My Animal Legion

Chapter 87

After Su Yu asked a few simple questions, she confirmed that what Guan Qian said was true, and she did not continue to ask other people.

If it comes out with Scabs, it’s fine, there is it,? Whether the other party is telling the truth or lies, they can’t escape Scabs’ detection. And the death of Chen Lanlan? To be honest, Su Yu thought it was strange. But the man is already dead, so what did he say?

It seems that Su Yu doesn’t have the qualifications to interrogate, and Su Yu still remembers the fluffy family. She has to take the gray wolves to hunt and catch more mutant beasts. , Can also go home earlier.

It’s just that Guan Qian’s situation is a bit special. But put her here temporarily, but worry about her safety.

Su Yu thought about it, but decided to take her with her.

She flipped through the space for a long time and finally found a sleeping bag. This was found when she searched the supermarket. Originally, she wanted to sleep in a sleeping bag when she was wandering outside. The conditions in the district are still very good, and she simply can’t use this kind of sleeping bag.

Su Yu flattened the sleeping bag, then let Guan Qian get into the sleeping bag, and then re-fixed the sleeping bag to Ad.

Ade is big and strong, with a “caterpillar” tied on his back, but he doesn’t feel the weight at all. He still feels like a tiger when he walks, and Su Yu’s eyes are hot, she thinks Ade The generous back should be very comfortable to sit up, thinking that after sending Guan Qian back to the safe area, she won’t be sledging when she goes out, and she wants to sit on it with Ade’s back.

Guan Qian’s spirit is still not very good. She wanted to beat her ex-husband before, because the other party was really hateful, but she lacked energy and had no energy all over. Su Yu was a lifesaver to her, but the other party She is not obliged to help her vent her anger, and Guan Qian is not like that will kidnap others’ temper. She hopes to repay her hatred and grievances on her own.

So she was taken away by Su Yu very cooperatively throughout the whole process, and she was not reconciled at all.

Su Yu placed Guan Qian on the sled, and the zipper on the sleeping bag was pulled up, leaving only a slit for ventilation. This person was completely frozen, and it took a long time to warm up, so the sleeping bag was covered with several layers of quilts, Guan Qian did not feel hot, she fell asleep in a dazed and drowsy sled, she couldn’t sleep like the bumpy sleigh Cooked, but did not wake up completely.

The sled was driven fast by gray wolves and dogs on the snow. Although there were two people on the sled, the weight of the two little girls was light to them. When the sled was in a relatively large area, the sled was both light. To be pulled to fly.

Su Yu clutched the fixed reins on both sides of the sled tightly, for fear of being thrown out, but Guan Qian behind her was tied to the sled like a sack. Su Yu sat in front of her, leaning back from time to time. When he leans back, it feels like sitting on a chair with a backrest behind.

The wolves’ pioneer detection wolves scattered around and ran to the sides. They didn’t pull the sled, so naturally they didn’t have any restraints. They ran faster, and they ran away to find out if there was any prey around. .

When they came to an extremely flat area with few trees and an extremely empty central location, the wolves stopped quietly. The sled glided on the ground for a while, and the speed changed from fast to slow until it stopped completely.

Su Yu sat on the thick quilt for a while. The sudden stop made her feel sick, but she couldn’t take care of that much at this time, because there were more than a dozen brown-yellows not far away. The creature is jumping.

As a northerner, Su Yu is very familiar with this kind of cute-looking creatures, but she doesn’t understand why there are such animals in southern cities like K City.

However, since it is the end of the world, the survival area of ​​animals will inevitably widen after mutation, and it is not impossible for roe deer to appear in the south.

Seeing that they were similar to the gray wolves, the degree of alienation was not high, there was definitely no beast core in the body, and the appearance of the roe deers who were basically the same as before the end of the world, Su Yu had a headache.

It stands to reason that gray wolves have seen their prey and want to capture it. This is the direction of the biological chain, but to be honest, the appearance of roe deer is really painful. Like Su Yu, Su Yu can’t talk about cute animals.

And the roe deers are really too stupid, the gray wolves are already so close to them, the roe deers don’t even want to run, so they turn their heads and stare at them so stupidly, that they are curious and undefended. The appearance makes people feel weak.

Su Yu scratched her head embarrassedly. She wanted to discuss with the gray wolves to let them put the roe deer on a horse. Anyway, there is still a lot of bear meat in the space, and the gray wolves will not be able to eat it for a few more days. But when I think about it again, she thinks roe deer is cute, but gray wolves don’t necessarily think so. I’m afraid in their eyes roe deer are meat that can move and run.

