My Animal Legion

Chapter 46

Who was he in the way of whistling?

Chen Rong looked at the big dog who was sitting on the ground but could reach his waist. He swallowed.

This dog looks almost bigger than the lion he has ever seen. He is just a very weak doctor. Unlike Zhang Meng and the others who have practiced, he runs very slowly. If this dog is animalistic, he wants to eat. People? I’m afraid I can eat half of him in one meal.

“No…can’t you whistle? These animals, can you bite people?” Chen Rong stiffened and moved slowly towards Qi Huaishu. Seeing that, he was really scared.

Qi Huaishu moved to the side disgustedly, opened a small bottle of glucose oral liquid with one hand and drank it with his head up, he said. “Don’t worry, they are so clever? They won’t bite an idiot.”

Chen Rong just wanted to refute a few words, and saw that the cats, cats and dogs who were staring at him with big eyes just now moved. Excited as if they saw a killer whale with a puffer fish ball, he opened his paw and turned towards him. Ran away behind his back.

Inexplicably, he actually felt that he could feel the emotions of these cats and dogs and seemed very excited. The expressions of Mao Mao’s face, which shouldn’t have expressions, expressed the meaning of joy.

“What…what’s the situation?” Chen Rong slowly turned and looked over, and saw a girl with a good figure and a hat and a face that couldn’t see clearly, walking towards them.

The cats and dogs quickly arrived in front of the girl and rubbed the girl one by one. The look of enthusiasm was very different from the look of staring at him just now.

“Ah~ Are these cats and dogs raised by this girl?” Chen Rong sighed softly.

It turns out that this is the girl my husband likes, she is not an ordinary person as expected.

Now the mutant animals outside are more fierce than the other. In the past, after pets were mutated, incidents of wounding and cannibalism occurred frequently, but she could leave so many obedient and powerful little animals by her side.

Less than fifteen minutes apart, the little animals looked eagerly as if they hadn’t seen each other in more than ten years. Su Yu ironed his heart, touching their little heads one by one.

The chubby body was all bald, and there was hair on only one head. Su Yu couldn’t bear to look straight and patted its **** lightly, making a crisp sound of tapping the watermelon.

“Yes! Fatty is really solid.” Other cats and dogs can get smaller for a few laps instantly after getting wet. It’s good to be fat, and the body is still sturdy after the hair is gone.

She fancyed a little cat’s dress in the pet store just now, and she deliberately set it aside for Chubby to wear first.

Little animals are naturally hairy, they are uncomfortable wearing clothes, but fat is always arrogant and narcissistic and beautiful. Most humans are girls who love beauty, but in nature, it seems that males pay more attention to their appearance and are too lazy on weekdays. The surprisingly fat man spends a lot of time licking his hair every day, which shows how much he cares about the hair on his body.

Now that it’s bald and hasn’t made trouble, it’s still not reacting. When it reacts, looking at its hairless body, no one can say whether it will go crazy or not. It’s not normal for a cat to be crazy, especially The chubby ability is so powerful, once it loses control, it is not a trivial matter.

Fat loves beauty. This little dress is very delicate and unique. Although it is really uncomfortable to wear, Su Yu is willing to hold it, and it will bear it.

“Miss Su…” Su Yu heard a familiar male voice, and she looked at the tall man seven or eight meters away in surprise.

“Why is Mr. Yun here?”

Yun Chen took a long leg and walked in front of Su Yu two or three steps. He looked at her up and down a few times, and then at the fat cat snuggling in her arms.

The tone was relieved, said. “Come to pick up someone, Miss Su is not hurt, right?”

Su Yu shook her head. She had just treated the wound on her ankle with wound medicine. Because the wound was still shallow, she didn’t wrap it up with gauze, but left it out without trouble. As long as you don’t feel it carefully, it won’t be as hot and painful as before.

“Let’s leave first, someone will take care of it here.”

Qin Ru’s injury was too serious and he had to return to the safe area for treatment as soon as possible. So everyone didn’t wait for the follow-up, and got in the car and returned to the safe area.

Although the loss of going out this time was not small, even five people were more or less injured. But this time Su Yu has gained a lot, and basically all the materials recorded on paper have been brought back.

Upon returning home, Su Yu immediately took a bath and cleaned the animals. The half-bag of crystal nuclei was also poured out and found an unused plastic basin. After washing it twice with water, it was soaked in dish soap and set aside.

After finishing this, her eyes were so tired that she couldn’t take care of any more. Su Yu directly dropped her head on the bed and fell asleep with light breathing.

From sleeping at noon to dusk, Su Yu woke up in a daze. I got up to get myself some food, and exchanged an amount of all the small animal’s attribute food, and added food to them one by one.

The little animals were also very tired this time. Su Yu slept, and they also slept. The room was very large. Some of the little dumplings slept together with their limbs on top, while others lay on their sides in the corner, sleeping dimly.

