My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: After the high

The entire room was filled with a mix of both of their scents. In the height of their passionate moments, Ashton ended up losing control of his special power, which was also the reason Caleb’s scent got out. As much as they found each other’s smell pleasing, it’s mix was satisfactory on a whole other level. It indicated their level of passion for each other.

Both Ashton and Caleb laid on the bed next to each other for quite a long time, too lazy to move, or get dressed for that matter. They simply covered themselves with the sheets as they savoured the aftermath.

“What if someone walks into the room.”? Caleb, suddenly jerked up and looked at Ashton horrified.

“The whole house is empty”. Ashton pointed out.

“For now! We don’t know when someone will be back. What if they get our smell and come here”? Caleb panicked.

“Chill, I made sure to lock the door the moment you walked in”. Ashton laughed slightly while Caleb simply shook his head.

“Really? So you’re that eager” Caleb scoffed. “Couldn’t control yourself, could you”? Caleb teased with a smirk.


“How could I? I have such a hot mate”. Ashton admitted flatly without skipping a beat. He brought his face closer to Caleb and smirked. Caleb blinked, taken aback by his (not so sudden anymore) boldness. Ever since Caleb entered the room, Ashton kept surprising him with his bold actions. While he enjoyed the adorable, easily flattered Ashton, he must admit, bold Ashton was kind of a turn on.

“Hold your horses. I am not ready for a round 2. Let me recover from this first”. Caleb blushed as the memory of their heated session flashed in front of his eyes. Ashton smirked before pulling Caleb close to him. He hugged him tightly which Caleb reciprocated with equal enthusiasm.

“This is nice,” Caleb mumbled, after a minute.

“Hmmm” Ashton hummed and took a minute to enjoy this moment. “I can’t believe I was trying to fight this the whole time ” Ashton snorted, indicating their session from a while ago.

Caleb slapped his arm before saying, “I am talking about the hug, get your head out of the gutter”.

“Just the hug? So the sex was not nice”? Ashton asked, offended.

“Nope” Caleb declared without skipping a beat. Ashton felt his heart shattering and was about to ask Caleb what felt wrong when Caleb mumbled, “It was freaking awesome”. Caleb didn’t miss the horrified look on Ashton’s face and ended up laughing at him. Ashton sighed with a mix of relief and frustration before hugging him even tighter, making it difficult to breathe for the other.

“Okay, okay. Let me breathe” Caleb slapped Ashton’s arm. Ashton squeezed him even tighter only to receive a glare from Caleb. Ashton pursed his lips trying not to chuckle at Caleb’s adorable reaction before finally loosening his arm.

After another peaceful moment of snuggling Caleb spoke, “You know, if someone told me I would end up mating with a pureblooded Alpha, that too with my own choice before I even met you, I would have ended up laughing at their face”, Caleb snorted. “Boy, would I have been so wrong”.

“Looks like I am not the only one whose plans for his mate got ruined”. Ashton replied to him with a faint content smile. This moment was filled with bliss and neither of them wanted it to end. Even saying nothing felt really warm.

“Can I ask you something”? Caleb whose face was nestled in Ashton’s neck looked up.

Ashton turned his head “Mn”?

“Since when did you have feelings for me? Was it always there or was it because of the marking”? Caleb asked, anxious of the answer. He himself wasn’t sure what answer he was expecting, that which answer he preferred more.

“Does it matter”? Ashton asked after a moment of thought.

“I dunno” Caleb shrugged. “But my feelings started way before you marked me. In fact I think it’s the major reason I asked you to mark me” .

“Not that wolf attack”?

“Sure, but I knew that I wanted you as my mate, quite strongly. There are times when I can’t help but feel like I manipulated you into mating with me”. Caleb confessed, looking down.

Ashton lowered his mouth and gave a soft peck to Caleb’s forehead. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, I wouldn’t have marked you too if I didn’t have any feelings for you”.

“Really”? Caleb jerked up on the bed, staring at him wide eyed.

