My America

Chapter 73: Atlanta (repair)

The uncrowned king has a stinky problem. He thinks he is very high but pretends to speak for the people. In fact, they will eventually be surrendered by capital. Of course, this is nothing. It is not contradictory for the people to speak and make money for themselves. Carrying out the standards in the Qing dynasty, it is not impossible to retreat by relying on the newspapers that encourage the people.

Calm, objective and neutral reports began to appear in the United States, from north to south, from New York to Los Angeles. Call on the people not to put pressure on the government, the British Empire is the undoubted hegemon in the world. Isolationism is what the United States should do now. In fact, the time when the most objectionable to Britain should indeed have passed. At this time, it should not be a problem to say two words, let alone have money to take.

But they forgot what the British Empire was like in the eyes of the people of the United States in this era. The image of the British Empire among the citizens of the United States today is none other than those created by the major media. This kind of report just appeared, in fact did not cause waves, everything is calm.

It ’s just that no one guides. In other words, Sheffield is not prepared. In fact, it ’s not that newspapers that she and the Sheffield family have made in the news field. Today, the family can have such a status in the 13 southern states. How could there be no friends in the news field?

The public opinion battle actually started suddenly at a moment when no one noticed it. It was almost the citizens who took a day off, dragged their tired bodies, started the day ’s heavy work, bought a newspaper to pass the time, and saw many newspapers. During this time, I feel that my competitors have issued so-called calm, objective and neutral reports at this time, which is almost equivalent to letting the federal government surrender to the British, and even doubting whether these newspapers have received the pound.

The use of national interests to attack competitors is actually nothing new to citizens of the United States. In fact, the candidates will encounter the same drama every time they are elected. Most of the time, they are just watching the drama. They are just running for governor, and they have been used to it for many years.

Even so, most people just laughed when they saw the behavior of many rival newspapers swearing at each other. Sheffield has never expected the people who eat melon to assume the role of ignition.

No one knows when the crowds gathered, especially for today ’s newspapers. Anyway, hundreds of people appeared in front of the newspaper ’s two-story building so out of nowhere. They pointed out indignantly and pointed at the door of the Atlanta Morning News. A few days of newspapers were inspiring speeches, "Now the United States is under the pressure of the British Empire, and we have come forward for the weak Venezuela, but we claim to be fair and just reporters, but at this time we speak in the newspapers and speak for the British, United States China ’s grain exports have been plummeted by British sanctions, which has impacted domestic grain prices. Nowadays, countless farmers are unable to collect the cost of farming, but our farmers still insist on their teeth. They are all for the United States. But what we see is usually well-dressed , The journalists who spoke the scenes, betrayed our United States. "

"They must have led the pound!" The voice of the lead agitator just fell, and there was a screaming interface directly. "At this time, the British will break our support for the federal government. If we do this, we will only let the British Look at the joke. "

? "Let these **** pay the price, the United States does not need a traitor who represents the interests of the United Kingdom at this time. It has been independent for 100 years. Among our journalists, there are also British stooges!"

?? In the bursts of shouts, waiting for the staff of the newspaper office to come to the window in the newspaper office on the second floor, while the editor-in-chief carrying coffee took a few steps back instead? Others glanced curiously and asked, "What's wrong with you, editor? Why is your face so ugly?"

"It's time to call the police. The more these people get together, the easier it will be." Pierre's ugly face urged him, and the sudden appearance today gave him a very bad hunch. In fact, he is a guilty conscience because he really collects money.

? When preparing to surrender to the sixth sense and want to protect yourself, the result was that the crowd gathered together and the stones were rained down on the newspaper office like a rainstorm? The glass on the second floor of the small building shattered and shone like crystal. Then dozens of strong men rushed into the newspaper and broke everything they could see.

"Mr. Sergeant, you see so many people. I personally suggest that it is better not to have a head-on conflict." The staff of the Georgia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Association chatted easily with the sheriff of the jurisdiction from outside the line of sight. Ten dollars were taken out of the pocket, and it was inserted into the jacket pocket of the other person with a sense of grace, and said lightly, "Citizens of the United States have the ability to express freedom of speech, and journalists cannot always speak casually, and citizens cannot vent. Right. "

"Actually, it's understandable that citizens have grievances!" The sheriff in a cowboy hat patted her pockets and said indifferently, "The British are indeed a bit excessive, and I must stand on the side of justice."

This scene in Atlanta has actually been staged in cities in many states, but it just happened here today. Even in the news and media industry, it is impossible to know everything about other states. Obviously, the editor-in-chief of this newspaper office only cares about one acre and three cents of land, and does not know that this is not an isolated incident.

Drop ... The long whistle broke the quietness of the train station, and the steam train slowly landed on the shore. It seemed that it was not affected by the things in the city. In fact, it was not affected. It was originally a small thing. In this era, protests and marches in the United States are not uncommon. A group of fart people are just making trouble. The police department is not surprised.

A black back jumped directly from the car, which surprised the passengers who were about to get on the bus. Behind the dog, a group of men with decent colors and well-dressed but cold faces got out of the car and were caught in the middle. Sheffield blew a whistle after getting out of the car and turned a blind eye to the surrounding eyes.

A crowd of people left the train station in a hurry. Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, was selected by Rockefeller and Sheffield as the venue for business cooperation negotiations. In addition to the huge professional team, Sheffield and Rockefeller Jr. will meet again here.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, my friend, you have been okay recently!" Rockefeller Jr. was still as gentle as he was, and the words were very decent.

"My dearest partner, I have to say that Atlanta is really a good place." Sheffield's hypocrisy is not to be overwhelmed. If both of them are male, it will be something happening on the surface.

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