My Angel system

Chapter 279 Exposing George (01)

Nicole had not arrived at the arena yet because she had gone to Kelvin's office to take care of something she should have done yesterday.

She was in her usual black suit but this time she had decided to leave her straight hair like that instead of tying it back.

She approached Kelvin's office and opened the door to see him sitting at his desk while working on something with his laptop.

She didn't fully come in and just stuck her head into the office to ask for permission.

"Sir." She called.

"Yes, any problem Nicole?" Kelvin asked with his eyes still fixed on the screen of his laptop.

"Yes sir, can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure," Kelvin said.

He kept working on his laptop until she had finally stopped in front of her table.

"Ok, so what's the problem?" He said, raising his gaze to look at her.

He had swallowed hard on seeing her new look, he was so used to seeing her with her hair tied that he never imagined what she would look like if she let her hair loose.

'What is wrong with you Kelvin?' He reprimanded himself in his thoughts.

"It's about Blip," Nicole said.

"What about Blip?" Kelvin asked.

"A lot of complaints had been coming in from students for the past one month now and those reports had been kept away from us," Nicole said.

"Are you serious?" Kelvin asked with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Yes," Nicole replied.

"But you told me you received some reports through him last week," Kelvin said.

"Those reports went through because the students who got reported weren't working with him," Nicole said.

"Huh?" Kelvin was getting really confused by what Nicole was saying now.

"There have been tons of reports against a group of reports working with George Freelyn but none of those reports ever got through to us," Nicole said.

"George Freelyn?"

"Yes, the son of General Freelyn," Nicole said. "He has been working with Blip to keep all the atrocities he has been committing a secret.

"What type of atrocities?" Kelvin asked.

"He and his boys have been bullying students and taking money from them," Nicole said.


"That's not all," Nicole said. "When these students go to give their complaints which will never get to us they will still have to take a beating from another group of George's boys."

"How did you find out about all this?" Kelvin asked.

"The fire rampage case led me to all this," Nicole said.

"Did you find the student?" Kelvin asked.

"There was no student on a rampage, it was another cover-up from one of George's boys," Nicole said.

"I hope you have your proof Nicole because this may spark up a reaction from General Freelyn who will think his son is being accused falsely," Kelvin said.

"I have all the proofs I need, there's no way he can deny any of this," Nicole said.

"Ok, you can go now, I'll look into the case and get back to you later."

"Ok, sir," Nicole said quickly, making his way out of the office.

Kelvin kept his gaze on her until she had left the office before he turned on his chair to face the glass window.

"General Freelyn isn't going to take this lightly." He muttered.

____ ____

Back at the arena, the competition was about to begin as more students entered the arena and it was also at that time that Ella and Silvia had entered the arena.

The two roommates made their way to the rest of the group and as always Ella had gone to see how Luis was doing.

"Hi, Luis." She said, stopping beside Ace.

"Ella, How's your shoulder?" Luis asked after he had turned to her.

"It's fine now." She said, placing her hands on her shoulder. "Hi, Ace." She said turning to Ace.

"You know it's a shame you lost that fight yesterday, I was rooting for you and you were killing it until the last second when you just turned off." Ace said.

"Yeah but I'm glad I don't get to fight in there anymore," Ella said.

"Alright, the competition will begin now." Lieutenant Kate's voice resounded in the arena as the matching process began on the screens.

The first image to appear on the first box was that of Christine before the image of Ace had appeared in the other box.

Ace swallowed really hard on seeing who he had gotten paired with.

"The first fight in the final round will be between Christine Lome and Ace Brock." Lieutenant Kate announced.

"I'm not sure there will be any flawless victory for you on this one," Luis said.

"It's quite unlucky of you to get paired with her," Monica said.

"Yeah, really unlucky," Silvia said.

"You guys are talking nonsense, I have an elemental ability, she doesn't have any." Ace said, making his way to the pillar that had risen in front of him.

"Monica had two elemental abilities and still got beaten by her," Orah said.

"Well, I'm not Monica." Ace said, stepping onto the pillar which began to go down.

Despite getting space now that Ace was gone, Ella didn't move closer to Luis because of the kind of looks she was getting from Sonia now.

Ace arrived at the arena floor where Christine was already waiting opposite him.

He may have acted confident in front of his friends but the truth was that he really felt unlucky to get matched with Christine but he was also excited to fight her.

He always got excited whenever he had to face opponents who he knew were somewhat or way stronger than him.

"Hi Christine," Ace said with a wave.

"Hello, Ace," Christine said.

"I've seen your fights, you're really skilled." Ace said.

"Well, thanks for the compliment and the same goes for you," Christine said as the countdown began. "But may the most skillful fighter win."

Once the timer had hit one Ace sprang up with his wind ability and sent a turbine of wind towards Christine.

Christine knew getting hit by that amount of wind was going to take a lot out of her which was why she quickly summoned her whips and sprang up with them.

She spun the whips in her hand to create an open space in the wind turbine which she safely jumped through without getting hit by the wind.

"You have better control over the wind but that doesn't mean I can't somewhat control it." She said,

"Oh really." Ace said as he got ready to send out another wind attack but before he could do it, Christine quickly closed up on him and flung both of her whips towards him.

Ace quickly condensed his attacks to create some sort of wind barrier but he wasn't allowed to finish the barrier as Christine's whips smashed through the condensed whip on his hand and hit him on his chest forcing him to quickly blast himself back with his wind ability.

He blasted himself back until he had crashed into the wall.

"Owwwww." He groaned as he slowly got up from the ground. "Those whips are the main threat."


Mass release goals...

Normal update: 2 chapters daily

1 magic Castle or 300 power stones= 1 extra chapter

2 magic castles or 500 power stones= 2 extra chapters

3 magic castles or 700 power stones= 3 extra chapters

4 magic castles or 1000 power stones= 4 extra chapters.

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