My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle


Looking at the pieces of meat on the ground and Liu Tong's body covered in black blood, Gu Zhuo and the others waited for a long time. Seeing that nothing else happened, Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying said:

"You guys wait for me here, I'll go down and see what's going on."

After saying that, he pulled out the gun from his waist, put on a mask and protective gloves, and got out of the car.

There was a strong fishy smell outside, but Gu Zhuo had smelled it so many times that he was almost used to it.

He took a few steps towards Liu Tong's body, not paying attention to his steps, and stepped on several pieces of broken meat that fell to the ground after the explosion of the infected. The meat is greasy and greasy when you step on it, making you feel disgusting.

Gu Zhuo quickly jumped aside in disgust and walked to Liu Tong's body as carefully as possible.

Liu Tong's body was badly mutilated, with his stomach completely turned into a big black hole, leaving only a few pieces of intestines exposed.

Gu Zhuo kicked Liu Tong's body a few times with his toes. He saw that Liu Tong had a broken hand, his face was pale, and he looked very painful before he died.

Beyond that, nothing else was discovered.


Seeing that Liu Tong's death was in such a miserable state and that there would certainly be no useful clues found on his body, Gu Zhuo turned his attention to the ambulance again.

He walked to the ambulance and tentatively opened the door. Unexpectedly, the door was pulled open all of a sudden.

As soon as the car door is opened, there is a special sour smell that can only be found in cellars. That sour smell is often the smell of corpses and rotten meat that have been left for a long time.

After rummaging around in the driver's seat, I found nothing except the car keys, an open pack of cigarettes, a half-drunk bottle of wine, and a few knives.

"Why is this guy driving drunk?"

Seeing the half-drunk bottle of wine, Gu Zhuo shook his head and threw the bottle into the glove box.

Finding nothing on the driver's seat, he went to the back of the ambulance again.

There are a lot of things on the back of the ambulance, and they haven't been modified much.

The first thing he saw was an empty stretcher. There were some instruments next to the stretcher. Gu Zhuo didn't know what those instruments were used for. He had never seen them before. There has never been any similar instrument in movies and TV shows, and it doesn't look like any medical device.

The chains originally used to restrain someone on the stretcher bed were opened, and it was sticky, with a lot of milky white viscous liquid sticking to it.

Gu Zhuo speculated that the infected people were originally bound to the stretcher bed. As for the person who opened these chains, there could not be another person besides Liu Tong.

The instruments were turned off at this time. Gu Zhuo tried to control them, but no matter what button Gu Zhuo pressed, the instruments did not respond at all.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo didn't mess with them. He noticed that there seemed to be a pamphlet placed on the surgical rack next to the stretcher.

He walked over, picked up the booklet, opened it, and saw that there were some photos in it.

Looking at the photos further confirmed Gu Zhuo's suspicion just now.

These photos are all of infected people from different periods of time, with their hands and feet tied, and tied to a stretcher bed.

It can be seen that the appearance of the infected at the beginning is not that scary, just disgusting. Later on, I felt more and more physically uncomfortable. In the last photo, except for the body shape, the appearance was exactly the same as the infected person I just saw.

Combining this booklet with what he saw in the ambulance, and thinking of the notebook found in Liu Tong's room, Gu Zhuo suddenly had a suspicion in his mind:

This prophet may be studying how to control monsters and infected people!

If this were not the case, it would not be possible to explain how Liu Tong dared to untie the infected person at such a close range and release it to deal with Gu Zhuo and others. And last night, he also saw with his own eyes that the believers were indeed able to make the monsters work for them at the beginning, and came to attack Gu Zhuo in groups.

It's just that their method of controlling monsters was immature, which resulted in backlash. The monsters massacred believers, and Liu Tong also died at the hands of the infected he released himself.

After this idea came into his mind, Gu Zhuoqiao thought more and more that this was the truth.

He took one last look at the back of the ambulance to make sure nothing was missing before returning to the Fortress of Doom.

He wanted to tell Chaoying this conjecture quickly.

Back in the car, Gu Zhuo threw the mask and gloves into the trash can to prevent some unknown bacteria from outside from causing infection inside the car. Afterwards, before Chaoying could speak, he quickly interrupted her and briefly told her everything he had just seen, as well as his own conjectures.

Hearing Gu Zhuo's guess, not only Chao Ying was surprised, but also Yue Cen beside him.

"You mean, Liu Tong is working with them on how to control monsters and the thing they just met?"

Yue Cen's eyes widened, he took a breath and asked.

"Yes, and I think this is very close to the truth."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he handed them the pamphlet he had just found.

Chaoying and the two glanced at each other, and then realized the seriousness of the matter.

"But how is this done? It's almost impossible. Those guys have no IQ. I even suspect that they don't even have brains. It's impossible to control them with conventional means..."

