My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 110: Jailed

Chapter 110: Jailed

It had been almost an hour or two since Sebastian was left all alone in that empty dark cell. The space was small, with the edges roughly around 10 feet. He didn’t have much room to roam around freely, so he simply admired the crevices on the wall. It was around that time when he discovered that the door and the bars were soaked in wolfsbane. He always wondered why using wolfsbane was still legal, but then again, he hardly knew much about pack life.

The entire night was difficult as it is, and surprisingly sleep didn’t hit him so easily. The entire place was way too cold, enough to make even a wolf tremble. Somehow he didn’t have his jacket on so it just made it harder for him to save heat. He tried to work out a bit in the hopes that it would make him tired enough to fall asleep, and kill the cold a little bit. While it worked with both the heat and tired thing, sleep still refused to grace him.

Our instincts keep us from falling asleep in a new place, and in a place like this cell, it’s no wonder he was wide awake. Even though he knew that the chances of someone coming here to hurt him were quite thin, his instincts screamed otherwise. Amongst all the turmoil he finally drifted off at dawn.

Waking up he realised he had a warm quilt covering his slightly cold body as he slept in a sitting posture while leaning onto the wall. He had no idea where it came from, but he could make a guess which made him snort immediately. As for his surroundings, they were hardly any different than the last time. It was still dark, except from the peeking light from the tiny grilled window high up at the wall, as if it was there just to prevent suffocation. Sebastian was lucky he wasn’t claustrophobic or else he would not have made it through the night.

He got up, folding the quilt as nicely as he could before he peeked out of the cell. He couldn’t see anyone there and started to wonder if he was all alone in this place. A tiny growl filled the entire cell that emerged from nowhere else than his own stomach. As a wolf, diet was one of the most important part of daily life. To remain healthy, he needed at least around 3000 calories a day, way more than a regular human did.

Suddenly he heard tapping sounds coming from the wall. He wondered who made that sound, and that if it was his neighbor. “What’s going on”? He asked out loud, wishing he could be heard. The tapping paused for a moment before it continued once more. On focusing further, he realised it was morse code. Sebastian never exactly learned morse code, so it was a bit hard for him to decipher what the person was saying.

After a few more taps he was startled when a lady threw a packed, somewhat edible lunch at him through a tiny passage built right next to the door. He looked up to see a woman in her mid thirties, wearing black suit which seemed like a uniform. Her beta pheromones gave an impression of neither friend or foe. She gave him a dirty curious expression before turning around to leave. “Excuse me” Sebastian stopped her.


She turned around and looked at him suspiciously. Before he could put forward his query she spoke, “This is the best food we have, eat it without complaining” She snarled at him. Complaints about the food was pretty common, so she simply assumed that was the case as well this time.

“It’s not that...” Sebastian clarified. He cleared his throat before proceeding further. “Can you tell me what time is it”?

She was taken aback by his question, so she checked her smart watch before replying “Around noon, why”?

Sebastian wondered if the results for his blood tests were back yet. “Can you tell me who is next to me”? He questioned, pointing at the wall from where the taps were coming from.

She peeked at the next cell before she snorted. “He is trying morse code again”? Confused Sebastian nodded. “He is Harris Milton. He cannot speak so he tries different methods to communicate. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry too much about it”.

“He can’t speak”? Sebastian whispered, wondering if it was a part of the punishment given to him. As if the woman read his mind she replied.

“You are right, it is part of his punishment”. She declared. Despite the horror Sebastian felt deep inside of him he managed to retain an expressionless face. “This place is not for minor offenders like you. I am told you are yet to be proven guilty”? Sebastian’s nod clarified he statement before she proceeded further. “Pray to God that you leave this cruel place as soon as you can. Many of the prisoners do that”. She shrugged. “However, hardly anyone ever left this place alive, so I wouldn’t count on it much”. She sneered. “The reason why it’s known as ‘Black hole of Cresentile’. Good luck to you”.

“Is everyone here responsible for heinous crimes”? Sebastian asked carefully as her words slowly started to get to him, while his hope of leaving this place started to fade.

“Almost” The Lady declared with a tinge of smugness in her voice before taking her leave leaving Sebastian all alone with his horrified self. All this time he was certain that like before his innocence would be proved, except this time they had solid reasons to be suspicious of him.

A rogue Alpha, attacking the future head Alpha was not something unheard off. In fact in olden times when the pressure of blending into human society was not a primary concern, most of the times rogues overtook over a lot of packs before developing their own pack.

All these stories, these legends were a part of his bedtime stories when he was young. The way his mother depicted the world of wolves seemed magical. As if an enchanted fairytale you desperately want to be of. When he arrived here for the first time he saw first hand how wrong he was, but this time despite having no crisis at hand, he always got sucked into this mess for no apparent reason.

He was starting to consider the offer to rejoin this pack put forward by Mr Wrisberg on his invitation mail. But now, he was sure, more than ever, that he does not want to return, given he actually manages to get out of this place.

Here, he didn’t have much to do. He didn’t have his phone on him to call anyone, or just browse on the internet. Neither did he have anyone to link with ever since the death of his mate. He did regret choosing a human over a wolf. Not was it just hard to adapt, for both of them but also made it easy for others to kill her. Hardly anyone ever knew about it, given his influential figure he kept his private life a secret, which he must admit, was not an easy thing to do.

In this horrible space all those repressed memories started to resurface one by one. He kept himself busy pretty much, and even though he had dealt with her death, it was still not an easy thing to bear. The horror of finding her body drained of blood, the guilt of not being able to protect her, and the rage of all not being able to avenge her, the emotions combined one was quite a complex one to deal with.

His feelings for her were not as deep as one would expect to have for a mate, but he still cared about her. Despite being a mistake he did manage to bond with her making her death harder for him to bear. If he doesn’t manage to get out of here, he might never find out who was behind her death.

“Sebastian”! He heard a familiar loud voice calling his name so he turned around. Christian, the owner of the voice seemed a bit taken aback cleared his throat before proceeding. He held out the paper in his hand and showed it to him, “Negative for any known drug”.

“Well, it was a long shot,” Sebastian sighed.

“Got anything else to prove your innocence “? Christian meant to be snarky, but somehow his voice came out more softer than intended. Sebastian shifted his gaze from the paper to Christian’s face before he scoffed.

“Nothing that comes to my mind”. Sebastian shrugged.

“Then I guess you will be stuck here”. Christian declared. Even if his words seemed like a threat, they were instead pleading. His gut feeling told him that Sebastian was innocent, and somehow he wished too that he could be proven innocent. Seeing how Sebastian seemed to have given up he turned around to leave. His last words were, “I can transfer you to the holding cell once its available, but only if you don’t create further problems”.

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