situation of the workers cannot be compared with later generations, but it will definitely be much better than today.

Sheffield, who has no learning skills, opens her mouth and shuts down the workers' rights, as if a thick moral aura has risen out of thin air, and one mouth can't stop, attracting French girls who are always revolutionary.

If the boy in front of him lived in the time of the French Revolution, maybe Robespierre would appreciate him and become a very important member of the Jacobin faction.

After standing for a speech without back pain, Sheffield felt dry and drank directly at the factory. In the face of the almost formed firearms, this meal Sheffield ate was extremely sweet.

In a factory building where every bullet took away a life, the heirs of the generation of the Sheffield family were mingled with the workers. From time to time, there was a burst of laughter and even attracted the attention of some child workers. Of course these child workers also got their favorite candy , Cuban sugar.

After the soul chicken soup has been instilled, Sheffield walked out of the huge factory building and completed his first show at the Habsburg Firearms Factory. Under the protection of a bodyguard, he merged with his black back Yankee.

"Look at the children working in the factory, think about it sad." Annie sighed softly. "They are so young, they have to work with a group of adults."

"Cheap!" Sheffield glanced at the sentimental Annie. "Not everyone has your background. And working early is not bad, so they can know what the real world looks like. At least they are better than Students studying at school understand earlier, so that there will be no unrealistic fantasies, and they still want to change their destiny? "

According to the itinerary, after breaking through the stop of the station, he successfully led his black back to Sheffield Ranch, which was right next to the Indian reservation. In fairness, this reservation, which does not exist in the history of Sheffield ’s mind, inside The Indians should already be the happiest Indians in the United States, with an Indian population of more than 20,000.

However, he didn't see the Indians outside the ranch, but just turned around and made a return, which made Anne who wanted to see what the Indians looked like disappointed and could only look forward to the next opportunity.

After going south to Houston, Sheffield finally had a basic understanding of the industry in his home. Illegal business is more important than agriculture than animal husbandry than factory. This is really a standard model of local wealthy.

But this is already pretty good. Fortunately, although the sparrows are all small, they are only comparable in scale to the vast industrial areas in the north. The situation in the southern states in the 30 years of retrogression has become even more unbalanced. During the Civil War, there were very few factories in the south that made firearms and ammunition. A large part of the weapons were manufactured by the factories that were occupied by the raids during the war.

A few days later Sheffield had led the evil dog Yankee and walked on the streets of New Orleans again. But just after arriving here, Sheffield could clearly feel that the atmosphere here was completely different from the last time he came. There seemed to be a tense atmosphere in the air.

"Isn't it just a black youth who got on the public train? How does it seem that Britain has declared war on the United States?" Sheffield didn't know. So the black people I saw along the way seemed to be avoiding the eyes of white people, and their expressions were full of fear.

However, this has nothing to do with Sheffield. I lived in Oak Manor without thinking deeply. This time I came to New Orleans mainly for two things. The first thing is to care about the plantation owners returning from Brazil. The second thing is Check out the port terminal. The two things are going to be combined and done together.

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