Chaoying read the booklet and fell into deep thought.

Obviously, this matter was beyond her cognition.

"I don't know, but there must be some special means. Yue Cen, during the days when you were in contact with Liu Tong, did you see any changes in him?"

Gu Zhuo wanted to use Yue Cen's perspective as an entry point. After all, only she and Liu Tong had had countless close encounters here.

Yue Cen thought about it carefully.

Since Liu Tong joined the Prophet Cult, he has not come in contact with these prisoners very frequently. He only occasionally comes to ridicule them and wants them to join the Prophet Cult.

But every time Yue Cen would just sneer at his ideas and ignore them, as if he hadn't noticed much of his changes.

Thinking of this, Yue Cen shook her head helplessly and said to Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying who were looking at her:

"In my impression, he didn't change much, he just became more and more crazy every time."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo sighed in disappointment.

But this is also expected. After all, if one could guess the method of controlling monsters so easily, a lot of things could have been saved.

Seeing that the matter did not make any progress, but instead became more complicated and confusing, Gu Zhuo felt vaguely in his heart that this prophetic sect would definitely become a major obstacle to him in the future, and he must get rid of it as soon as possible.

The three of them stopped talking and were silent for a moment.

After a while, Gu Zhuo was the first to break the silence. He said to Yue Cen:

"Now that the danger in Jinqiao has been lifted, I have cleared all the members of the Prophet's Cult. There seems to be no monsters here, and there are enough supplies. You can stay here. We have to go to other places, and we can't be here. Long stay.”

When Gu Zhuo saved Yue Cen, he didn't say he would leave her in his car. It was enough that he had Chao Ying in his car.

Hearing that Gu Zhuo asked him to stay in Jinqiao, Yue Cen suddenly opened his eyes wide and said with reluctance and a little coyly:

"You mean, leave me alone in Jinqiao?"


Gu Zhuo answered her straightforwardly, without beating around the bush at all.

He and she were just passers-by who met by chance. He was willing to help Akashi because he saw the shadow of the officer he once admired in Akashi. Help Ou Ming because Ou Ming also helped him.

Yue Cen was not related to him. He saved her life and helped her eliminate some threats that would endanger her life. He had already done his utmost benevolence.

Gu Zhuo had said so, and Yue Cen knew that he could no longer stay in his car with a shameful face. She also knew that Gu Zhuo had done enough for herself.

"Okay, thank you very much for saving me. Please be careful along the way."

Although he felt very uncomfortable, Yue Cen still said this and prepared to get out of the car.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Looking at her thin back, shaking and pretending to be strong enough to get out of the car, Gu Zhuo suddenly called out to her.

"Wait for me here for a while."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he went to the living cabin and took out some things.

These items included a map, a pistol, a box of ammunition, a hand-crank radio, and a brand new piece of warm clothing that had not been worn.

"I recommend that you drive the modified ambulance. I just looked at it, and the key to the ambulance is still on it. And after it was modified, the armor shell is quite hard, and it may be able to help you survive for a while. "

As Gu Zhuo spoke, he handed the thing in his hand to Yue Cen:

"These are for you. The pistol is for self-defense. The radio is for you to receive broadcasts and get information about survivors. I don't need to say more about the clothes.

"As for this map, if you can't survive here alone, or you feel lonely, just follow the map's location and go to the North City. There is also a survivor base there.

"Listen, if you want to go to the survivor base in Beicheng, remember to find a way around the bridge, don't walk on the bridge! If you still have to pass by the bridge, and someone stops you, just say you are me, Gu Zhuo They probably won't embarrass you in any way.

“After arriving at the Beicheng Survivor Base, you go find a person named Akashi, he will take good care of you.

"By the way, and the most important point is that every fourteen days, you must find a safe and secluded place to hide, and never go out. Do you remember all of what I said? "

Gu Zhuo told her everything that needed attention.

Yue Cen wrote down his words carefully and nodded heavily:

"Thank you, Gu Zhuo, I will never forget you."

"Hai, let's go."

Gu Zhuo waved his hand, opened the car door for Yue Cen, and prepared to let her get out of the car.

"Gu Zhuo, can I have one last question for you?"

Yue Cen was about to get out of the car when he suddenly stopped and turned around to ask again.


"Where do you plan to go next?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo was stunned, but still chose to tell her:

"Clear water."


After getting the answer, Yue Cen nodded, and then walked out of the car silently.

After getting out of the car, she stood on the side of the road and watched Gu Zhuo launch the Doomsday Fortress and drive slowly into the distance.

Looking at the back of Yi Qi Juechen from the Doomsday Fortress, Yue Cen held the things in his hands tightly and thought to himself:

Gu Zhuo, we will definitely meet again. must.

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