My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

90. Siege

Although Gu Zhuo insisted on rushing to Yangzhong to investigate the situation, he also knew that he could not just drive on the highway openly, otherwise he would be a clear target for others. Therefore, he chose to cross the open space next to the highway.

This open space has not been taken care of and is not usually used. The open space is basically covered with some bumpy stones, which can easily cause damage to ordinary vehicles.

But for Gu Zhuo, it was nothing more than walking on flat ground.

He drove the car onto the open space and drove in the direction of Yangzhong. Chaoying looked at the scene around the car worriedly. Seeing the prophetic flags standing on both sides of the road, she became even more worried and couldn't help but say to Gu Zhuo:

"What if there are a lot of people guarding the entrance to the city later? I feel very uneasy and always feel that something will happen..."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo comforted her:

"Don't worry, we have a doomsday fortress. As long as you stay in the doomsday fortress, you will be safe. If the worst happens, just drive away. There is absolutely no way they can catch up with us."

Hearing what Gu Zhuo said, Chao Ying nodded, but his hanging heart could not relax.

Finally, the outline of Yangzhong could be seen. Gu Zhuo looked at the thermal imaging display, but saw that there was no heat source on the display.

"It seems they have no one to defend the city."

As Gu Zhuo spoke, a word came to his mind:

Empty city plan.

He tried his best not to think too much and drove the car slowly into Yangzhong.

The scene in Yangzhong is similar to that of Jinqiao. It is in a state of depression. Looking at the past, there are only traces of the existence of the Prophetic Cult.

"This place has also been occupied by them. They must be hiding somewhere now, but they don't know exactly where."

Gu Zhuo carefully observed the surrounding scene, paying attention to any slightest movement around the car through the images from the camera.

But the city remained empty, like a completely dead city.

But Gu Zhuo knew that beneath such silence, there were definitely many unknown murderous intentions hidden.

Unlike Gu Zhuo's vigilance, Chao Ying became increasingly uncomfortable. From the moment she entered the city, she felt like her body was crawling with ants, and her heart was pinched tightly, hanging on the tip of a knife.

"Gu Zhuo, don't drive forward."

Suddenly, her breath stopped and she grabbed Gu Zhuo's hand.

Her hands were cold, like solid ice.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zhuo sensed that something was wrong with Chao Ying, so he turned to look at her and saw that her face was pale, her forehead was soaked in cold sweat, and she looked very weak.

"Don't go any further."

Chaoying gritted her teeth and said this again. She had never been so scared as now. The fear has reached an abnormal level.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo stopped driving forward and stopped at the Fortress of Doom.

"Are you OK?"

Gu Zhuo was worried that something might happen to Chao Ying, so he stepped forward and put his hand on her forehead. Her forehead was also cold, and as soon as Gu Zhuo put his hand on it, it felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar.

"I'm fine...I'm just scared..."

Halfway through Chaoying's words, he suddenly felt as if his heart had been pinched hard, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into the deep sea, completely losing oxygen and unable to breathe.

The next second, she collapsed in Gu Zhuo's arms.

"Chaoying, Chaoying?"

Holding Chao Ying in his arms, Gu Zhuo kept calling her name anxiously, but Chao Ying never responded and just kept trembling in his arms.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo didn't bother to explore deeper into Yangzhong. He picked up Chao Ying and carried him to the sofa in the living cabin.

Putting Chao Ying gently on the sofa, Gu Zhuo felt that she was still cold and terrifying, like a patient on the verge of death. He wanted to get up to get her a blanket, but Chao Ying suddenly grabbed his hand. She held it very lightly, but Chaoying had already used all her strength:

"Gu Zhuo, please, don't leave."

Gu Zhuo lowered his head to look at her and saw that she was crying.

Gu Zhuo couldn't imagine how desperate and scared she was.

"I won't leave."

Gu Zhuo took her hand and gently held it in his hand. Then he slowly squatted down and held Chao Ying in his arms. He patted her back gently with his hand, like coaxing a child. The child said:

"I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving. You're going to be fine too, don't worry."

Chaoying hugged him in turn.

Her heart was still beating wildly, and she felt something was wrong from the moment she entered the city. There must be something in this city that only she can sense, but not Gu Zhuo.

The two hugged each other for a while, and Chaoying felt a little better, and the suffocation was no longer so severe.

She felt how hard Gu Zhuo was holding her, so she whispered to him:

"I'm much better, don't worry about me anymore."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo let go of her and looked at her carefully. He saw that her face was no longer so pale. It was not as pale as before, like a dying person, which was heart-wrenching to watch. Just as he was about to take a deep breath, the two suddenly heard several roars coming from not far away.