Although the gray wolves live in her land, they go out hunting almost every day. They are basically self-sufficient. Su Yu will feed them some food, but it’s basically the same as feeding snacks. Su Yu doesn’t want to decide and Change their habits, because wolves are wolves, and they are wild. Su Yu never thought of turning them into loyal protection dogs.

Just when Su Yu sighed and decided to leave it alone, the gray wolves acted.

What the wolves are best at is group combat. And in the roe deer group, there are three or four little roe deer, they are very cute and cute. Su Yu watched as the gray wolves approached them gradually, but they didn’t notice it, and looked back curiously with their big watery eyes, without perceiving the danger at all.

The gray wolves approached step by step. At this time, the big roe deer seemed to feel the danger and began to panic and tried to break through the encirclement.

But it seems that most herbivores are inherently weaker than carnivores. The roe deer are pressed tightly by gray wolves. They have no fangs or claws. Most of the big roe deer present are female roe deer. He didn’t even have the only horn with some offensive power, and had to be surrounded by gray wolves, and a dozen roe deer were circled into small circles.

Su Yu looked at it for a while and found that something was wrong. The steps of the roe deer in the circle of gray wolves were similar to the appearance of herding sheep on weekdays, with a fierce look in their eyes, but they did not intend to kill.

This is just having a full stomach, so I don’t intend to kill them, but want to rush home and raise them as sheep?

Su Yu had just flashed this thought, as if verifying her conjecture, the gray wolves formed a circle, enclosing the roe deer in it, and drove them step by step.

The roe deer have a gentle temperament. Seeing that the gray wolves didn’t mean to bite them, they lost their previous panic, and honestly walked forward under the drive of the wolves.

Seeing this, Su Yu didn’t know why the wolves wanted to bring the roe deer home and raise them with the sheep? She is not sure why wolves like to raise this kind of herbivore, but the roe deer are so cute and can live with the sheep in the garden divided on her field, she is still pretty happy.

Because of the roe deer, this hunting activity had to be stopped. Su Yu glanced at the time and felt it was time to go back, so she told San Pao Huo to communicate with the wolves and take her home.

Although the gray wolves haven’t enjoyed themselves yet, they also want to take the roe deers home as soon as possible, so they are divided into two teams. Take them home.

Su Yu is sitting on the sled and looking back. She is actually very curious about the roe deer, but she is afraid that if she approaches it rashly, they will frighten them. Fear, the forced relocation also looked cooperative, but Su Yu didn’t dare to take risks before he got home.

Anyway, when I returned home, I had to live in the garden. When feeding the fodder, could she still find a good time to touch it?

Su Yu originally didn’t recognize the way. She was not familiar with K City. Even if she was familiar with the ice and snow, she didn’t recognize the way anymore. Su Yu didn’t even think about it. While running, the white wolves are still at home anyway, the gray wolves will definitely not abandon their king, and she is definitely not an opponent of the gray wolves and the dogs on Lunzhilu.

“Didi…” The integrator on the wrist rang twice, and Su Yu held the rope tightly with one hand, while the other hand was free to bite the sleeve with his teeth to reveal the integrator on the wrist and glanced at the information.

It was Yun Chen’s message to her, asking her if she was coming back. Basically, he would send a message like this every hour. If she didn’t reply, the other party would send it continuously. Su Yu had to take a moment to return a message to the other party to let him rest assured.

Su Yu thinks that the role of an extra boyfriend may be that there are more people who always care about them. Even if their feelings have not been like normal couples, they have a long history like water. Su Yu is a more satisfying relationship.

Over the past few months, after many diligent upgrades, the functions of the integrator at this time are basically the same as those of the mobile phone. Su Yu guessed that the integrator will not be banned in a short time because of the problems of the people at this time. It is still a safety problem of temperature saturation. Although the integrator lacks entertainment functions, mobile phones are incomparable in terms of signal strength and information exchange functions.

But when people’s lives have basically stabilized, and the relationship with the dangerous existence of mutant beasts, mutant plants, etc. is maintained in a balanced state, the function of the integrator may not be enough.

For food and entertainment, although the people have gradually adapted to the post-apocalyptic life, since they have experienced a prosperous and complicated cultural and entertainment life, after all, they will want more spiritual ways to have fun when they can satisfy their food and clothing.

When I came, the road was smooth, but when I went back, because of the roe deer, it was a lot slower. The few gray wolves that couldn’t be idle ran farther forward, and after a while, they returned to the large group with the gray hare dangling. .