On the blanket in the living room, a small Bianmu was chasing a soft ball and chewing happily, and a big Bianmu next to it watched it play lovingly.

“Amu…” Su Yu just started to talk to Amu when he suddenly realized that Amu’s color and body shape were a bit different.

A Mu was originally small and thin, but after being carefully raised by Su Yu for a few months, he gained a little weight and became well-proportioned. However, his bones have already grown. Valuable type.

And this one, in terms of bone mass, gross mass, and the degree of symmetry and color of the front face, is a border shepherd with a pretty good appearance.

Su Yu reacted for a long time before remembering where the dog came from.

Ah…Yes, this is A Mu’s old dog, she brought it back by herself.

“You…what’s your name?” Su Yu squatted down and looked at the shepherd dog with a pair of black apricot eyes open, wanting to see if it could talk like Amu.

“It has no name.” A Mu’s faint voice came from behind, and Su Yu simply sat down on the carpet, hugged her little side, and put it into her arms.

“No name?” Su Yu was a little confused. Generally speaking, don’t pet dogs have names? Even the rural dogs raised by farmers have an iconic nickname like prosperous wealth.

“Wow!” The dog is indeed no name!

Dabianmu looked very gentle and docile, and Su Yu could not see the trace of it wandering.

“It was originally a breeding dog in a dog breeding center, of course it has no name.”

“Breeding dog? Could it be that…” Su Yu looked at Dabian Mu, then at Xiaobian Mu, right? Could it be that Dad Dog got it?

A Mu squatted next to Dabian Mu, half a head smaller than it. Two dogs of the same breed, but the difference in body size was not small.

“Yes, it’s Xiaomu’s father. It has a very sensitive sense of smell, and he found it here after smelling my taste.” It appeared at the pet store because he was too hungry and had something to eat there.

I found it by sniffing the smell?

Su Yu’s eyes widened in surprise. This is a distance of more than 1,500 kilometers across several provinces. It’s a car or a plane. You can find this place just by smelling the smell? So this sense of smell seems to be Some are too amazing.

“It will live with us in the future, you give it a name!”

She is really good at naming the little animals. After she was redeemed at the pet shop, the former owner disappeared instantly. The little animals didn’t wear a collar, and Su Yu didn’t find any records, so she gave it to her directly. They all changed their names.

Su Yu touched the tender paws of Xiaobianmu, and said for a moment. “Then call Da Mu.” It’s Bian Mu Dog, who is also big, so it is appropriate to call Da Mu.

A Mu twitched the corners of his mouth, and after doing it for a long time, he still had such a name, and he murmured. “My name is Amu, and my cub is Xiaomu, and now I have another Damu. We don’t know that we will have a second child and three children in the future. What name will I call it? Xiaomu? Little Xiaomu?”

Su Yu was a little embarrassed by the complaint, she scratched her cheek, embarrassed. “You can also have a small side.” Or Mu’er is also good.

[Beep! Pet 21 is successfully bound, please check the details and data of Pet 21**. 】

A familiar system machine sound suddenly sounded in his mind, and Su Yu was stunned and quickly opened the system control panel.

Sure enough, there was a new member in the dog army among the pet members.

[Data analysis of the member of Ai Pet No. 21 (name: Da Mu):

Race: Canine

Age: one year and eight months

Gender: Male Agility: 65 (when the level is level 1, the full value is 100)

Loyalty: 60 (full value is 100)

Strength value: 70 (when the level is level 1, the full value is 100)

Ability attribute: olfactory evolution (defensive type)

Character traits: gentle, kind, persistent

The most suitable food: all foods (Ordinary dog ​​food can also temporarily provide a little energy, but it cannot increase the attribute value.)

Current level: Level 1 (full level is level 10)

Ability trick: Wanli Tracking

After reading the specific information of Da Mu, Su Yu was a little surprised. It was only over one year old. The adult medium-sized dog male was only two years old and he was only one year old and eight months old. Wouldn’t it be just one year old and five months ago? Months?

It seemed that the breeding center where Da Mu was located was mostly just an underground dark field. It’s no wonder that the little money the former shopkeeper spent was enough to go to a good breeding center to find breeding dogs.

Su Yu stretched out a palm and placed it in front of A Mu. This small dog is still under adulthood. A Mu and it are a proper sibling love!

A Mu also obviously knew this. He rubbed his cub’s father lovingly, and was then happily held down by the real “little wolf dog” Da Mu licked his fur. Xiao Mu looked at his parents as they looked like they were close to each other, and then rushed over. Roll into a ball with them.

Su Yu originally thought that the number of pet members would be over, but she didn’t expect to add new members. She stood up and walked up to the small attic. The family of three was happy to reunite, so she won’t go along with it. Let’s tidy up the things that were randomly packed into the space today.

