My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Headache

Warren woke up to a painful sensation of the sunlight hitting his tired eyes. This is exactly why he avoided getting drunk. His low alcohol tolerance made him quite vulnerable. It also made him envious to his roommate who no matter how many drinks he had, he still failed to get drunk.

Most of his night was a blur to him, but lucky for him his flight wasn’t for another two days or he would collapse on the road itself. “Good morning”! Caleb screamed next to Warren, making him wince in pain.

“Get away from me you ba****d” Warren cursed covering himself with a pillow.

Caleb ended up laughing at his roommates behavior. His werewolf metabolism was savior in such kinds of scenarios, saving him from such headaches. Since no one here was aware of his true identity, he was never tricked into getting drunk mainly because they didn’t know how to get a wolf drunk.

He hit the road as soon as he could, excited to return. It was going to be a long break, but he was more excited because the next time he would be returning, there is a high chance he won’t be alone. At least he won’t have to video call him or ask for his pictures to see him.

Not to mention, he also had plans with his friends like Matt and all to hangout. Overall, this break was bound to be a productive one.



Ashton was on his way out when his sisters found him and tagged along without any invitation. “So, big day huh”? Ava teased while both smirked at him.

“Why”? Ashton frowned.

“We go to the same high school as you”! Ava scoffed. “Today is prom”.

“Yeah, I am not going”. Ashton declared, getting irritated by the minute.

“Come on. Last time you were there you ended up singing. Participate, just for once”. Ariel insisted.

“Okay, first of all, whether I go or not, doesn’t concern you”. Ashton scolded them, “Secondly, how the hell did you know that”? Ashton huffed.

“Caleb told us,” Ava shrugged.

“And...what else did he tell you”? Ashton asked cautiously remembering how that prom changed their relationship dynamics.

“That you are a good singer”? Ariel suggested.

“Did something else happen”? Ava asked with a teasing smirk.

“No,” Ashton declared. “Now go ahead and do your work. I got stuff to do”. He declared. For the summer he picked a job at a garage nearby. He was a fast learner, and with training from his late adopted father, and the mentoring of the garage owner he got a good earning.

Willmount University was not a cheap university to go. He needed to save up enough money if he wanted to go on his own. Caleb offered to pay for him, but Ashton wouldn’t be comfortable with that choice so Caleb didn’t push him further.

He was busy polishing a piece of metal when the manager called him, “I am closing in early today. I have someplace to be. You can go home, I won’t cut your pay”. The manager was a human, and thus unaware of Ashton’s wolf status. That was also the reason he could easily be rude to Ashton whenever he felt like it.

Ashton didn’t mind though, with literally every wolf around him scared of him he could use some normalcy. He returned home by the time it was seven. It wasn’t too early, but it wasn’t too late either.

“You are back”! Ava exclaimed. “I knew you wanted to go to prom” She teased.

“I am not here for prom,” Ashton rolled his eyes. How come he ran into his sister twice on the day he would like to avoid her. Not to mention, this place was huge enough to get lost.

“Come on, it’s not like you have anything else to do anyways”. Ava insisted.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t exactly have a date”. Ashton declared. “I am not going”.

“If it’s about a date, I am sure I can help with that”. A very familiar voice appeared behind Ashton making his frustration evaporate just like that in a matter of a few seconds.

“Caleb”! Ava exclaimed the moment she saw him and Ashton stared at his mate with blank expression. He was excited to see his mate after so long, but he was not going to show it in front of his sister. He had endured enough teasing for the day. “It’s so good to see you back” Ava smiled

“It’s good to be back” Caleb beamed. “But why are you so adamant about prom”? He looked at Ashton and asked. “Once you graduate, you won’t have a second chance at these things”.

“I never enjoyed these things. I don’t even want a first chance at these” Ashton groaned with frustration. The whole persuasive situation was starting to give him a headache.

“Come on! It was fun last time” Caleb. “I can go as your date”. He offered.

“Hold on a sec” Ashton folded his arms giving a suspicious look. “I won’t get a second chance, but you get to go despite the fact that you have graduated”? His gaze narrowed.

“Well, people hardly stop me here. So...why not” Caleb shrugged.

They remained silent as Ashton seriously considered Caleb’s suggestion, “Well since you’re here, he is all yours” Ava told Caleb gesturing at Ashton. “I am outta here”. And she left.

“If you don’t want to go that’s fine too” Caleb whispered.

“Of course it is”, Ashton glared at him. “Get dressed, we don’t want to be late further” Ashton ordered and vanished.

Caleb chuckled at his mate’s adorable behavior. He didn’t have time to shop, so he tried to make the best of the clothes he had available. He simply needed to avoid what he wore last time and he would be good to go.

Finding a decent enough outfit from his walk in closet he headed off to the front porch. Caleb waited there for a while until Ashton showed up completely dressed up.

Over the course of another year he had grown much taller exceeding Caleb by quite a lot. On top of that, with much sharpest features he looked way more manly. At this point his face was a perfect blend of a boy and a man depicting the phase of transitioning. Not to mention, his outfit brought a whole different aura to him. If people weren’t scared of him yet, they might be scared now.

“What? Ashton asked, bringing Caleb back from his reverie.

Caleb blinked a few times when he realised he had been staring at Ashton all this while, “Nothing”, He cleared his throat. “Let’s go”. Without making any eye contact he left for the garage and brought out his car. Ashton joined him but unfortunately the ride to the school was a quiet one. Ashton was never much of a talker, and Caleb somehow refused to look at Ashton.

They reached the parking lot of the school. As Caleb was about to get out Ashton grabbed his hand and forced Caleb to look at him, “Are you mad at me? Did I do something”?

“What? NO! Where is that coming from”? Caleb asked.

“Then why are you avoiding me?” Ashton asked. “This was your idea, not mine. If you are not feeling up to it, let’s go back”

“Nooooo” Caleb sang. “This is your last year. You should enjoy it” he insisted.

“Why do care so much if I go to prom”? Ashton asked.

“Well...” Caleb trailed off, trying to come up with an appropriate reason. “I guess... I remember missing one of my proms. The next year wasn’t so great either, with marking and all. I just think it’s important to enjoy these things while we can”. Caleb shrugged.

“Really” Ashton eyes him suspiciously.

“Well, that and...” Caleb cleared his throat. “I can go with someone actually want to go with”. He shrugged.

“I knew it”! Ashton exclaimed. “This was never about me, it was always about you” he huffed.

“Yeah” Caleb admitted meekly.

“So why are you avoiding me? Shouldn’t you be excited”? Ashton frowned.

“I am”! Caleb affirmed. “It’s just that...” Caleb let out a breath. “You look good”.

Ashton’s frown deepened, “you are avoiding me because I look good. Try making a little more sense than that.”

“Its tempting” Caleb admitted with a blush, whist looking away.

Ashton unbuckled his seatbelt and pushed himself to land a soft kiss on Caleb’s lips. After a while when things were starting to get a little heated Ashton pulled away.

“Let’s go.” Ashton said. Catching his breath, Caleb nodded.

At the hall many were surprised to see Caleb. He was quite popular when he was here, thus most remembered him. The wolves knew about the new situation, and while the humans have heard rumors about Ashton and Caleb dating, them entering the prom while holding each other’s hand confirmed everything.

Some frowned, some smiled. Some simply avoided them because they were scared of both of them. As a whole, they were definitely a power couple of this prom.

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