Gu Zhuo was very familiar with this roar. They had just dealt with one not long ago:

This is the roar of the infected!

Listening to the sound, there is not just one infected person, but at least three.

"Fuck, what's going on!?"

Gu Zhuo was shocked when he heard the sound. He asked Chao Ying to lie down here and have a good rest while he hurried to the cab.

After a while, four infected people appeared in the originally empty streets of Yangzhong City!

Not only that, the four infected people have different appearances and different sizes.

The largest infected person is as tall as half a building, and the smallest one is almost as tall as Gu Zhuo's Doomsday Fortress.

Now that they are walking together, the visual impact is terrifying.

"Damn, it came out of nowhere!"

Gu Zhuo cursed.

There was obviously nothing in front of them, but now four infected people appeared, as if they grew out of thin air.

It's difficult to deal with one infected person. If you deal with four infected people at the same time, you probably won't be able to survive today!

The four infected people didn't seem to notice him yet, they just stood there blankly, looking very sluggish. Seeing this, Gu Zhuo seized the time to activate the Doomsday Fortress, knowing that he could not stay here for long.

He quickly started the Doomsday Fortress, then turned the car around and sped out of Yangzhong City.

But maybe he made too much noise, and the four infected actually discovered him. They changed from pacing in a sluggish way and rushed towards the Doomsday Fortress together.

"Fuck, damn it!"

At this time, only swear words could vent Gu Zhuo's mood.

Seeing the four infected chasing after him, Gu Zhuo increased the speed of the car to 200km/h, and the Doomsday Fortress immediately shot out like an arrow from a string.

He quickly left the four infected behind, and could only see a few small outlines in the rearview mirror. Just when Gu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and thought that he would be safe as long as he rushed out of Yangzhong, two meat mountains fell from the sky with a "ton" sound and blocked the entrance to Yangzhong.

"Fuck me!"

The two meat-mountain-infected ones were larger than the next four, and they were almost like walking mountains. At this moment, they are standing together, obviously trying to block Gu Zhuo's way!

Only then did Gu Zhuo realize that he had entered a besieged city!

All the exits were sealed, and there was no way to retreat or hide.

"Damn it, you're here to cause trouble, right?"

Seeing a wolf in front of him and a tiger behind him, Gu Zhuo, who was surrounded by enemies from both sides, was immediately filled with blood.

He looked at the two blocking mountains of meat in front of him. The two mountains of meat were still moving forward slowly, apparently trying to form a trap.

"You're trying to stop me, right? I'll fight you!"

Gu Zhuo roared angrily, and then not only did he not slow down, he gritted his teeth and increased the speed to the top speed.

This was the second time he drove the Doomsday Fortress to the top speed. The last time was to deal with the giant octopus monster.

The Doomsday Fortress made a "buzzing" roar, the engine started at 100%, and the whole car was shaking slightly.

Gu Zhuo felt that the passage of time beside him had slowed down. He knew this was just an illusion, but it still gave him the feeling that he was racing against time.

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Roshan.

The stacks of big bellies protruding from the two meat mountains completely blocked Gu Zhuo's sight.

"Wait, I will stab you!"

Gu Zhuo roared angrily, closed his eyes, and stepped on the accelerator.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. If you stab it, you can escape. If you can't stab it, you can just wait to rot in Roshan's belly!

I saw that the Doomsday Fortress was like a bullet coming out of the barrel, ramming straight into Roshan's belly, and then there was a sound of fat meat shaking, stacking, and colliding.

The front of the car encountered a lot of resistance, which was much stronger than the big octopus monster at that time.

However, in the self-destruction impact state of the Doomsday Fortress, which almost exhausted all its functions and activated the engine 100%, it still managed to find a way out.

Roshan was really stabbed and penetrated!

The infected person who was stabbed let out a cry, and saw a big hole in its belly.

There was nothing in its belly, just a large mass of black pus and blood. Pus and blood mixed with some yellow-white oil flowed out from their skin.

At this moment, all the black pus and blood exploded and shot into the air, like a blooming flower of hell.

And the Doomsday Fortress, amidst the explosion of black blood, rushed outside Yangzhong City.

"Fuck, it really worked."

Feeling that the resistance disappeared, Gu Zhuo opened his eyes suddenly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the road leading outside Yangzhong City in front of him.

However, before he could be happy for even half a second, he felt something grabbing from behind and restraining his doomsday fortress.

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