The little hamsters gathered together one by one, and Su Yu carefully distinguished it, and it took a while to find two pompoms and two puffs from the five little hamsters.

First let the pompoms release the pet supplies that were later loaded, pick out the useful ones and put them aside, and put the ones that are not needed directly into the lockers in the attic. The useful ones are divided into temporarily used ones, and half of the ones that are not needed temporarily are set aside for use, and the other half are put in the space by the hamster.

Then there are those agricultural products, fertilizers and other things are not easy to put on the ground in the house, so he directly took the little hamster to the terrace and let the puffs release all those things.

The sun at dusk is still hot, but the dim light is much milder than the scorching sun at noon.

Farmyard manure is indeed much milder than chemical fertilizer. She took away more than ten bags of farmyard manure from that store. The smell was not small, and it was kept in the hamster space. Su Yu would worry about whether he would put it in the hamster space. Her little hamster smelled like chicken cake.

The seedlings in the flowerpot were sluggish, and Su Yu couldn’t recognize their species, so she poured some water and then poured some plant nutrient solution into the shade on the terrace to let them slowly recover by themselves.

Su Yu looked at the empty large terrace and began to plan a place where he could grow some vegetables. The door could not be planted because it was easy to attract bugs, so he had to set aside a little place for the little animals in the house to run around.

In the end, he decided to use the southwest corner as a vegetable plot, which was not close to the two people’s rooms, and it didn’t get in the way.

There must be soil for farming, and soil is everywhere. Su Yu wondered whether to dig some soil in a small forest and bring it back. She took a step forward, and felt that one of her feet was unstable and almost fell. Fortunately, she just carried a cutting stand in her hand and slammed it down on the ground, so she didn’t fall.

She was prone to falling on the ground before, so she didn’t care too much. She thought that she had low blood pressure again. She left the agricultural tools that she was not afraid of drying or drying on the terrace. Su Yu wondered how to plant the land and walk back slowly. go.

As soon as I arrived at the side entrance of the attic, I saw a small dumpling beckoning to her in the opposite attic.

Su Yu smiled back to him, and the little guy opened the side door and ran towards her.

“Sister Yuyu, Sister Yuyu, aren’t you hurt?” The little guy hugged Su Yu’s thigh intimately as soon as they met, and looked at her with two big eyes blinking.

Su Yu shook his head, reached out and took the little guy’s hand and led him to his home.

At this time she also remembered Qin Ru and the others, and asked. “My sister is okay, how is your Uncle Qin Ru and the others?”

There was a medical team in the safe zone. At that time, Su Yu saw them being carried away on a stretcher and went home alone. He heard from the strange Dr. Chen that their injuries were basically traumas, not too serious and lifeless. The danger is that I have some physical exhaustion, hang a few bottles of nutrient solution and take a break and it will be fine.

Su Yu was relieved and didn’t follow. After all, she is not a doctor, and she can’t help much at this time. Besides, the medical team in this safe zone and her family are very familiar with each other. They will not be treated well.

The little dumpling tilted his head and said. “They were injured, one by one was wrapped into big dumplings.”

Su Yu knew that Xiao Tuanzi was exaggerating, and she couldn’t help but think of the real big dumplings wrapped in mutant zombies, her throat was a little itchy, and the **** shower was really similar to the thunderstorm, and she didn’t know what those five people were. Identity, death was terrible.

“Has Zhaozhao eat dinner? My sister will cook something for Zhaozhao?” Su Yu almost forgot that there was a Cengfan duo next door, and she didn’t even remember to get them a portion when she was full.

Yun Zhao shook his head, only to say that he had eaten it before he heard a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was very rapid, which shocked Su Yu.

“What’s wrong?” Except for Mr. Yun, it seems that Qin Ru and the others are the only ones who will come to her, but they are not badly injured. I am afraid that it will not be possible to come to her for a while.

“It’s me! The earthquake is coming, go out with me soon.” The male voice outside the door was low and sweet, but the speed was a little faster, and he was more nervous and anxious than usual.

earthquake! Su Yu’s pupils shrank, and he quickly opened the door. Sure enough, he saw Mr. Yun standing outside the door, watching her hold Yun Zhao’s hand, lowered her head and hugged the small dumpling, and then freed her hand to grab Su. Yu.

Su Yu quickly regained consciousness, picked up the whistle on the shoe cabinet and blew vigorously.

The little animals already had a conditioned reflex, and they immediately gathered after hearing the movement, although they were not clear, they still followed Su Yu downstairs without stopping.

Three days have passed since the predicted earthquake might come, but I didn’t want to be able to avoid it.

The arrival of the earthquake was still sudden, and Su Yu could feel the dust falling down from the upper floors of the building, and the previous almost fall was also due to the earthquake.

