My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

129. Negotiation

Five helicopters were flying over Yangzhong City. They were all equipped with the most sophisticated weapons, the best pilots, and were filled with the strongest warriors. At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Yang Zhong, and they didn't dare to look away at all.

"Report, we have arrived in Yangzhong! Waiting for instructions from superiors!"

The pilot on helicopter No. 2 reported via the radio to the leader who was also silently observing their actions.

"All pilots listened to the order and immediately started making broadcasts after entering Yangzhong. If the opponent has any offensive behavior, there is no need to report it and they will immediately launch a counterattack!"


The five pilots said in unison.

I saw five helicopters arranged in sequence above Yangzhong, circling, and did not move for a long time.

Helicopter No. 2, still the leader, started the broadcast first:

"We are a negotiation team sent by the Chinese government. We have no hostility. If there are still survivors in Yangzhong City, please negotiate with us. The government is very happy to exchange terms with you..."

The radio broadcast was repeated three or four times, but there was still no movement from Yang Zhongnei.

"Captain, what should we do now? People in the city seem to be pretending to be dead."

Pilot No. 3's voice came over the intercom of Pilot No. 2, and it sounded like he was in a bad mood.

Back on the 2nd:

"Keep waiting, keep broadcasting, and don't act rashly before you know the other party's attitude!"


The radio was still broadcasting, but the people on the five helicopters were all panic-stricken. Although they had seen many strong winds and waves, and faced attacks from various monsters, the video of No. 1's murder was still too weird, making them feel inexplicably uneasy.

Several of them have been rubbing their shoes against each other on the ground, hoping to relieve the anxiety in their hearts.


On the ninth broadcast, a howl interrupted the broadcast. This howl was definitely not something that humans could make, nor did it belong to any wild beast. The moment it came out, everyone on the helicopter trembled slightly:


But there was only sound, and no monster was seen.

"Captain, what should we do now? Do we want to launch an attack?"

Questions from the other four people came over No. 2's intercom, and their voices mixed together noisily.

"Don't act rashly yet! Let's see what happens!"

Number 2 was also a little impatient. His own palms were sweating, and his mental state was no better than the others.

After the roar, no huge infected person was seen, but a convoy slowly appeared on the road in Yangzhong.

This team drove all modified ambulances. The original patterns of the ambulances were all covered up and painted with new patterns.

The pilot took a closer look and saw that the new patterns were all about the blood-red pupils. Now painted on the ambulance, they looked extremely coquettish, like flowers blooming in the hands of the god of death.

The ambulance drove right below the helicopter. In order to avoid a sudden accident and being attacked, the second pilot took the remaining helicopters to fly higher.

He stopped the broadcast and quietly asked the leader behind the scenes:

"The forces in Yangzhong have appeared and are waiting for instructions from superiors!"

"I saw it. Transfer the audio of the broadcast to me in a moment. You don't have to do anything. It's enough to relay what I said."


While the second pilot was giving instructions to his superiors, several figures also stepped out of the ambulance.

They couldn't see their faces clearly. They could only see that they were all wearing loose black robes. They were gathered together and looked up at the helicopter for a moment.

The pilots have very good eyesight. When they saw the eyes of these men in black robes, they felt as if they had fallen into a cold ice cellar:

The eyes of these people are so dull, they look like corpses that have been dead for hundreds of years before coming back to life!

"Are you sent by the government to negotiate?"

Just when the two waves of people were in an awkward situation, one of the men in black robes raised his horn and shouted to the helicopter in the sky.

"Yes, we are here to negotiate with you!"

Number 2 did not speak. He silently transferred the audio to his superiors and let the politicians talk to these thugs.

"What do you want to negotiate?"

The man in black robe continued to ask.

"We want to incorporate you into the Chinese army. We promise to take you to the safest place and enjoy the best treatment, as long as you are willing to submit to the Chinese government again!"

Hearing this, the man in black robe glanced into the ambulance next to him.

Only then did the pilot realize that there was a very sick man sitting in the ambulance.

The man was not wearing a black robe, but all in white. He was nestled in the passenger seat, like a dying kitten, which was difficult to spot at first glance. His temperament was in sharp contrast to those of the men in black robes.

He was skinny, with no flesh on his face, and his cheeks were sunken, like a skeleton covered in skin, and his specific age could not be discerned.