But they just grab it, and they always throw it in her arms. Su Yu doesn’t eat rabbit meat, and she also raises rabbits, even more so.

Su Yu sat on the sled and kept yelling to the gray wolves, saying that she didn’t want rabbits. If they wanted to eat, they would eat them and don’t take them home. But the smart gray wolves suddenly became stupid. In a short while, three or four rabbits were in her arms.

The degree of alienation of these rabbits is lower than that of gray wolves and roe deer. The fluffy ones will only kick their legs silly when they are caught. The two cats that were originally nested in her arms were kicked several times by the rabbits. They all nest together, and don’t know where to grab their paws.

Su Yu was so overwhelmed that she wanted to throw all the rabbits down, but she was worried that the gray wolves would not be able to catch it. If the rabbits turned over and kicked off, wouldn’t the gray wolves waste their energy?

She thought about putting the rabbits into the wolf’s den, whether they could eat or not, but she didn’t expect that after a while, a few gray wolves came back with something in their mouths.

This time they were holding pheasants that were either brightly colored or lighter.

Su Yu has encountered a huge pheasant before, but these pheasants are only the size of domestic chickens. It can be seen that the alienation speed of mutant animals is still slow, at least today except for the one that is too unusual. Outside of the mutant brown bear, the degree of alienation of roe deer, pheasant, and rabbit is very low.

This is good news for the survival of mankind.

There were more and more animals in her arms, and Su Yu felt that she could not bear it anymore. She had no choice but to find a big sack from the space, and put the chickens and rabbits in it. Because of the similar colors, Xiaosanhua He Pang Pang was almost thrown in by Su Yu, but they reacted quickly and crawled out on their own, otherwise there are not only rabbits and chickens in the bag, but also two cats.

The chickens and rabbits are forced to share the same bag. Chickens and rabbits are not very honest. Because of the mutation, their claws and beaks are still sharper. Su Yu’s thick down jacket was also broken by them, and it was blown by the cold wind. Move a strand of feathers out.

Fatty sniffed his body disgustingly, and saw that the plastic bag in Su Yu’s hand had been scratched, and a paw was stretched out madly, and the fine current flowed into the chicken along the contact part. In the body of the rabbit, the chicken and the rabbit are honest.

And Su Yu gazed at the quilt under the insulated plastic bag and the leather gloves that hadn’t touched the chickens and rabbits, and exhaled deeply.

Of this guy, she just escaped a disaster?

Discharge if she doesn’t agree, what if she faints too? Although the size of her and the rabbit are different, it is definitely not a good feeling to be shocked.

With the idea of ​​going home to be fattening, Su Yu was forced to fill a sack of pheasants and hares. Later, when the bag was full, she refused again, but the gray wolves seemed to be able to listen this time. If I understand her, I really don’t want to catch it anymore.

For this ability to selectively understand her words, Su Yu seriously suspected that they had learned it from San Pao Huo.

Because I really didn’t take any time off, the speed of coming back hasn’t diminished, and I felt like I was home in the blink of an eye.

Su Yu got off the sled with trembling feet. After sitting for an hour or two, her legs were numb, and her feet were itchy and painful when they stepped on the ground. It took a while before she reached for the key. Because there is a small door on the barbed wire, the degree of defense here is basically zero, but her territory is covered by the same or even stronger barbed wire, so even if someone hits here to enter it, You must also pass through the guard of the wolves first, and then reach the barbed wire on the other side.

There is another barrier between the inside of the safe area and the planting area. There are basically people looking after it 24 hours a day, so this small door opened by Su Yu has never been asked to be blocked.

Su Yu opened the big lock hung on the small door, opened the door and released the wolves to drive the roe deer into the garden.

Guan Qian slept all the way, but woke up when she got there. After a month of not eating, drinking, or seeing the sunshine, Guan Qian’s body was still in deficit after all. She needed to be adjusted slowly to return to a normal state, but she is a supernatural person and has much better physique than ordinary people, so It is much easier to adjust.

Su Yu helped her up from the sled and let the gray wolf and two dogs pull the sled into the garden, while she turned around and locked the small door again.

The hare and pheasant in the sack have not yet woken up. The electric current released by Fatty is actually not fatal. It can only make them temporarily unconscious for dozens of minutes. But seeing them on the way is not honest, and Fatty has made up for it twice. So he was brought back in a coma.

Su Yu is very worried about how the hares should be placed. The pheasants can say that they can be trapped by cutting off their feathers or finding a rope to tie their feet. However, rabbits can make holes and their big fangs gnaw. Things are also really powerful, especially after they are mutated, I am afraid that they can eat two bites of steel. Although they can’t eat iron as mud, I am afraid that the more fragile materials can’t hold them.

