My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Monster

Caleb looked around him and cursed his fate as he had to spend his time supervising these crazy young people. As the music got loud he started to develop a terrible headache. As if it wasn’t enough, he started to feel tremendously suffocated. The whole experience seemed hauntingly familiar to him.

‘Is this just because of such loud music’? He found himself pondering. He focused all his thoughts as much as he could into recalling when and where he felt this. That’s when he finally recalled that it happened right after the prom. It was not his own feelings, it was Ashton’s rut.

He looked around for his friend who seemed to be dancing with another female wolf. They seemed to be getting along really well, and he was happy that his friend was finally moving on from Sara, but right now he needed help. His mate was in rut, and he needed to be there with him. Dragging Matt away from the crowd, “Can you look over this place? I really need to go”! Caleb sounded as desperate as one can get.

“Come on man, I did a lot of stuff for you this weekend. Let me have tonight.”! Matt whined.

“I will be back within a few minutes. I swear. Just look around from time to time and make sure nothing funny is going on”. Caleb insisted.

“I hate being your friend” Matt mumbled, grinding his teeth.

“Thanks, Man” Caleb patted his back and ran away. He was on his way to his room, but he had a gut feeling that is where he might not be. He was at the door when he heard a monstrous growl ripple through the walls of the hallway. Trying his best to locate the source he was headed off to the back door. Why would he be there? He wondered.


“Ashton”? He asked when he saw him in a distraught form, trying to fight his own inner wolf.

“Leave”! Ashton shouted at him, amidst his ongoing transmission. Caleb was confused, but he had a rough idea why Ashton would say that. He noticed his brother standing behind Ashton, who was very confused with whatever was going on and reluctant to make his next step.

Caleb’s rational mind wanted to abide by Ashton’s wishes. He knew that Ashton had little control over his wolf in rut and he hated that. Caleb needed to stay away from him, but his heart felt otherwise. The distress and agony in Ashton’s distraught face was like a pin pricking on his heart. Caleb’s dilemma made it impossible for him to move away from his face.

The hesitation emanating from Caleb was all Christian needed as a confirmation that keeping them apart was the best choice. He didn’t understand it, but he knew that was what he had to do. He tried to pull him towards the cell, but this time Ashton, or rather his wolf resisted even harder. It didn’t want to be separated from his mate, especially when he was right in front of his face.

With much force Christian finally managed to drag him, and put him into the cell. He locked it despite those ferocious growls before Ashton shifted into his wolf form. Even though Christian has seen this wolf in the photographs, face to face he was indeed scary. The wolf tried to break out of its prison using all its strength, but the moment it made contact with the bars it shouted in agony and pain.

Caleb, who was watching the entire scene unfold, moved involuntarily towards the gate as wanted to comfort him, but as soon as his finger made contact with the door he felt a sharp pain making him wince, “These have wolfsbane”? Baffled, Caleb asked his brother.

Christian nodded without looking at him as he observed the raging giant black wolf intently. Caleb was surprised as this was something he was not aware of. How can they keep him in dark regarding such an important detail. The last time he was here was ages ago, but it was different back then. He wondered what could have changed since then.

Suddenly his eyes dropped to his brother’s left palm and noticed that it was charred, “Your... hand”? Caleb mumbled. That grabbed Christian’s attention and he looked back at Caleb before taking a note of his hands. Both his hands had a deep bruise and if they had come in contact with a red hot iron.

“Usually we wear gloves or something. This time I didn’t have enough time” .He mumbled nonchalantly. Caleb wasn’t sure for whom to worry about anymore. Should he worry about Ashton, his mate who was in so much pain and agony or should he worry about his brother who was bleeding and have a running course of wolfsbane through him, a deadly poison to them.

“Let’s get that checked out” Caleb ordered his brother. His brother frowned at that. There was nothing Caleb could do at this very moment for Ashton, but he could save his brother from dying. “Just come with me”. He grabbed his brother’s wrist and dragged him along with him.

Christian was surprised when Caleb took him to his room instead of the hospital. Carefully he administered the antidote he had stocked for himself in need, which he forgot to carry today. “Why do you have this”? Christian asked.

“I kept them in case I ever needed it in an emergency. I got it back when Sara was hurting the wolves”. Caleb admitted. “Now tell me why the private cells have wolfsbane in them”?

“These cells were designed for most dangerous rogue wolves. When the omegas started disappearing Dad had it laced with Wolfsbane. I think he was planning on keeping the culprit there. The wolfsbane in the door would make it harder for them to escape”.

“Wasn’t dad planning on keeping Ashton there”? Caleb recalled. Christian nodded while pure horror laid on Caleb’s face. Just how far his dad would have gone if Ashton was not his mate, he wondered. While his body was here talking to his brother, his mind was focussed on Ashton, and the feelings that evoked in him due to his condition.

His brother did not miss how distracted Caleb was, and thus asked him, “You can go see him if you want”. He sighed, “But first, explain to me what is going on. Why is Ashton so determined to stay away from you despite the obvious pull he has for you”.

“I don’t know” Caleb sighed. He explained to his brother what Ashton’s mother told him the last time. The control issues he faced while he was in his rut was something Ashton was not accustomed to well enough. Even with only half of the explanation it was kind of hard for Christian to not feel bad for Ashton.

“If he keeps trying to make attempts to escape, he will have multiple wolfsbane injuries. What if he doesn’t survive”? Caleb voiced his concern, getting teary eyes. From time to time he could feel the agony which only worsened his fear.

“We need to find a way to pacify him and give him an antidote then” His brother sighed. “But he still has some time, the wolfsbane amount is not that lethal”. His brother assured him.

“He is a pureblooded Alpha, what if he is different”? Caleb panicked.

“Then I guess we will wait and find out”.

Speechless, Caleb huffed and stormed out of the room. He ran to the basement and stared at the enraged giant wolf. It’s giant physique, those ferocious growls and along with its intent to pulverise anything that comes in its way, it was hard not to be scared of him. He appeared like, as many would love to label him as, a monster. Caleb’s heart twitched as he stared at the suffering wolf, while simultaneously he felt the pain and the agony of the other.

Standing just two feet away from the door he fought his instinct to barge into that room through that door and comfort him. “Ashton” He mumbled. The wolf jerked his eyes at Caleb. It’s expression changed from angry to a timid one, as if it was pleading to him. Caleb thought of all the way that he could help without going in and that’s when he recalled a song.

It was the same lullaby Ashton sang for him when he was in his heat and Ashton was trying to get away from his temptation. He began to sing. The voice may not be as melodious as Ashton’s singing voice, but it was something. It seemed to calm down the wolf a little bit as it stopped moving and just sat in one place. Caleb decided to do the same and sat down tucking his knees to his chest.

“Even if I can’t be with you, I am here for you. Don’t worry” He said. He wasn’t sure if the wolf, or even Ashton, heard him or not. But he just wanted to say those words.

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