Not only that, the aura of illness on his body was very obvious, so serious that the moment the pilot saw his face, he felt that he would die immediately in the next second.

But for some reason, seeing such a man, the pilot felt a cold sweat break out on his back.

The man in black robe spoke a few words to the man in the ambulance. Because of the brim of his hat, the pilot couldn't read the man's lips. He could only see the sickly man nodding slightly.

The range of his movements was not large, but every subtle movement made the pilot feel as if the man's head was about to fall off his neck.

Seeing this, the man in black robe straightened up again, raised his trumpet again and said:

"We don't accept your proposal, let's change the negotiation terms!"

Hearing this, the pilot's superior seemed to have thought of this result a long time ago and did not get angry. He immediately changed his words:

"Then we want to know, the government once sent a helicopter to Yangzhong to search for survivors, but the helicopter disappeared in the end. What happened? If you are willing to tell us the answer, our government is willing to cooperate with You maintain a peaceful relationship!"

After the superior finished speaking, as expected, the man in black robe bent down again and asked the man sitting in the ambulance for his opinion.

The pilot kept an eye on it, and while they were talking, he used the camera to focus on the face of the sickly man, and then uploaded it to his superiors.

The superiors should also understand what they mean. As long as they find out the identity of this man, they can definitely learn more about this organization.

The sickly man nodded again this time.

Then, the man in black robe straightened up like a puppet on strings and answered:

"This negotiation condition is okay! But don't be scared for a while!"

After saying that, the man in black robe lowered his hand and hid the trumpet in his sleeve.

The sickly man in the ambulance coughed. As soon as he coughed, the door at the back of the ambulance was suddenly pushed open, and then a swollen, fleshy ball-like thing rolled out from the back.

After it rolled out, as soon as it touched the ground, its entire body began to expand and enlarge. In just half a minute, it was as tall as a small building.

The moment they saw this strange change, everyone present, except for the group of men in black robes, took a deep breath. The pilot was almost about to attack the guy, but he restrained himself at the last second.

That guy exudes an extremely dangerous aura!

After the meat mountain expanded, it just stood there and made no next move.

"Did you see it? Your plane hit it that day, was attacked, and then crashed! But we can't be blamed for this. Who let your people trespass on our territory?"

The man in black robe just now said somewhat complacently.

"Your territory?"

"That's right, Qingshui, Yangzhong, Jinqiao, and Z City are all our territory, the territory of our Prophet's Sect!"

Prophetic teaching.

This name was quickly taken seriously by the leaders who had been paying attention to the conversation behind the scenes. No one had heard of this religion before.

"Ask them if they are willing to cooperate with us and teach us how to control these infected people."

Suddenly, the top leader of China, who had been silently listening to the conversation, spoke. He squinted his eyes and looked at the image transmitted by the helicopter.

If we can find a way to control these infected people, then what monsters do we need to be afraid of?

The person in charge of the negotiation had no choice but to pass on the words obediently:

"Let's make another negotiation condition. Maybe we can cooperate. Teach us your methods of controlling infected people. Similarly, if you can agree to this condition, our government can also consider meeting your requirements."

Hearing this, the man in black robe naturally cannot be the master of this matter.

Once again, like a begging dog, he bent down and respectfully asked the sick and weak man for his opinion.

The man did not shake his head or nod this time. He opened his mouth slightly and spoke a sentence with a very small amplitude.

After receiving the order, the man in black robe stood up and began to convey the order:

"We can cooperate, but the condition is that we need four-fifths of the government's control, and the government must help us spread the teachings of the Prophetic Cult among the survivors, so that more and more people believe in the Prophetic Cult. No. Knowing this condition, can you agree?"

As soon as his words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Want 4 out of 5 control! ? They also want more and more people to believe in their religion. This is simply a naked attempt to evade the government and seize power!

How can you agree to this! ?

The top leader of the Huaxia Kingdom looked livid at this time. He knocked on the table angrily and almost said through gritted teeth:

"Reject them, they are too greedy!"

The negotiator truthfully conveyed the leader’s intention:

"Sorry, we can't agree to this condition, it's too much!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the second pilot saw the man sitting in the ambulance grinning slightly.

His smile was weird, like a skinless skeleton moving his upper and lower bones.

This smile gave the pilot goosebumps all over his body, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously!

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