My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

99. Heavy rain

The strong wind blew through the forest, and the forest looked like a turbulent green sea, looking eerie and eerie against the backdrop of the night.

Gu Zhuo sat in the car and looked at the scene outside the window. He saw that the sky pressure was very low, as if a big invisible hand was covering the sky and pressing down heavily. His mood became heavier as the weather changed.

Sam in the iron cage behind was restless and kept making a dull, low roar.

"Gu Zhuo, what time is it now?"

Chaoying asked, sitting next to him.

They didn't sleep all night, and were waiting for today's arrival. Any slight change in the environment, the slightest disturbance, could make the two of them fight.

They watched the originally normal darkness gradually thicken, and felt the wind blowing stronger and stronger outside, until it finally sounded like someone slamming the window with their hands.

Gu Zhuo glanced at the time and said in a deep voice:

"It's already half past five in the morning."

He didn't feel sleepy at all. On the contrary, his nerves were always tense, making him like a beast that was ready to go, ready to react to stimulation at any time.

I just don’t know whether this beast is a prey or a hunter.

Their hearts were hanging in their throats. This feeling of waiting for disaster to come was sometimes more torturous than the feeling of actually facing the disaster.

"Would you like some water?"

Chaoying handed him a bottle of mineral water, and both of them were waiting with thirsty mouths and tongues.

Gu Zhuo took the mineral water, opened the bottle, and took a sip.

"It's really torture to ride on a horse. I don't know when this kind of life will end!"

Gu Zhuo drank half a bottle of water in one breath, and then said angrily.

"It's better for me to just fight the monster for a day and a night, and then it's over. It's better than waiting here for something unknown to come."

Chaoying listened to Gu Zhuo's words and then asked him:

"Why do you think this doomsday will happen, and why do we have the ability to predict the end of the world and have different powers?

"I've been thinking about these issues these days. Every disaster or the birth of a monster is as if it had been arranged long ago, as if someone was behind it to push everything to happen in an orderly manner."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo shook his head:

"I don't know what happened. I only know that this disaster is global. If there are really people or organizations that can change the global environment and transform nature into this, then they are not called human beings." Come on..."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them fell into silence.

What if the other person is really not a human?

A terrible thought came to their mind.

It is still possible for them to defeat humans, but if the opponent is a powerful being that cannot be defeated at all, or even incomprehensible, then what else can they do to face it?

Gu Zhuo drank another big mouthful of water, forced himself to calm down, and said:

"No matter what, human beings have survived on this planet for so long, and no matter how big the disaster is, they have not been able to destroy this great race of ours. Even if the other party is the so-called god, there are still a steady stream of people struggling to survive!"

Hearing this, Chao Ying nodded. She very much agrees with Gu Zhuo's words that as long as there is hope, the human race will continue to spread.


Under such a strong psychological pressure environment, the two waited until 7:10 in the morning.

The morning sun did not rise over the forest as usual.

Today's sun seemed to be completely covered by dark clouds so thick that it blocked the sky, not even a little bit of residual light could shine through. Even at 7:10 in the morning, it looks as dim as the middle of the night.


Suddenly, Sam, who had been relatively quiet, suddenly roared heart-breakingly, and Gu Zhuo and Gu Zhuo were startled.

They didn't expect that the first thing to change was not the weather, but Sam.

After Sam roared, he scratched the floor with his claws crazily. His claws rubbed against the floor of the Doomsday Fortress, making a "sizzling" sound. It opened its mouth and bit into the iron cage, as if chewing a bone, using all its strength.


Gu Zhuo shouted in worry and horror. He could see that Sam seemed to be in pain, but he didn't know why it was in pain.


As soon as Gu Zhuo finished calling Sam, he heard a loud crack of thunder, and a bolt of thunder resounded over the entire forest!

This thunder was not like ordinary thunder. It seemed to come from the depths of the sky, like the roar of the gods, like a passionate war drum, penetrating Gu Zhuo's eardrums from the cosmic nebula!


Gu Zhuo shouted, this was the loudest thunder he had ever heard in his life.