After much deliberation, Su Yu sent a message to Chang Cheng. After all, he is professional, maybe he will have a good idea.

The rabbits are all brought back. Even if they don’t eat them, gray wolves can eat them. The reproductive ability of hares is so strong. It is not impossible to breed seven or eight hundred rabbits after raising these seven or eight rabbits.

Today, I was exhausted by Chang Cheng, and I didn’t stop working all day long. The heavy snow was not the only one that damaged Su Yu’s greenhouse. Some of the unlucky people’s self-built houses were crushed. Fortunately, they were discovered in time. Nobody was crushed, but there were still some family members who could not dodge and suffered some serious injuries.

Busy, the integrator rang, and he noticed it in time. He glanced at the information, and Chang Cheng slightly twisted his eyebrows. Of course, Su Yu’s chicken coop and rabbit cage could not be important for repairing the house, but Su Yu also His old customer, she also sold herself an ewe to solve her child’s feeding problem, which is also a small favor to herself, after all, he also knows that apart from him, Su Yu did not sell it to other mothers. Sheep too.

So after reading the news that Su Yu sent him, he was thinking about materials that are harder than steel. In theory, chicken cages and rabbit cages are small jobs, but mutant rabbits and ordinary rabbits are obviously different, so you still have to think about the choice of materials.

After a while, he thought of what materials to use, so he sent a message to Su Yu.

Su Yu couldn’t think of where to put the pheasants and hares, so she had to throw them into the wolf’s den. After all, only there was solid and there were gray wolves watching, so there was no need to worry about them running around when they woke up.

Su Yu may be pleased that the roe deer get along well with the flock. The two meet very harmoniously. Perhaps it is because they are herbivorous animals and have no sense of territory. After the roe deer enter the flock, Su Yu placed them in a separate railing where the lambs were usually placed. They quickly adapted to this captive environment. There were even two big roe deer craned their necks to grab forage from the sheep.

Su Yu stood at the door for a while, and after adding grass fodder and clean water to the trough, she waited for news of Changcheng.

The other party said that he has a brother who is a gold type supernatural power. He can extract extremely strong metal materials, and he can directly shape that material. The rabbit cage does not need to be particularly exquisite, so there is no need for special customization.

The message said that the person was near the planting area. If needed, he would send him a message that he asked the brother to come directly to her, and the approximate price of the required expenses was also indicated below.

Although Su Yu felt that the price was a bit expensive, it was still within her acceptable range, so she returned the news to Chang Cheng.

Chang Cheng also gave Su Yu back an OK emoticon and asked Su Yu to wait a moment.

Su Yu simply leaned at the door of the sheepfold, staring at the roe deers with white tails and round butts in a daze. Because they are really too adapted to the changes in the environment, it almost made Su Yu feel a little shocked, but after the shock, it was also joy. They can adapt to the environment, which means that she can raise a herd like a sheep. The roe deer came out.

It’s exciting to think about that kind of spectacular scene.

Su Yu’s excitement persisted until the gold-type supernatural person came to tailor a cage for the pheasant and hare, and delivered the points to complete the day’s work and bring the cats, cats, and dogs home.

In general, this trip has been very rewarding. Not only did he bring back so many living creatures, but there was also a mountain-like bear carcass parked in the little hamster space.

Thinking of the brown bear that had been chewed in a mess, and the bitter gall she had worked so hard to remove, Su Yu sent news about bear bile to the group and asked the researchers inside if they were interested in bear bile.

Among these researchers, there are researches on high-tech products and biochemistry. Of course, those who are more interested in bear bile are medical researchers. After all, bear bile is a precious medicinal material before the end of the world. Many audacious people will take risks and do things that are illegal and disorderly. The fresh bear bile after the end of the world is the size of a basin. Su Yu guessed that there should be no shortage of the market.

In addition to bear bile, bear carcasses have to be dealt with. Bear meat eaten by gray wolves cannot be sold, but bear paws can be sold and one can be kept for a taste, but Su Yu can’t be sure. , Can such a big bear paw be cooked? Because of the firmness of the bear skin, Su Yu can be said to have seen it with his own eyes. I am afraid that the pot will leak out and the meat is not yet cooked.

The author has something to say: I wanted to post it in a single chapter, but later I thought about it and post it together. I’m sorry for being late. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-08-12?23:08:42~2021-08-14?23:27:45~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Moon set and stars? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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