My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: I am Sorry

The door opened to reveal a person with a tall built and lean figure. The contrast with the light outside made it harder to see, but when the face of the person came into focus, a wave of relief washed over Warren and Karolyn. “Caleb”? Warren mumbled. “How did you find us?”

“I called up and asked her dad about whereabouts,” Caleb pointed at Karolyn.

“And, he just gave it to you?” Warren frowned.

“Yup, this hideout might not be as effective as you think” Caleb shrugged with an awkward smile displayed on his face.

“What are you doing here”? Karolyn snarled at Caleb.

“I figured out a way, I-” Caleb started to explain but Karolyn cut him off.

“I asked you to stay away. You have helped enough” She gritted her teeth.


Caleb pressed his tongue against his cheek before taking a step further, “No! I am the one who messed up, and it’s up to me to rectify it”! Caleb insisted adamantly. “Don’t worry, I won’t make the same mistake twice.” Karolyn huffed and looked away. “I mean it,” Caleb continued. “I am sorry for screwing up, and underestimating Axel” he pleaded.

“How can I possibly trust you?” Karolyn folded her arms. “No offense but trusting you is kind of hard for me right now. Agreeing with you is what got me into this situation. Even if you mean well I am not a fan of the consequences of your actions” she said in a stern voice.

“Hear me out. If you do not like it, I won’t go through with it”. Caleb insisted. Karolyn considered for a moment before nodding at him. Caleb took a deep breath before he began to explain everything. It didn’t take him long as his plan wasn’t some long elaborate sequence of events and thus when he was done it took Karolyn a little longer to speak.

“Fine”, she sighed. “If you really think it’ll work, give it a try. It seems pretty far fetched though”, Karolyn sighed.

“I know, which is why I wanted to ask you, like I should have last time instead of just assuming that things would work out” Caleb sighed. “I wanted your opinion”.

“It’s a stupid plan” Karolyn declared. “But, it’s worth a shot.” She mumbled.

Caleb smiled, “I will not let you down”! He smiled and exited the room.

While he went down the stairs he found Ashton waiting for him.”So?” He asked. Caleb nodded in affirmation and received a smile. They headed off to Southern Avenue once more, “You sure about this right?” Ashton asked.

“Yes, this time let me do the talking.” He gritted his teeth “Do not, I repeat, do not interfere”.

“Alright” Ashton chuckled. “I promise to stay out of your way” he whispered. Caleb smirked but didn’t say anything to him. Their entire ride was a bit quieter than usual. However this time things weren’t really that uncomfortable anymore.

When they reached Southern Avenue, as soon as they got out of the Car Caleb grabbed Ashton’s hand tightly, earning a shocked face from Ashton, “I thought you didn’t want me there”?

“No,” Caleb clarified. “I ask you to remain quiet. I definitely want you there, why else do you think I brought you here?” He scoffed, tilting his head.

“I dunno” Ashton shrugged, “Moral support”? He suggested earning an eye roll. “I mean I am not gonna talk, I wasn’t the one who was driving, I am still unclear on how I can be of any help”.

“Two hands are better than one” Caleb shrugged. “Off chance things go terribly wrong I can use your help to defend him.

“I doubt how that would be helpful. He wasn’t exactly using physical strength against us the last time. What makes you think this time would be different?” Ashton frowned.

“I don’t think this time would be different. But I think his powers will be weaker if he attacks both of us together, or at least that’s what I am hoping for” Caleb mumbled looking around himself.

“You’re wrong,” Came a familiar voice much deeper from the background. They jolted up and looked around themselves for the source of the voice. In their mid search Caleb spotted Axel coming from the alley next to their house.

“Ow” in a whisper Ashton winced as he felt the grip on his hand tighten suddenly.

“Here to give away your friend?” Axel looked around for Warren, or at least that’s what he seemed like doing. “Or you wanna sacrifice yourself instead of your friend” he smirked.

“I want to talk to you,” Caleb declared with confidence while Ashton tried his best to stick to Caleb in case he needed any help.

“I thought I made it pretty clear that I did not want to talk to you” Axel said against the gritting of his teeth.

“Okay, then let me talk. Just listen to what I have to say. Please”. Caleb insisted.

Axel’s brow puckered and it remained like that for a while. “You have 60 seconds”.

“Fair enough” Caleb took a deep breath, but made it quick as the clock was literally ticking, “I am sorry for targeting Lily the other Day. I promised to stay out of your way and that was not cool. Warren had nothing to do with this, in fact I think he is doing far better as a Vampire than I have imagined. He doesn’t deserve to die for my stupid mistake”. Caleb sighed. “Just let him off the hook”.

Axel stared at them with an amused expression. “You really think an apology would set things right”? He scoffed.

“No, but I do think it would make things easier for me”. Caleb sighed. “I could have tried a better way to find you.”

“You’re bold” Axel smirked. Somehow that smirk irked off Ashton and instinctively he took a position in front of him. Axel who did not miss it tilted his head in amusement, “Relax, I am not going to steal your mate. I might kill him though, cause he did cross a line”.

Ashton glared at him but refrained himself from saying the wrong thing. Last time he was helpless against Axel’s powers and there was no reason why this time would be any different. He knew if he pissed off Axel than they already did he, and most importantly his mate, might not make it out of here alive. Not to mention Caleb was perfectly clear about him not saying a word.

“You want to kill me?” Caleb asked. “I agree, I deserve it. But what about Warren? You were after him since the beginning when it’s clear that it was one of you who messed up.” Caleb pointed out. Axel’s smirk faded away by a tinge urging Caleb to continue. “Why does that Vampire get away with making a mistake and we don’t? Especially when you are supposed to be responsible for them, I assume” Caleb shrugged.

“Who told you I let her off the hook?” Axel snorted. Caleb’s confidence once more evaporated in the thin chilly air.

“You killed her?” Horrified, Caleb whispered.

“No” Axel shook his head. “A vampire has already died once. Death is really not a big deal for them. I did something worse”. He gave them a much creepy smile.

“Like what”? Caleb asked despite his guts screaming at him to shut up and run away in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

“Let’s leave it at ‘something worse’. I don’t owe you any explanation for my Vampires.” Axel glared at them.

Ashton and Caleb shared a glance at each other while they contemplated their next move. [Should we leave?] Ashton asked in the link.

[I think so. I am done. But somehow this is still creeping me out] Caleb admitted honestly while maintaining a straight face.

“Fascinating” Axel mumbled. Both Caleb and Ashton jerked their heads at Axel and took on a defensive posture. Anything or everything Axel did was enough to tick them off.

“What do you mean?” Caleb asked, despite his better judgement.

“I have never seen a Valestine wolf link. Although they are rarely in a position to link with anyone” He smirked. The mention of Valestine was enough to trigger something in Ashton and he finally ended up speaking.

“You are well aware that I hardly know anything about it. I appreciate your efforts at irritating me by mentioning it constantly but if you are really not going to tell me anything what’s the point?” He huffed. “Whatever it is, for now, it’s just a word for me”. Ashton shrugged.

“No it’s not” Axel smirked. “It bothers you, a lot, to not know about it. So much so that you are willing to do anything for it” as soon as Ashton heard those words he clenched his fists. Was he right? Ashton wondered. Was Ashton really that obsessed with finding out about Valestine that he couldn’t even think straight.

“Not anymore”, still a lot unsure of himself Ashton declared confidently.

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