My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Unexpected Hurdle

The owner of the place and Sebastian had a lot to catch up on as it seemed. Christian was surprised to find out that Sebastian can be nice and chatty as well. Why did he behave so rashly when he was at Crescent Point then? Did he really hate the pack that much? Or maybe he simply didn’t like Christian.

Christian wasn’t in the mood to eat much so he simply ordered whatever Sebastian did. Sebastian didn’t miss the off mood, but he didn’t pester Christian about it. After the lunch Sebastian suggested going back to the apartment as there were some things he still needed to pack. While Chirstian waited for Sebastian to pack, he started to feel nauseated. Did he get some sort of food poisoning? He wondered.

It wasn’t long before he realized what was going on. The spike in his own pheromones reached his own nose as the confusing mess of feelings overtook his entire body. His rut was here, and unfortunately this was a very wrong time and place to undergo his rut. If only he remembered the timing, he wouldn’t have had to come here. Unsure of what to do, Christian put down his head on the table as his animalistic instincts overtook him.

Sebastian emerged from his room once he realised what was going on. The spike in the pheromones was something nor easy to miss, and having gone through it repeatedly in his life, he was well aware of what it signified. “You okay”? He asked cautiously.

He received an enraged growl in reply but Christian tried his best to control all his overwhelming untamed emotions. Sebastian, unsure of what to do, asked him to go to the restroom in the guestroom.

“We...have to... catch... the flight.” Christian mumbled in his muffled voice.

“Are you kidding me? You are in no condition to travel long distances. I have your father’s mail id, I would inform him.” Sebastian suggested.



“No buts. I am not in the mood to put up with your nonsense. Just do what I say and spare both of us the unnecessary trouble”! Sebastian scolded him. Christian wasn’t sure how to feel about that as he was currently focused on not letting go of control over himself. He didn’t want to end up doing something inappropriate.

He complied as asked and took a really long cold shower. It wasn’t that much effective, but it did feel a bit better. This was one of those remedies he used to try when he underwent rut. He didn’t have a cabin or anything, not ever needing to hide the fact that he was in rut, but he still kept himself confined to his room as the rut passed by.

His rut varied from Ashton’s in various aspects. For instance he didn’t need to lock himself in, because despite his wolf going haywire, it wasn’t stronger than Christian himself when it came to his willpower. He was in control, even if being in control was hard.

He didn’t even have any memory lapses either. His rut usually lasted for two to three days and he would remember each and everything that he did that happened with him. He found his way to the bed and laid down there without bothering to dry up. The air con, coupled with the cold water droplets overlaying his skin gave a sense of numbness which was in way better than the agitated feeling of rut.

His face was buried in the pillow when Sebastian walked in, “I received a reply- HOLY CRAP!” He shouted mid sentence. “If you are gonna lie naked, at least cover yourself up!” Sebastian snarled at him while he covered his eyes for the time being and averted his gaze to the doormat.

“If it bothers you look away!” Christian snarled back in his frustration. Sebastian took deep breaths to calm himself down. He didn’t need the rut to feel enraged of any negative feeling, Christian’s attitude did the job pretty well.

“This is my house, do as I say”! He snarled trying his best not to lose his calm, or look at the naked man in the bed room. Christian, agitated once more pulled the blanket haphazardly. Although it didn’t cover him quite well, it covered the private parts.

Somehow Sebastian’s presence bothered Christian, and unlike Sebastian’s reaction to him, it wasn’t personal. A typical Alpha would be attracted to an omega, and usually feels threatened by an Alpha. Sebastian, being the same blood rank as him, agitated his wolf just by being present near him.

The wolf usually doesn’t mind if that other Alpha was a family member. Even when two alphas are mated, or even a couple, their wolf side grows fond of that particular person and tolerates only that particular person, while giving the similar reaction to any other Alpha. In fact, the animosity can run both sides. Which is why even Sebastian was agitated just by being near Christian.

“Your dad booked us a ticket for return a week later.” Sebastian informed before taking his leave. Throughout the entire night neither of them slept. While Christian was engrossed in his own rut, Sebastian found the presence of someone else in his house pretty bothersome. He didn’t have many friends and even when they came over he made sure neither of them stayed overnight.

For some reason, he preferred staying alone than sharing his personal space with someone else. Even if it was a whole other different room. This is one of the reasons he had a hard time adjusting to his mate. From time to time his nose would sense the rise in pheromones, and he would wake up from his drowsy state.

If this continued, his rut would start out of time making it harder for both of them, and even possibly end up engaging in useless fights and making a mess of his apartment. It was around 3o’clock in the morning when he finally decided to do something and left his house in his jogging clothes.

Sure, taking care of someone required effort and can be a bit cumbersome, but somehow taking care of Christian seemed to push him over the edge. It’s like his patience, which he lacked considerably, was tested when he was with Christian. Being away from the wolf in rut finally calmed down his rut. He considered going to a hotel and booking a room for the night, but somehow he also felt bad for leaving the alpha all by himself.

“This is driving me crazy,” Sebastian grunted when a message popped up in his phone. It was from charlie with a link to a very big document. It was a collection of articles, research records and even a few police records, almost everything that had to do with worenzine. Sebastian found himself a chair in the empty chair in the park and read through the entire 142 pages of the document until sunrise. In general he would hardly bother so much, but this was someone who messed with him, and clearly had access to this drug.

“Ahh”, A soft touch and the sharp sunlight woke him up. Turns out, Sebastian fell asleep in the park, and there was this lady, who touched him because she was trying to confirm that he was not dead.

“Sorry about that” He mumbled and left for his house. He checked the time on his way and was surprised to find out that it was almost noon. He slept in a park chair, from the morning to noon, that too, in sitting posture? No wonder his back hurt a little bit or that the woman thought he was dead.

When he entered the hallway he was surprised to find the colossal mess this place was under. Everything seemed not only out of place but severely destroyed as if some robbery took place in his absence. With his cleaning lady on a break, it was up to Sebastian to clean this up.

Enraged and furious, he stormed into the guestroom, “What the hell were y-“. He stopped mid sentence when a greyish wolf with black highlights stared back at him. It’s expression seemed furious as if it was ready to attack anyone on his way. Not entirely sure how to react, Sebastian dropped the bag in his hand, which consisted of a few drinks he brought and stared back at the wolf.

Sebastian considered his next actions carefully before he slowly and gradually sat down on the floor. Inside, he felt his wolf getting agitated by his actions, but Sebastian managed to ignore that and gazed at the grey wolf in front of him slowly. What Sebastian was trying to do was an act of submission. For a born leader like Christian, it was less likely that the wolf wouldn’t attack him under current circumstances.

He hoped that his gesture would work and that wolf would calm down. While the expression wolf softened for the time being, it was soon replaced by a howl followed by a snarl directed at Sebastian. Sebastian sat still, careful of the wolf’s action, but he probably should have run because the wolf pounced on him going right at his face.

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