My Angel system

Chapter 290 Last Shot, Too Late

Brad had gone past the first level of the competition securing maximum points and after retrieving his arrows from the dummies, it was time for Lieutenant Kate to call the next person.

"Alright, the next person will be Brolin Thawn." Lieutenant Kate said.

Brolin slowly made his way to the marked line and was now waiting for Lieutenant Kate to give him the go sign.

"I'm guessing he's going to do the same thing Brad did," Monica said.

"Your fifteen seconds begin now Brolin." Lieutenant Kate said.

As soon as Brolin heard that he pulled out ten arrows from his pack and fitted them into his arrow.

He pulled the string and held it for what seemed like five seconds before letting the arrows fly towards the dummies.

Just like Brad, his timing was perfect as the arrows all went for the heads of the dummies.

The only difference was that his arrows didn't focus only on the foreheads like Brad had done.

"Nicely done Brolin, now go retrieve your arrows." Lieutenant Kate said.

"How are they able to shoot ten arrows in different directions at once?" Robin said, his amazement clear in his voice.

"I can shoot three arrows in different directions at once, I've tried four before but that didn't go so well for me," Ciara said.

"You can shoot three at once? I can only do two." Robin said.

"That was the easy level, let's see how things go in the second level," Brad said after Brolin had returned.

"Our next archer will be Bella Ramon." Lieutenant Kate said.

Bella was one of the second-year students participating in the competition.

She walked confidently to the marked line and was now waiting for the go sign from Lieutenant Kate.

"I'm wondering if we're going to see another ten arrows trick," Monica said.

"I don't think we are," Henry said.

"Maybe five," Orah said.

"Your fifteen seconds begin now Bella." Lieutenant Kate said.

Everyone expected Bella to shoot multiple arrows out at once but she had a different idea that suited her quite well.

She quickly took out one arrow from her pack and without any delay sent the arrow flying towards a dummy.

The arrow was right on target and had hit the dummy on its forehead.

She quickly took out another arrow from her pack and repeated the process getting a headshot again.

She kept repeating the process until she had shot at all the dummies and she got a headshot on all of them.

"I didn't expect you to shoot one arrow at a time but you have the speed to make up for it, you still have seven seconds remaining." Lieutenant Kate said. "Now go retrieve your arrows."

"And I thought she was going to shoot five at a time," Orah said.

After retrieving her arrows and returning to where she was standing, it was time for Lieutenant Kate to call the next person.

"Next up Reynold Fall." Lieutenant Kate said.

Reynold made his way to the marked line and was now waiting for Lieutenant Kate to begin the time.

"Your fifteen seconds begin now, Reynold." Lieutenant Kate said.

As soon as Reynold heard that, he pulled out four arrows from his pack and fitted them to his bow.

He pulled the arrows back with the help of the string and after observing the moving dummies for a few seconds, he let the arrows fly.

The four arrows went straight to their different targets and had hit them all on the head.

He pulled out another set of four arrows from his pack and repeated the process getting another set of four headshots.

He was down to the two dummies at the far back now as he quickly pulled out two arrows from his pack and sent them flying towards them, getting a headshot on both of the dummies.

"Nicely done Reynold, now go retrieve your arrows." Lieutenant Kate said as the dummies had stopped moving.

"The next person will be Robin Lane." Lieutenant Kate said.

"Good luck," Ciara said as he responded with a nod before slowly making his way to the marked line.

"A first-year student, let's see if he can also do tricks," Monica said.

"Your fifteen seconds begin now Robin." Lieutenant Kate said.

Robin's hands were a little shaky as he quickly reached for his arrows in his arrow pack.

He was really nervous, he was really always nervous when doing something like this in front of a lot of people.

He pulled out two arrows from his arrow pack fitted them into his bow and quickly shot them towards the moving dummies.

One of the arrows hit a dummy on its forehead while the other one hit another dummy on its shoulder.

"That's the first shot that isn't a headshot since the competition began," Orah said.

Robin continued pulling out two arrows from his pack until he had gotten a bit on all the dummies.

He had gotten a hit on all the dummies but only five of them were headshots.

"Well done Robin, now go retrieve your arrows." Lieutenant Kate said.

Ciara didn't wait till her name was called as she quickly made her way to the marked line after Robin was done with retrieving his arrows.

"I see you're already here Ciara." Lieutenant Kate said as Ciara responded with a slight nod.

"Isn't that one of your new girlfriends?"

Luis was a little startled as he turned to see Ace standing behind him.

"You shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that," Luis said.

"Sorry, I didn't know Angels get scared by things like that." Ace whispered to him.

"Your fifteen seconds begin now Ciara." Lieutenant Kate said.

As soon as Ciara heard that she quickly pulled out three arrows from her pack and fitted them to her bow.

She observed the moving dummies for a while before letting the arrows fly.

The three arrows had all gotten headshots on three dummies as Ciara quickly pulled out another set of three arrows and fitted them to her bow.

"She's taking too long to take her shots." Ace said.

"Yeah, and she's got only fifteen seconds," Luis said.

Ciara let the arrows fly and just like the first set, they had all gotten headshots.

She pulled out the third set of three arrows and this time she didn't waste as much time as she wasted on the first and second shots as she had a few targets to focus on now.

She let the arrows fly and they had also gotten headshots only.

Now it was time for the last shot as she pulled the last arrow out of her pack and aimed for the dummy at the back.

She sent the arrow flying towards the dummy completing her shots with ten headshots.


"Nicely done Ciara but that last shot won't count as it came too late at exactly seventeen seconds." Lieutenant Kate said.

Ciara's mood had gotten a little soured after hearing that but she quickly shook it off, at least she got nine headshots.

All she had to do now was try to shoot faster in the next level.


Mass release goals...

Normal update: 2 chapters daily

1 magic Castle or 300 power stones= 1 extra chapter

2 magic castles or 500 power stones= 2 extra chapters

3 magic castles or 700 power stones= 3 extra chapters

4 magic castles or 1000 power stones= 4 extra chapters.

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