My America

Chapter 99: I understand AC

"I believe you also know who Morgan is. After all, you have worked in the company of Edison. In the past few years, Morgan has also invested in you. The eggs will not be put in a basket. This reason does not require me, a latecomer, to teach Morgan how Yes. He has invested in you and Edison. Whether you or Edison, he will invest in anyone who can make a profit. However, he is a businessman and the interest he cares about is not science. You lose to the battle of radio After Marconi, the radio patent was awarded to this Italian, which made Morgan very angry and pulled away from the funding for you, right? "

Shepherd's unintentional remarks on Tesla's life trajectory in recent years, "After Morgan, there are still other rich people who are very interested in your research results, but your recent funder, to be honest, can't be compared with Morgan. To the United States Say, Mr. Tesla, you are a talented genius, but there are not geniuses like you in every industry. There is only one influential banker like Morgan. "

"Although I think that Morgan and Edison are going to be in a hurry sooner or later, it is definitely Edison who ultimately serves softly, but it does not mean that you are out of Morgan's line of sight. After Edison is cleaned up, you will meet Morgan sooner or later. As for your sponsor He is not an opponent of Morgan. As long as Morgan puts pressure on your sponsors, your situation will be worse. "

"Did I say Morgan was too abominable?" Sheffield suddenly stopped and asked, looking at Tesla's eyes.

The battle for radio patents is indeed the main reason why Morgan is not funding Tesla, but Sheffield believes that although Edison tried his best to take advantage of the first mover, Tesla's research was not taken seriously. But once the benefits of alternating current are proven, far more than direct current, Morgan will look back one by one, forgetting the unpleasantness of working with Tesla again.

"I have obtained the radio patent from Marconi. Dear Mr. Tesla, before I came to New York, I observed you for a long time, although you may not know this. I am ready for it. "Here comes today." Sheffield said coldly, "Your research needs funders. Once Morgan feels that the profit of AC is huge, it will use the network to force your funders out. This is not whether you are willing or unwilling. The problem is that the patent of AC is very easy for Morgan to get from an electrical engineer. "

"Master William means that you can help me keep the patents I have now and continue to fund the follow-up research." Tesla slightly raised his head and asked with hesitation, "My funder is also a banker. Millions of dollars in assets ... "

"As early as twenty years ago, Morgan and the alliance against the Seligman consortium and his foreign aid, the marriage of the Rothschild family, after obtaining financial dominance, the banker here, except for several internal marriages in Boston Bankers, basically, Morgan has no rivals. In the financial field, it is too easy for Morgan to force a person. It is not a good thing for your sponsor to be a banker! "Sheffield shrugged." And millions of dollars. ? In Morgan's eyes, this can only be considered a change! Even without Morgan coming out, Edison's property is almost the same. General Electric, how do you deal with it? "

"Master William means that you have enough capacity to protect my patent? Will not be taken away by Morgan? But I have a little doubt, you and Morgan are also businessmen and of course pay attention to profit. What is the difference?" Tesla seems Very uncomfortable with a smile, which means something inexplicable.

"There is no essential difference in nature, but I am a person who respects the achievements of others. I would like to say what is different. At present, I haven't hurt you, and Edison and his gold owner Morgan have hurt you once. In this place of the United States, you should choose a strong partner to realize your dreams. It ’s not that I boast that there are not many people who dare to support you under the pressure of Morgan. These giants in the north are inextricably linked to Morgan, on the contrary My family is in Texas, and the main contacts are in the southern states, and I have no contact with Morgan. "Sheffield hesitated and said the truth," Furthermore, I have Marconi's authorization, and there are many patents in the European electrical field. Quite a lot, it can be cross-authorized with you. As long as you nod, I can support you to do anything, as long as you want to do it. "

In fact, Sheffield did n’t even know who was the first person to discover the radio. If he remembered correctly, it seems that there is a Russian called Popov who also proved the radio this year. If the other party also joins in, the radio patent lawsuit is even more serious. However, for the radio patents, the Federal Court conducted the trial during World War II and gave Marconi ’s patent to Tesla.

However, this move is more like a bad debt. The United States obviously has no dear father in this regard. The British look good. The British paid the royalties to the Krupp family according to the number of German victims. Germany in World War I and Italy in World War II are defeated countries. .

Tesla has been silent for a long time. In fact, since Morgan withdrew his capital, although he found other funders, as Sheffield said, the victory of the current war did not bring benefits. He is still in a debt-ridden environment. Even the situation after the victory of the current war is not as good as before when there was no victory or defeat.

Not only that, Tesla can always see the media mocking himself in the newspaper. He, the winner of the current war, is far from the comfort of the loser.

This kind of hesitation was discovered by Sheffield keenly, and he added again without hesitation, "The public opinion environment here is too unfriendly to you. In fact, the most suitable place for you to relax and study in the United States is never New York. It ’s Texas, and Texas is a gathering place for immigrants from Eastern Europe, where you can find your hometown. ”

"You can hear Slavic language, you can see the Orthodox Church, you can integrate into it without hindrance, anyone can be your friend!" Sheffield followed the temptation, "Houston has a good climate and makes Texas The largest city, if you want to, changing the environment may be more able to use your talents. "

Xiao Zhi moved with emotion and said that now is Sheffield. He expressed his willingness to take risks and resist Edison and the pressure behind Morgan. He also used the environment and humanities to make Tesla understand that the United States is not only New York.

"I may not be able to reward you for a long time!" Tesla pointed to the laboratory downstairs. "Even the laboratory repair after the fire owes a lot of money."

"It's okay, I'll help you back!" Sheffield glanced indifferently. "Great science requires continuous investment. I will never be like Morgan, and I will not divest without seeing the benefits."

anymore question? Tesla racked his brains, he could not think of a reason for rejection, and finally nodded, "I am willing to go to Texas!"

"This is a very wise decision! No one knows the value of alternating current better than me." Sheffield boasted, "and the value of you, a great electrical engineer." Better understand how much benefit this will bring.

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