My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

133. Chase

Jia Sheng drove all the way to the gas station, talking to Lei Xiaohan all the time. Lei Xiaohan kept looking out the car window and blew out a stream of white steam from his mouth.

"Are you cold?"

Jia Sheng asked her, wanting to take off his clothes and give them to her.

Lei Xiaohan smiled and replied:

"It's okay, just keep dressed, I'm not cold."

Seeing this, Jia Sheng could only say "Okay".

The two drove on the road for about an hour before they saw a gas station between Z City and Qingshui along the highway.

However, before Jia Sheng could be happy for a few seconds, he saw several black cars parked at the gas station. Not only that, there are several shadows wandering back and forth in the supermarket at the gas station.

"There's someone inside the gas station!"

Jia Sheng didn't know whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, but in this case, he certainly couldn't approach rashly. He drove the off-road vehicle to the side and stopped at the billboard on the side of the road.

"Xiaohan, give me the gun."

Jia Sheng kept staring at the figures in the gas station and whispered to Lei Xiaohan.

Hearing this, Lei Xiaohan quickly took out a pistol and handed it to him, and also got him a box of bullets.

Jia Sheng poured out the bullets, took out a few and put them into the magazine, loaded the gun, and then held the pistol tightly in his hand.

"Let's wait and see if those guys will leave later. It would be best if they just stay here for a while."


The two of them just stared in the direction of the gas station without saying a word. Jia Sheng felt very uneasy. He was thinking in his mind that if the other party really stayed at the gas station and refused to leave, he might have no choice but to change places. But I just drove the car over and already wasted most of the gas. Where can I go next?

After waiting for a while, maybe not ten minutes, Jia Sheng saw a person actually walking out of the supermarket at the gas station.

A man came out. The man seemed to be short in stature and of average build. He was wrapped very thickly all over. When he came out, he turned his back to Jia Sheng and the others, hunched over, and seemed to be dragging something on the ground.

Jia Sheng didn't know what he was dragging, so he carefully looked behind him at the thing on the ground. However, the man's body kept blocking Jia Sheng's sight, making it impossible for him to see what it was.

When the man finally stopped and moved his body away, Jia Sheng saw that what he was dragging was actually the body of a woman!

The woman was naked. Even from such a distance, Jia Sheng could clearly see the bruises and scars on the woman's body. The blood all over her body was thrown into the snow at this moment, and the blood seeped into the snow, like a blooming red lotus.

The man who dragged her out threw the body on the ground and looked around with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, Jia Sheng parked his car behind a huge billboard. If you don't pay attention carefully, you can easily lose sight of him.

The man thought there was no one around, so he returned to the supermarket at the gas station angrily.

Jia Sheng witnessed all this and saw the broken female corpse on the ground. The female corpse was still bleeding from the inside of the body. The whole body turned into a strange green color. He didn't know whether it was beaten or beaten. Frozen. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Holy shit, these are a bunch of scum!"

He turned to look at Lei Xiaohan next to him. Lei Xiaohan had obviously witnessed all this. She swallowed, her face was pale, and she looked at Jia Sheng helplessly like a drowned puppy.

In order to comfort her, Jia Sheng gently patted the back of her hand:

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

After Jia Sheng finished speaking, he put the gun in the glove box within easy reach and started the car.

No matter what kind of oil is out, the most important thing is to leave this place of right and wrong now.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he drove out from behind the billboard, the man walked out of the supermarket again.

This time without the cover of the billboard, he saw Jia Sheng's off-road vehicle at a glance on the empty snowy road.

The moment he saw Jia Sheng's SUV, the man was stunned for a second, then quickly turned around and ran into the supermarket.

"Fuck, he's been discovered, this guy might have to go back and call someone!"

Jia Sheng was shocked and couldn't care about anything else. He asked Lei Xiaohan to fasten his seat belt. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed out to the other end of the road.

While he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out, the man had already called out the other people from the supermarket. There were six of them in total, and they all looked very fierce.

When they saw the speeding SUV, their eyes immediately lit up.

You know, if an off-road vehicle can be driven so fast in this environment, it means that it must be a modified off-road vehicle. As long as there are modified cars, it means there are resources, weapons, and maybe women!

"Let's go, get in the car with me and chase after me!"

The leader, a man with a sinister face, said that he was the first to get into a black car.

Seeing this, the other people also sat in the car.

They quickly started the car and chased in the direction of Jia Sheng.

Here Jia Sheng was still driving at the fastest speed like a desperado. He looked at the snow-covered road in front of him, and saw in the rearview mirror that those guys were really chasing after him in their car. .

"Fuck, why are you chasing me now!?"

Jia Sheng cursed and turned the steering wheel while staring at the cars behind him. The entire off-road vehicle was controlled by him and skidded on the ground. If he was not careful, it might overturn.

"Hey, people in front of you, stop the car, we have something to talk about!"

Such a voice came from the car behind, and it sounded like he wanted to negotiate with Jia Sheng.

Jia Sheng was not a fool. The woman's body was clearly visible just now. If he believed him and stopped the car now, not to mention whether he would die, Lei Xiaohan would definitely be captured and ravaged by these scumbags.

He would never allow such a thing to happen to Lei Xiaohan!

He completely ignored the threats and inducements from the people behind him and just drove while thinking about where he could escape next.

"This grandson, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!"

Seeing that Jia Sheng did not stop the car, the man in the car behind cursed and dropped the loudspeaker. He can guarantee that the guy in front of him definitely has something good in his car.

"Fuck me, chase that guy with all your life. If I catch up with that guy, if there is a woman in the car, I will be the first to reward him. If there are supplies, I will be the first to reward him!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. After hearing the man's words, a black car on the right suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

It was moving very fast, following closely behind the back of Jia Sheng's off-road vehicle, without letting up at all.

"You are really a mad dog, and you are not afraid that I am a decoy. Are there any traps waiting for them behind!?"

Jia Sheng looked at the chasing car and felt bad.

This group of people are real lunatics. They only care about their immediate interests and don't care about future plans. I'm afraid that in their hearts, dying while chasing prey is a thousand times better than dying in the apocalypse.

Looking at the oil dial again, Jia Sheng found in despair that the off-road vehicle's oil volume would soon be low. If this continues, the chase will only end in his own disastrous defeat.

Thinking of this, Jia Sheng glanced at the gun in the glove box.

He gritted his teeth and a plan flashed in his mind.

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