My America

Chapter 89: Small steel mill

For his brother-in-law, Edith Rockefeller's husband, Rockefeller Jr. did not disrespect each other because of the strength gap in capital. In fact, in terms of family, the Rockefeller family can be regarded as a model. Although the male heir is extremely important, the old Rockefeller is absolutely indifferent to the treatment of his daughter.

Edith Rockefeller is worth up to 30 million US dollars. What is this concept? After years of European life, several important heirs of railway king Vanderbilt are probably the same now.

Although the marriage of the two families can be seen by any one, it is an obvious business marriage. The two have no emotional basis at all, but they can be together without any problems. Rockefeller is still heartily happy. .

Because in a sense, Edith Rockefeller can also help him. In dealing with his children, old Rockefeller is strict with the only heir, but he will not interfere in feelings. As long as he likes it, Little Rockefeller can be with any woman. Marriage is the opposite of treating daughters. Money is not a problem, but it is not up to them to whom they want to marry.

"Isn't it, William, what are you thinking?" Rockefeller Jr. said suddenly to Sheffield, obviously wanting him to say something at this time.

"Well, yes!" Sheffield nodded, exactly what you said, what I didn't understand at all.

Sheffield is not interested in personal feelings now, but what other people's personal feelings are, as long as he has a place in the industrial field in recent years, he can become a beast in the long time in the future, but he still wants to Carry forward with weight and struggle hard.

There are still a lot of plans in front of us, the acquisition of steel plants, the investigation of the land environment in the west, and the problems of the pharmaceutical industry. Of course, there are a few things related to Rockefeller Jr., but it is really because of the fact that the other party is not officially taking over, otherwise millions of people a day will have time to accompany the Texas farmer to the west.

"It's okay to publish tomorrow!" Sheffield's manuscript review is complete. She has a feeling of editor in charge. She read the press release from beginning to end and waited for the publication if she felt that there was no problem.

Harold McCormick's remarks about the industry of the United States, the barbaric development, big but not strong, spread throughout Chicago the next day. In the eyes of people, a young entrepreneur who is richer than you and harder than you The image jumped on the paper. Ordinary fart people know who Harold McCormick really is, but they have not unilaterally accepted the information that the media has instilled in them.

However, in the eyes of another group of people, Harold McCormick knows exactly what level they are, and they are very clear. They blatantly expressed their position for the new patent law. Make a comment.

So in the following days, the heads of factories and companies around the country represented the unwilling to come down personally to perform their own spokesperson duties, saying that Harold McCormick ’s words were thought-provoking and deafening. Predicament, if you want to truly usher in the coming of the American century, you also need to work hard and bear the weight of the citizens of the United States, including yourself.

As for whether I thought in my heart, the gentry's money was repaid in full, and the civilian's money was divided into five and five cents. The country can lose money, and the consortium must make money. No one knows this. In order to show the glorious destiny of the United States and the United States, we must fully respect intellectual property rights, so that the industry giants of the United States have greater development and are sufficiently developed to not be afraid of foreign capital under any circumstances.

Real industry giants know that the new patent law will do more harm than good for themselves, so what else to say, naturally is for the better future of the United States, we also need to enhance our strength.

How well said, Sheffield is pleased with the united United States giants, the unity between the capitalists is always easier than the unity between the farts. With these supports, why worry that the American century will not accelerate.

"I rarely greet guests so much, it's all about your cooperation with Standard Oil!" Edith Rockefeller was excited, and even felt that the unpleasant smell on the industrial plant side could be overcome.

"Then I really thank you. Who kept John busy, your husband can't perform his duties as a reception partner? How can I also come up with a lot of patents and cross-licensing him!" Sheffield bored Chicago first. The lady thanked her and wondered if it was time to end her Chicago trip.

But it does n’t work. Although the technicians in the Ruhr area have been sent to Texas, he still has to wait for the arrival of Coubertin. As for why he does n’t want the French and Germans together, it ’s so simple. How many French people do n’t hate Germans this year?

"He's busy with him, and I have to consider him!" Edith Rockefeller said, not caring. She seemed to enjoy the feeling of traveling, and she thought the same way in her heart.

Edith Rockefeller must say that he greatly appreciates the style of the Sheffield family. No matter where he goes, he never knows low-key. Even if he comes out to investigate the project, it also has dozens of people before and after, and it is a highly anticipated platoon.

There is no way to do this. This is a problem left over by family history. Since the grandfather cast his heart in the middle, and after his father lost contact in Paris for many years, the Sheffield family is so unique. Galeries Lafayette wants the heir to do something, and can't stay at home. He naturally went everywhere to be a man, all to prevent accidents.

There was Edith Rockefeller, the first lady of Chicago, and Chicago naturally had no secrets about Sheffield. Even the Rockefeller family ’s investment in the pharmaceutical industry, Edith Rockefeller did not conceal, very complacent, "Father so It is also done for the health of citizens of the United States. "

"I believe!" Sheffield absolutely believes in the professionalism of the Rockefeller family. Even if the urine test is started now, there is absolutely no drop of urine in the stimulant. The professionalism is absolutely beyond doubt.

All day, Edith Rockefeller and Sheffield were wandering in the Chicago industrial area and visited many steel companies to investigate. According to professional terms, in 1895, because the United States had not escaped the economic depression, resulting in steel industry capacity There is not much money to make a surplus. There are not many targets for capital injection and acquisition, and there are also many bosses who are willing to be acquired to cash out.

"I think the small steel mill just now meets my standards and waits for me to find someone to evaluate it." After coming out of the industrial zone, Sheffield recalled the steel mill he visited and had set his goal in his heart.

Edith Rockefeller chuckled and corrected without hesitation, "That's a steel mill with an annual output of one million tons, a small steel mill?"

"Million tons? Well, it is indeed a small steel mill!" Sheffield nodded solemnly after hearing it. According to the standards of the Republic, this is a target of mandatory de-capacity and must be closed.

"Isn't the Texas kid bragging so serious, or is it just you?" Edith Rockefeller smiled and twirled.

"Texas folk customs are simple!" Sheffield said, not ridiculous. What is ridiculous?

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