My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: For Now

Sebastian nodded once he heard the name as if he recognised him from his name or something. After taking a long moment to recover Christian shouted, “What the hell dude!?”. Caleb, was yet to recover.

“Are you sure you got the right guy”? Sebastian muttered. Mr Wrisberg threw him a glare before shifting that to his supposed-beta.

“Why don’t you tell them?” Mr Wirsberg scoffed. “What you did. And most importantly, why you did it”.

Rexford avoided their gazes before mumbling, “I was the one who gave them access to those omegas months ago”.

Caleb, who was shocked to very core and yet scared asked, “But why? I thought we were friends”.

“Friends”? Rexford scoffed. “I was the beta of the pack, and yet I was treated like your servants do at the pack house. Expecting me to follow through every order you ever make as if I had no value of my own”.

“So you decide to do something heinous like this”? Christian prompted.


“I just wanted to reveal how useless your strategies are.” He scoffed. “Despite being aware of the situation for so long you failed to protect your pack”.

“Because I had a snitch like you as a beta in my pack” Mr. Wrisberg snorted.

“Because you disregard any suggestions, any opinions, a pack member can have and play by your own rules.” Rexford corrected him.

“That’s it?” Christian scoffed. “If I knew you were this petty when I recommended you for the beta position, I wouldn’t have done that”. Christian uttered with remorse dipping from his voice.

“Yes, you shouldn’t have” Rexford smirked. “As soon as I took over the position, I found out what happened to the earlier beta of the pack. I simply wanted to avoid that fate.”. Sebastian and Caleb, both frowned at confusion meanwhile Chirstian and Mr Wrisberg stiffened. The confused duo wanted to ask what was Rexford talking about, but it didn’t seem like the appropriate moment yet.

“I wanted to take charge of the things I do instead of getting pushed around like some slaves. I was just making a way for myself.” Rexford.

“How can you be part of a pack and yet so selfish”? Caleb prompted when no one spoke.

“You really think you should lecture me about being selfish? You pose as their leader on a daily basis and yet you lie to everyone to their face. Every. Single. Day.” At that point Caleb froze as well. So it seems that Rexford was well aware of his secret.

Meanwhile, Sebastian fronwed, clearly frustrated by all the family secrets. He really didn’t care about them, he just wanted to get this over with and leave. But he was curious of Rexford’s motivation behind getting him involved so he asked, “Then why did you target me”?

“I needed someone to draw their attention. You were, merely chosen by chance, I didn’t select you with any ulterior purpose”. Rexford admitted. As much as those words were supposed to feel like a relief, thanks to that attitude attached to him, he was beyond annoyed. If anything he hated more than people is taking crap from people. And right now Sebastian just wanted to punch his jaw till he had a fractured jawbone.

“What do you mean, draw attention”? Mr Wrisberg prompted before Sebastian could express his anger. Rexford remained quiet, a tinge of regret taking over his face.

“It was useless anyways!” He huffed. Each of them frowned, unsure of his ultimate agenda.

“Well, whatever your reason was, you will be rotting here for the rest of your life”. Mr Wrsiberg announced and turned around from leave. From his back he heard a contemptuous scorn.

“One day your crimes will definitely catch up with you”. When they were at a considerable distance, Rexford shouted from his cell. Mr Wrisberg paused momentarily, prompting others to pause as well, given how they were walking behind Mr. Wrisberg.It seemed as if he was about to turn around and say something, but he resumed his pace a moment later leading the others to follow the same suit.

Once they were out of the cellar, Caleb questioned, “What was he talking about? What happened to uncle Jay”?

“It is classified information. Like I have said before, I cannot disclose the specifics”. Mr Wirsberg announced and left.

Caleb turned to his brother with a much more inquisitive expression, “Well”?

Christian shook his head and looked down on the ground, “To be honest, I don’t know everything either.”

“Seemed like you do”. Caleb accused.

“I knew it was fishy. I suspected it... beforehand. Knowing Dad well enough, I didn’t bother to ask”.

“What do you think Dad is hiding from us”? Caleb frowned before taking his leave.

“Do you really think he got the right person? What if someone more is involved. What if he was lying about failing whatever he was planning when he used me as a deception”? Sebastian asked Christian, bringing him back from his own world.

“I don’t know,” Christian mumbled. They walked back to the office to be unwelcomed by Mr. Wrisberg. However after much persuasion he let them in and voiced their concern.

“We don’t know what he did. Can you really trust his words”? Christian tried to reason with his uptight father.

“Yeah. I can assure you he was not lying”. Mr Wirsberg announced.

“But, how”? Christian frowned.

Mr Wrisberg glared at them hoping they would back off, but unfortunately both them seemed quite determined to dig the truth out. “Fine”. Mr Wrisberg sighed. “I have this thing, colloquially popular as truth serum. I gave it to him. If he was willing to talk, he was not lying”.

“Wait a minute”? Sebastian prompted before Christian could say anything further. “You had this thing with you, and you didn’t think to use it on me? You would have easily known that I was telling the truth when I got accused of attacking this guy”. He huffed in frustration pointing at Christian.

“Who said I didn’t”? Mr Wirsberg questioned him back.

Sebastian opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t decide what to ask as a bunch of questions swarmed his mind. That is when Christian took charge, “Is this why you were willing to let him out when I told you we have other evidence that he was drugged”?

“Uh-huh”. Mr Wirsberg straightened himself in his chair. “I couldn’t let him out without any solid proof, not with the knowledge that whoever was behind this was someone who is close to us. I had to be careful”.

“Then...” Sebastian fumbled. “How did I... not know about being under its influence”?

“That’s how it works. Like I said, if he was willing to talk, he was telling the truth. With him, he might have tried to lie his way out, but I guess you were determined to tell us what happened exactly as it is so you didn’t notice something was off.” Mr Wrisberg explained. “Basically, I did what I did with Quentin. Keep you in the cell to fool the real culprit”.

“Why didn’t you just tell me that before”? Sebastian scoffed. “Do you have any idea how miserable that horrible place made me”?

“I can imagine”. Mr Wrisberg sighed. “But, unfortunately I couldn’t trust you fully yet. In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t know much about you and neither are you a part of this pack”.

“So you are suspicious of everyone”? Sebastian sneered. “That’s borderline paranoia”.

“I guess”. Mr Wrisberg shrugged. “Now, get out of here”! He snarled at both of them.

Sebastian rolled his eyes in distaste before walking out of that room. Christian however took a moment to comprehend the situation before he walked out as well. He pushed his father enough for the day, maybe he should try persuading him some other day.

He caught Sebastian on his way to his car, “So, I guess you are leaving then”? He asked.

Sebastian paused, “For now”.

Christian smirked as he raised his eyebrows which did not go unnoticed by Sebastian; following a sigh he spoke, “Look, I had fun... working on this mystery. Sure it was hectic and all, but I guess being a wolf... and getting to use that part of me while working on something...” He struggled to find the right words.

“Felt nice”? Christian offered.

“I suppose”. Sebastian snorted. “But, I have a life out there I just cannot abandon. I am famous, which brings quite a responsibility on my shoulders. I mean sure, not that famous, but I have fans... and I am sure they would mind if I disappear abruptly. Plus I love what I do.” He shrugged.

“Then why did you say, ‘for now’?” Christian questioned. “It doesn’t seem like you plan to return”.

“I have unfinished business. And like you said, it’s not absolutely essential to be present here all the time even if I am the part of this pack. I think I am going to take advantage of that.” Sebastian smiled.”Goodbye”.

“Goodbye”. Chrsitian bid his farewell, and once Sebastian’s car was out of his sight, he whispered, “For now”.

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