My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: “Now is not the time...”

No matter how much Christian tried to call his baby brother he would not pick up. Sure, it was a bit late at night, but he knew his brother. There was no way Caleb wouldn’t respond to his call. What was more terrifying was that the phone was switched off and it directly went to voicemail.

Finally failing for like after a hundredth time, he decided to call his Dad the next morning. The good news was everything was fine and there was nothing to be worried about at home. The bad news however was that apparently Caleb would be available for the entire weekend as he took his son Connor fishing for the weekend.

Somehow Christian either needed to stall the members of this pack or he had to admit the truth. With Riley it went well, but if he were to be trusted, it can’t be said the same for Alpha Miller. If only he knew a sureshot of ways to do so.

Suddenly, whilst recalling his last trips he remembered the time when their plans were delayed due to his rut. Of course he couldn’t fake his rut, but maybe if he convinced the pack members he was sick, then... maybe there was still a chance. All he needed was a tiny ruse.

He knew that the wolves are usually resilient to the atmospheric changes meaning ‘just sick’ won’t be applicable to him. God it’s hard to fake sick when you are a werewolf. But what else can he come up with that would do the trick?

After a lot of thinking he finally decided to tell the other’s that he broke his ankle and that it would need at least another day to heal before he could walk. They tried to take him to the local doctor, but Christian assured them that it won’t be necessary as he has had such experiences before. When the Alpha wouldn’t budge about the doctor thing, Riley volunteered to take Christian there.

Riley had a rough idea as to what happened to Christian and he decided it was better to stall them this way. Luckily it was Sunday, which meant that if Caleb was back by the next day, he could actually talk to him. While it seemed like their tiny ruse was working, Riley could tell that the Alpha was getting suspicious so he warned Christian that this wouldn’t work for long.


The next day in the morning Caleb finally called Christian. “Hey, you called me a lot, is everything alright? I was away with Connor and my phone ran out of battery”. Caleb informed him.

“Yeah, can you... come to Alaska”? Christian asked.

“Alaska”? Caleb scoffed. “I have a job Christian, I can’t just go to Alas..wait, you said come... are you in Alaska? Dad said you went to Hilkin Ranch. What the hell bro?” Caleb scowled at him,

“It’s a long story.. But I am pretty sure you should come here”

“Look, I have cases pending, I cannot just not tend to them. I hate to take advantage of my position. People already call me a snob because I am related to the Mayor”. Caleb grunted.

“Where are you?” Christian asked.

“I am driving back home. Connor is still asleep, but I need to head back” Caleb replied. “I really cannot go Alaska, can’t you ask any other pack member to go? How about Melanie? She is literally your beta” Caleb proposed.

“Trust me, she would be my first choice if it was up to me, but...” Christian grunted.

“I am not offended at all” Christian heard his brother murmur.

“...But, she can’t, it has to be you. It’s... related to Ashton” Christian admitted and the moment he did he heard the tired screech. “Caleb? Caleb you alright?” Chistian found himself cursing. ‘Damn it! I should have waited till he stopped driving’ Christian cussed himself.

“Dad, what’s going on? Dad?” Christian heard the little boy ask in the background.

“I am sorry, kid. The road is a bit slippery. I will be careful” Caleb coaxed his son. “Go back to sleep”.

“You are okay, right?” Connor asked Caleb.

Caleb put a hand on his cheek and smiled, “I am fine. I am sorry for scaring you buddy”.

“I am not scared! I don’t get scared” Connor insisted before he turned around and closed his eyes.

Caleb waited for a significant amount of time before he asked Christian, “What did you mean when you said, it’s about Ashton?” with hesitation he asked. Caleb was thrilled with the prospect of finding back his mate, but he was horrified by the possibility that somehow, whatever it was, proved that Ashton was dead. He wasn’t ready for the latter.

Christian took a deep breath and explained everything that happened. “I think... I think it could be Ashton because he seemed to react, subtly, but react and I think it’s possible that it’s the wolf who is in control.” Caleb was silent on the other side so Christian asked, “Caleb? You there?

“Yeah... it’s just...” Caleb’s grip on the steering wheel strengthened. “I don’t know what to believe anymore”.

“What are you talking about?” Christian whispered. “Of all people I know, you are the one who never gives up hope on finding Ashton”.

“I still haven’t given up. I am just... tired of failing to find him” Caleb sighed. “I still believe he is out there, but with every passing day, with every failed attempt, I lose hope. I believe more and more that it isn’t him anymore. That this would once more end in failure.” Caleb admitted honestly.

“Imagine how happy you would be the day when you find yourself being wrong” Christian sighed. “Caleb, even after all of us gave up you never did. No matter how many times we tried to convince you, you were adamant and stubborn. You have held on for so long, now is not the time to give up . I strongly feel this wolf is Ashton. Just come here and check it” Christian pleaded.

“Fine”! Caleb agreed after a whole minute. “Give me a few hours I will let you know the earliest I can be there”. Caleb informed him.

“That sounds about right. See ya”, and he hung up.

The next time the Alpha showed up, Christian admitted he was feeling much better. Since it was already morning, it was pointless, so the Alpha agreed to take him there this evening. According to Caleb the earliest he could reach here was midnight. Christian just hoped he would be able to convince the people not to kill this wolf, at least for the time being.

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