The three-story building is not high enough, and he left the corridor in less than a minute. At this time, many people gathered in the more open outdoor, and some were even crying in panic.

Fortunately, K City only suffered from the aftermath of the earthquake, except for a little shaking on the ground, and did not reach the point where the house collapsed.

But everyone still didn’t dare to rest assured, they sat on the ground and waited for the end of the earthquake.

As a result, although the aftershocks were not strong, they were really lasting. From dusk until midnight of the second day, aftershocks are still coming from time to time.

Aftershocks in City K, which is not in the earthquake zone, are so frequent. I really don’t know what kind of damage the place listed as the hardest-hit area is suffering at this time.

Although the aftermath of the earthquake was not strong, everyone did not dare to go back to the house, so they all gathered in the open space and slept all night.

Su Yu is more fortunate. She has little hamsters, food and quilts in the space, but she is not hungry enough. Tens of thousands of people in a safety zone in Novosibirsk are divided into five groups, each with nearly a thousand people. Fortunately, there are a lot of open spaces in the safe area, such as outdoor basketball courts, playgrounds, and the floors are not high, so there are many places that can be temporarily resettled.

By the early morning of the third day, it was finally confirmed that the global earthquake was finally over. I searched the phone that I didn’t dare to use, and it was still a bit battery, and the latest news about the earthquake was finally updated.

The country announced the end of the earthquake, and you can see some post-disaster photos taken by satellites of the hardest-hit areas in Tieba and other places.

After a day and two nights of devastation by the earthquake, the houses in the hardest-hit areas of these earthquakes have basically collapsed. The painted roads on the streets and roads have basically been cracked, and deep canyons have appeared in some places. In this time, the country gave a very strong early warning. Most of the survivors have been evacuated to a safer place. Most of the people who have died under the ruins are human beings.

Because the aftershocks were not strong, people who had been outside for two nights couldn’t bear to rush home.

Su Yu also brought her own small animals back home. The impact of the aftershocks on the safe area was not much damage except for the dust in the house and the loose stickers on the walls.

But soon, they discovered a new problem. The network went down the day after the earthquake.

When the earthquake occurred, the network was not disconnected. Why did the network break when the earthquake ended?

In fact, the underlying wiring and equipment in the hardest-hit area of ​​the earthquake have almost been destroyed, and most of the information received by people is remotely controlled and photographed by drones.

In other places, there was some loss of equipment and lines due to aftershocks, but the reason that made these equipment completely unusable was the three days and three nights of heavy rain, which caused some damage to the lines. The road is short.

Su Yu has always been a little disgusted with the two suns in the sky that make people’s skin itchy, but now she somewhat misses the two suns nestling between the blue sky and white clouds.

She stood by the window, watching the crackling raindrops fall from a height, the window was washed by the rain curtain so that there was almost no outside scene.

Before the end of the world, Su Yu had only seen such heavy rain during thunderstorms, but after the end of the world, it had been raining for more than three days.

Fortunately, the foundation of the safe area is higher, otherwise rain should be able to enter the house now.

However, even if there is a more rigorous drainage system for drainage work, the rainwater in the safety zone still gathers out the river water, rushing to the surrounding buildings.

In fact, this heavy rain should have appeared long ago, and the humidity in the space heralded the coming of this heavy rain.

But everyone’s attention was focused on the disaster of the earthquake, ignoring the crisis brought about by heavy rains. Even the weather forecast did not give a warning, Su Yu felt that the weather forecast might also be stopped.

Fortunately, the heavy rain gradually stopped on the third day and the weather became clear.

Many people outside took advantage of the rainy sun and took out their moldy bedding to dry.

Su Yu also put her quilt on the drying rack on the terrace. There are leaking devices on the four corners of the terrace, so there is no water storage on the terrace.

Although the rain stopped, the flood did not stop. The safety zone is high and the flood does not come here, but the water accumulated in the streets is not so easy to disappear.

There are still a lot of daily necessities in the stagnant water, which belonged to the residents on the first floor. After the rainwater gathered into a river, it entered the room soon, and walked around all the first floors in the safe area, and also took some of the things inside. The things that are not heavy are brought out together. A soak in daily necessities is at best useless, but the most terrifying thing is that there are still many zombies in the stagnant water.

Fortunately, the leaders of the safe zone quickly sent people to clean up, which did not make the safe zone smelly.

The panic-stricken survivors had been nervous for several days, only to find that it was sunny for the next few days, so they were relieved.

Fortunately, the rain will not fall again for a while, otherwise humans will really have no way to survive.

The author has something to say: It’s a little late, I haven’t had time to revise this chapter, check the bug catching and revise it later, you can leave a message if you find bugs. Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-07-12? 17:41: 24~2021-07-13? 18:06:40.

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Are you all Xinghe? 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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