After the thunder, a bolt of lightning struck.

The brightness of this lightning lasted for only half a second, and then the heavy rain suddenly started.

It rained heavily, and each raindrop was as big as a soybean, hitting the ground, hitting the roof and windows of the fortress of doom.

The wind was howling, the rain was pouring, and the whole sky was gloomy, stained with a dark red color like rust.

"What a heavy rain!"

Gu Zhuo was shocked. The rain could really kill someone!

He listened to the raindrops hitting the roof of the car, and the crackling sound was like hot oil frying in a pan.

As the heavy rain fell, Sam's painful roar gradually decreased, and then, it let out a final cry and fell to the ground, motionless, as if dead.


Seeing this, Gu Zhuo couldn't care less about the heavy rain. He hurried to the iron cage, fearing that something might happen to Sam!

He touched Sam and found that it was as stiff as if it were made of iron, with no elasticity at all, like a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

"Sam, Sam..."

Gu Zhuo trembled and put his hand in front of Sam's nose.

Fortunately, Sam was still breathing, but passed out.

Gu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief as Sam was not dead, but he still didn't know what happened to Sam to turn him into this. He still couldn't feel relieved.

"Gu Zhuo, come here quickly!"

On one side, he was still exploring Sam's situation, and on the other side, Chaoying suddenly shouted his name in terror.

Just now, when Gu Zhuo rushed to check on Sam's condition, a bolt of lightning struck again.

This flash of lightning briefly illuminated the surrounding environment in bright white. In the bright white, Chaoying saw a pair of faint red eyes flashing past not far in front of their car!

Gu Zhuo glanced at Sam and had to rush to Chaoying first.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something ahead!"

Chaoying said to him.

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo turned on the lights in front of the car and installed six ARB spotlights with 32 lamp posts in front of his doomsday fortress. Once these six spotlights are turned on, you can clearly see the situation ahead, no matter how dark the barren mountains are.

As soon as the car lights were turned on, the front suddenly lit up, and the originally dark mountains suddenly turned white. Although I still can't quite see the scene in front of me, it's not pitch black after all.

"What's there!?"

Gu Zhuo looked ahead through the car lights, but did not see anything unusual.

"When the lightning struck just now, I saw a pair of red eyes. I couldn't have been mistaken."

Chaoying said.

But now there is nothing in front, only trees and big raindrops.

Due to the heavy rain, a light layer of rain and mist filled the woods, adding a dark and misty feeling for no reason, just like a scene in a horror movie.

"I pulled forward to see if there was anything in front of me."

Gu Zhuo said.

He drove the Fortress of Doom a little further, but as soon as he started the car, suddenly, under the strong light in front of his car, a pair of blood-red eyes actually appeared!

After a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, more and more blood-red eyes appeared, like bamboo shoots emerging after the New Year, until they finally covered the entire area in front of Gu Zhuo that was illuminated by light.

But Gu Zhuo knew that there were more unknown creatures in places where his headlights could not shine.

He could feel the pressure, as if he was falling into the deep sea, and the surrounding water pressure was pushing up bit by bit. Squeezing up with the water pressure, there are also unknown and dangerous creatures hidden inside.

"Chaoying, are these the red eyes you see?"

Gu Zhuo swallowed and asked Chaoying.

Chaoying nodded.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo quietly stopped the car on the spot, adhering to the principle of being immovable until the enemy does not move.

Those red eyes seemed to have the same idea as Gu Zhuo. They just kept coming out, but they didn't come forward.

Gu Zhuo didn't know what kind of creatures they really were, so the two sides just faced off like this.

Holding his breath, Gu Zhuo felt like he was being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, as if he were dancing on the tip of a knife. His heart was clenched together and it was very uncomfortable.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

Gu Zhuo no longer hesitated, pointed Gatling at those red eyes, and then fired fiercely!

[Author's digression]: Probably the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I will finish some things to be solved tomorrow and I will be free when I get home. Starting from the day after tomorrow, I should be able to update four chapters a day, about 10,000 words a day, so I can fill it up.

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