My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Loose ends

Ashton stared at the blank computer screen, refreshing it from moment to moment as Willmount University would announce its students’ acceptance any moment now. He didn’t tell anyone that today was the date. He simply sat on one corner of the room waiting patiently for something to happen.

He was worried he won’t be accepted, but he was also worried how to tell Caleb if he didn’t. The moment something appeared on the screen Ashton closed his laptop in a reflex, almost breaking it in the process. In the moment of anxiety he almost forgot his own strength. Here he was waiting for the results and now he couldn’t even look at the screen. Oh, the irony.

He fumbled with his fingers tapping it against the cold metal of the laptop constantly trying to calm himself down. He not failed to do so, he was so stressed that he almost failed to control his scent. “You alright”? Caleb asked, walking into his room.

“I have got to start locking the door” Ashton mumbled as soon as he saw him.

“You are freaking me out. There I was in my room watching a sitcom, the next thing I know I am scared to the point of puking. I know that was you. So, what the hell is going on with you”? Caleb asked with frustration. “I know that was you and not me, so tell me” he demanded.

“I... ” Ashton struggled to find the right words. “They announced it”. He blurted.

“Who announced what”? Caleb’s frown deepened. “Start making sense or Imma go get inside your head” he threatened. Usually Caleb would be calm, but he was a bit pissed by his sudden emotion during a laughable scene.


“Just look at this and tell me what it says.” Ashton handed the laptop to him. As soon as Caleb opened it Ashton prompted, “Don’t read it out loud, just... read and and tell me the gist”.

“O...kay” Caleb’s forehead creases deepened at his mate’s odd behavior.

Ashton focused his gaze on Caleb’s eyes, trying to decipher the content from his expression. At first a shocked expression laced his face which then turned into a frown. It remained there until he was done.

“So... ” Caleb trailed off. At this point Ashton was sure he didn’t get in. “I have some bad news”.

“Nevermind. I will try again next time”.

“No, the bad news is, you need to go shopping. I am afraid you don’t have all the things you need to move to Willmount” Caleb mumbled as a sneaky smile threatened to break into his face.

Ashton froze for a moment as he took a moment to decipher his words. Soon his blank stare turned into glare as if he would turn Caleb into ashes right that moment. “How dare you scare me like that”! He screamed.

Caleb tried to make a run for his life, but Ashton jumped over his table and tackled Caleb causing both of them to fall on the floor. Both of them winced in pain, but Caleb’s movements were restricted due to the heavy weight over him. “You tricked me, now it’s time for your punishment”. He said in a dangerously low voice.

Caleb’s face scrunched as he wondered where Ashton was headed. Soon he felt something on his waist and turned into a laughing mess while Ashton tickled his brains out. “Stop....stop...” Caleb kept begging amidst his laughter but Ashton didn’t bother to listen and instead his smirk deepened further.

“I am sorry...I am sorry” Caleb tried once more. “Stop” and once more he broke into laughter.

Finally Ashton stopped and stared at him, “If you ever scare me like that again, Imma kill you for real”.

“Yeah, right”. Caleb scoffed. He knew very well how empty Ashton’s threatts were. He regretted his reaction soon enough because once more his waist was busy getting tickled by Ashton. “I said I am sorry” Caleb laughed again, “Just let me go”.

Ashton finally pulled away and mumbled, “get ready”

“Why”? Caleb frowned.

“You told me yourself, I gotta go shopping. Let’s go” Ashton pressed.

“Right now”? Caleb asked awkwardly, “I was... in the middle of an episode”.

“It will be midnight by the time you finish. Just come with me”. Ashton whined.

“Fine, fine” Caleb agreed with a sigh. “I will get my car”.

That evening they spent their entire time in the shopping mall. They didn’t have much to buy, but Caleb insisted they hang out for a little more before they returned. Caleb even convinced him to get a nice haircut which maintained its length, despite a lot of protest from Asthon.

Once they returned, anxiety hit Ashton back once he imagined that he would need to tell his mom and his sisters. He always imagined going off to college, way before he got entangled with this pack. But now that it was coming into reality he started to panic for real. He wondered what would their reaction be.

He asked his sister’s to come to their mother’s room while he headed there themself. Once everyone was there he took a deep breath and explained to them that he would be going to the same college as Caleb. The twins were beyond thrilled to hear the news, and while Mrs Parker expressed a similar enthusiasm, she did feel a bit bad to let her son go.

Over the last few years she noticed how frequent Caleb’s visits were, and given that was the most he could make she worried Ashton would make even less. Caleb had his mate here, but Ashton would have his’ with him. Despite her feelings she managed to put on a smile to encourage Ashton.

Ashton didn’t miss the flicker of conflict on his mother’s face, but for both their sake he didn’t bring it up. He simply hugged and mumbled, “Thank you mom, for everything. Without you I won’t be here. I will miss you”.

“Me too son. But you have a lot to accomplish, so go ahead and give em hell” She encouraged her son.

“Maybe we can go someday. Who knows, if we like it there we can go there too, when we are adults” Ava interrupted.

“You are going to work even harder than. You need to stop goofing around all the time”. Ashton scolded her.

“Hey, I score pretty great for someone who is popular. I am not a nerd”. She declared proudly.

“Just study a bit harder”, Ashton sighed and ended up laughing with them. Once Ava left the room Ashton turned to Ariel. “Take care of the family for me”?

“Why me”? She asked, amused.

“Well, you are the older twin... so” He sighed. “I am passing on my responsibility to you” Ashton patted her head, making her laugh.

“Don’t worry bro. I got this” She assured. “Go get em”. Ashton hugged her as well. He would be lying if he said he was thrilled about moving away. As much as he was happy to spend more time with Caleb, and as much as he had planned this entire life, it was still hard to say Goodbye.

He loved his family. Even if he wouldn’t probably admit it so easy, in his heart he was reluctant to let go. He had been with this family for almost a decade. He witnessed his young mother growing strands of grey hair. He witnessed the transition of his crybaby twin sisters into inquisitive young girls to classy teenagers. He wished he could be around for more. And even though it was not an ultimate goodbye, it was still hard on him.

He still had almost a month before he needed to move out. He made sure he found enough time to spend time with his family. He took them out quite a few times. He watched way too romantic movies with his sisters, he helped his mother arrange her stuff. He even found time to spend with his mate.

Despite everything, he also made sure he said a proper goodbye to Caleb’s family. They might not have been very warm to him, but since they were Caleb’s family, they were his too. When he found Mrs Wrisberg by the garden one day she was surprised to find him initiating a conversation. Something that even her own son barely did.

She always assumed Ashton didn’t like her, but as it seems he was genuinely awkward with their conversation. Apart from accepting his goodbye she added, “Please take care of my son. I know he is tough and that he can take care of himself. But he needs you. I know he does. Be there for him” She asked. Ashton agreed to her as he felt a hint of approval coming off her.

He tried Christian next who was genuinely happy for them. Over time he came to accept Ashton as he noticed how happy he made his little brother. He was glad his brother had someone in his life.

As for Mr. Wrisberg, he didn’t even spare him a glance. Nevertheless Ashton was glad he visited as he believed it was something he oughta do irrespective of his response. At this point he was convinced that Mr. Wrisberg would never accept him into the family, and even Ashton had stopped trying at this point. With tying of the loose ends, he was ready for the of his life.

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