Ashton nodded before saying, “Before I agreed, I imagined all kinds of scenarios that could arise due to marking. One of which definitely led to us falling in love. And you know what? I didn’t hate it. “Ashton snorted. “The only scenario I hated was if something happens to you, then what I would do” Ashton whispered. “I usually don’t give much crap about people but for some reason I found myself giving a lot crap about you”.

The honesty in his words touched Caleb’s heart. He gazed at Ashton with affectionate eyes before bringing his palm to touch his face. Ashton turned his head on the sudden touch, but didn’t say anything and allowed Caleb to continue tracing his face. Planting a deep kiss on Ashton’s lip Caleb mumbled, “I love you, Ashton Parker”.

“I love you too, Caleb Wrisberg”. Ashton smiled at him. The smile was so big that it seemed almost foreign to his face. Caleb rejoiced in the fact he was the only one who got to see him like that.

The sun was starting to set meaning that pretty soon Caleb would have to leave and go tend to the attending guests. He got up from the bed, despite resistance from Ashton and looked around the floor. His clothes were brutally ripped apart leaving him nothing to wear. He needed at least something to wear back to his room, before finding some of his own clothes. “Can I borrow some of your clothes”? Caleb asked.

“Help yourself” Ashton showed him the closet.

Caleb stared at the set of clothes that were either black, or white or some shade of grey. That’s when he realised that he had never seen him wear any colorful clothes, not counting the football jersey. He found a grey sweatshirt and soome baggy pants and wore them. Ashton was almost his size, and growing even bigger on a daily basis, so his clothes fit him very comfortably. “Why is your closet so bland”? Caleb asked.

“I dunno, I just like black and white”, Ashton shrugged. “Also that is our color”. Ashton pointed out indicating their wolf forms. Caleb simply shook his head at that analogy. Who knew Ashton would be so good at flirting. Caleb mused at that thought.

Once he was done getting ready he saw the food that was laid out and felt bad for it being ignored altogether. He decided to take them away to get them heated or put them in the fridge or something and started to pack it, “What are you doing”? A sudden bark from Ashton prompted him to halt in his actions.

“It’s cold, I am taking it away. I will heat them up and send them back to you”, Caleb replied with a frown.

“Let it be, I would eat it. I have had enough hot meals for the day” Ashton smirked.

Caleb’s eyes widened momentarily before he sighed. “Nevermind”. He ran out of the door as fast as he could before Ashton said something else to make him turn crimson. He beat his heart numerous times to calm himself down till he reached the elevator. He rushed into his room and decided to wear something party wear before he headed back to the banquet.

He found Matt there, who looked as if he just woke from sleep, he waved at him. “Hey, why are you late”? Matt asked him skeptically. “Wasn’t all of this your responsibility”?

“I was... doing something important and got carried away”. Caleb shrugged, maintaining his composure as best as he could. He tried to push away any inappropriate thoughts that threatened to pop up to his mind.

“Was that ‘something important’ named Ashton”? Matt raised his eyebrows in a teasing fashion which earned him wide eyes from Caleb. Caleb was dumbstruck and couldn’t even make himself to ask how he knew. He was stuck in a dilemma between admitting or denying the fact. Sensing his friend’s question he replied, “I can smell him all over you”.

“That simply means I was with him”, Caleb shrugged.

“Not the way you smell. Also, look at your face. It’s...” Matt trailed off while Caleb gave him a suspicious frown, “Glowing”. A loud smack was heard while Matt winced in pain, “Ouch, geez dude calm down”.

“Enough with your nonsense. Yeah, I slept with him, so what? He is my boyfriend and mate! You got a problem with that”? Caleb challenged him with his ferocious glare. Matt gulped before simply shaking his head.

“You did what”? Christian’s voice interrupted their conversation. Soon, Christian stood face to face while he simply gave Caleb a blank stare. Caleb gulped, while Matt picked this very moment as his cue to leave.

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