My Angel system

Chapter 246 Special Moves

The fight between Monica and Christine had not been all that nice for Monica who was receiving quite the beating.

The two had their whips wrapped around each other as Christine sent a powerful kick down her gut and sent her sliding backward before she formed a metal wall ahead of her to stop her from moving any further.

"That kick was something else," Monica said slowly getting up from the floor.

Christine flung her double whip towards her trying to wrap them around her but she wasn't going to let that happen as she formed a metal shield in front of her and with a metal path she closed up on Christine from above.

Christine drew back her whips and tried to strike her down with them but she was quick enough to blast her with a fireball before could fling the whips.

The force of the fireball sent Christine flying backward until she had eventually flung her whips which wrapped on Monica's metal path and stopped her from moving backward any further.

"You're good," Christine said. "But is that all you got?"

"I'll show you all I've got if you show me all you've got," Monica said, jumping down from her metal path and summoning her whip.

"Ok," Christine said as she pulled her double whip out in front of her.

'Is she going to do it?' Monica thought as she was beginning to feel a certain type of excitement.

Christine's whips began to take a purple glow as she had both of her eyes closed.

'Oh, she's doing it.' Monica thought in excitement.

Christine shot her eyes open as the whips had taken a whole new look of purple glow but the whips weren't the only things that had taken the purple glow as her eyes were bright purple now and a few strands of her hair had changed to purple.

"Now we're talking," Monica said under her breath.

She may have been excited to fight Christine in this form but that didn't mean that she wasn't also a little afraid of getting hurt.

'Wow.' Luis thought as he looked at the new look Christine had given herself and her whips.

He walked closer to the edge of the arena where he could get a physical view of her and activated his aura vision.

With his aura vision, he could see that the purple aura was brighter than what he was seeing with his physical eyes and there was a channel of the purple aura moving through her, the aura was just moving through the channel and not spreading throughout her body.

Luis had seen all this but it still wasn't what he wanted to see what her ability was called but his system wasn't bringing up the information maybe because he was far away from her.

"So you prefer the view from here," Sonia said, showing up behind him.

"Yeah," Luis said with a nod.

There was a short period of silence between them as Sonia watched Christine trying to hit Monica with her whips and Monica was really struggling to hold her ground, you could tell from the way she was moving back that she wasn't going to last for long.

"I'm just glad I didn't get to fight her," Sonia said.

'I would have been glad to fight her.' Luis thought.

Monica had formed a large meta shield to block Christine's attacks and although the shield was trying in doing its job, it was breaking apart piece by piece with each hit from Christine's whips.

"I thought you said you were going to show me all you've got," Christine said as she slashed the whip in her right hand and shattered the last piece of Monica's shield.

"To be honest," Monica said, forming another shield to block the incoming whip. "This is all I've got."

"Really?" Christine said, pulling back her whips. "You haven't even used your fire ability against me that well."

"You want me to use that?" Monica said.

"Yeah," Christine said.

"And you won't complain if you get hurt," Monica said.

"That is if you succeed in hurting me," Christine said.

"Ok," Monica said, forming two meta whips in her hand. "Fire fusion." She muttered.

Christine's eyes widened in amazement as she watched yellow flames slowly cover the blades until they were completely covered in flames.

This was another skill that had caught Luis' attention as he never knew Monica could fuse her fire ability with her metal ability.

'I just keep seeing more and more special moves today.' Luis thought.

"I never knew she could do that," Silvia said realizing that she wouldn't have won that spar back at the martial arts class easily if Monica had used this skill.

Christine was in no way expecting this kind of special skill from Monica.

"I thought you said that was all you've got," Christine said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Sorry, but I wouldn't have used it if you didn't ask me to," Monica said.

At the beginning of this fight, Christine had this thought that no matter what she was going but right now that thought had completely vanished.

_____ _____

It was deep into the night as Jude made his way back to their home.

You could tell it was very very late given by the fact that most of the guards he was walking past were either fully asleep or dozing off but there were still the serious guards who were still fully awake waiting to catch anyone going against the king's orders.

Michael made sure not to come close to those guards or do anything that would draw attention to him as he sneaked around them to get to his home.

He sneaked into the house through the back door and slowly made his way to his room.

He was shocked to see that his door was open when he got close to his room.

He stood at the side for a while before slowly pushing the door open to see his mother lying on his bed fast asleep.

He stood there and watched her for a while before letting out a deep sigh.

He removed his bag from his shoulder and hung it on the nail attached to the wall before going to sit beside his sleeping mother.

He stared at the wall for a while before slowly turning to his mother.

"We used to have a beautiful family." He said. "And then I go to knight school and return two years later to a different family."

He opened his hand and stared at the scroll he had in it for a while before closing them again.

"I just hope this helps bring Tania back and restore this home to what it used to be." He said. "And then we have the elves to deal with." He added with a weak sigh.

He was out of things to say as he tried to lie down on the space left on his bed but he was stopped from doing that as his mother sprang up from her bed with a short loud scream.

"What is it?" Jude quickly asked as he had almost jumped off his bed.

"I saw her," Maya said, breathing heavily.

"Saw who?" Jude asked, he was really confused.

"She was in some kind of world that I couldn't make anything out of," Maya said.

"Who?" Jude asked again.

"Tania," Maya said.

"Tania?" Jude said. "Why did you scream then?"


Mass release goals...

Normal update: 2 chapters daily

1 magic Castle or 300 power stones= 1 extra chapter

2 magic castles or 500 power stones= 2 extra chapters

3 magic castles or 700 power stones= 3 extra chapters

4 magic castles or 1000 power stones= 4 extra chapters.

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